SCPRP-USA Kufie's SA application

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Feb 19, 2023
New york, USA
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:640297473
Discord name: Luke332
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have been playing civil for a long ass time (will insert a picture of VTIME)
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: America
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Kufie 'Rogue' Kilack, "Rogue"[1121], Jacob 'Fiddlesticks' Suric (or bant)
Civilian name: (Changes so much couldn't give a straight answer)
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA.
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes i do.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- ECA (x3) Ci-b (x3/4?) UNGOC LCPL, NU7 CPL, GSD captain, 096
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have i think 3 warnings over a span of 3 years
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- I am applying for Site Advisor because I want to help make a change in the site. A change that the site has been needing.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- What makes me suitable for Site Administration is I have previous experience with leadership due to my role as a Gensec Captain. As a Gensec captain, it was my duty to ensure the safety of all personnel inside of D-block and the safety of D-class. During this time, I was leading sweeps with perfect accuracy (as good as a sweep can get). I was also talking to some of the other captains as well as vaguely in contact with the CoS to see what we could improve upon. I and some of my other captains would talk about what needed to be worked on as a whole regarding our leadership duties. Changed up a few things and finalized some tweaks here and there to ensure the department leadership would run as one, compared to us all going different ways. Regarding my time as an Ethics Committee Assistant, I have gained quite a few skills. Such as communication. Lack of communication can cause fatal errors to occur. As an Ethics Committee Assistant, I have talked with multiple higher-ranking foundation personnel about some of the actions/events that took place. A good regiment to name is Nu7. I have worked kind of closely with Nu7 Reg com to keep them updated on what is truly happening on a deeper level of their MTF regiment. I have held a few meetings with Major+ to discuss some of what I've seen/heard. Regarding this, some of the roleplay I've helped lead have been some small events, regarding SCP's. Guiding personnel to the end goal of the events (most of these I've unfortunately had to leave early due to IRL stuff.)
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
* Authorizing Advanced Armory
* Authorizing KOS on D-class Pair Airlock when needed
* Assist departments
* Work with GOI's Such as GOC
* Authorizing GOI Raids if needed
* Signing Work Permits
* Enforcing FLC, COC, COE
* Approving and Denying testing

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

It was a normal day at the Foundation for Ethics Assistant Kufie 'Rogue' Kilack. Not a single worry in his mind, or in his way. As he was on his way to do his daily patrol of the site, a researcher called him over. Not knowing what it was regarding, Kufie went over. The researcher was asking about doing a 106 sampling. Kufie, following the guidelines asked to see his documentation. Which the researcher failed to provide. But stated that he wanted it so he could use it for "Chemical Mixtures". Kufie informed him to get his documentation together. Kufie continued on his way to his favorite part of the site. D-block. A riot was on the edge of spilling out. Things got risky very quickly. A D-class managed to make it out of the airlock system. Taking Kufie as a hostage. Demanding that he be let go, to ensure the safety of the Ethics assistant, Foundation personnel promised him whatever he wanted. As long as he let the Ethics Assistant go. The D-Class was hesitant but quickly let the Assistant go. To which the D-class was then terminated. Kufie, a little worried, moved to the 2nd floor of D-block to keep an eye on what was truly going on behind the scenes. As memories of his Gensec days rushed through his mind, he collapsed. Luckily, a Sr. Doctor saw the event happen. When Kufie awoke, he was in the medical bed. With an IV drip. Kufie asked the doctor what happened to him. The doctor explained that he collapsed and to ensure he was hydrated, they put Kufie on an IV drip. The next morning, Kufie went for his daily patrol, Making his way through the research wing, Medbay, and finally D-block. As Kufie was about to insert his Clearance 4 card, the intercom roared to life.
* Kufie Kilack please report to Site Administration Offices ASAP.*

Kufie, in a daze quickly made his way to offices. Worried he had done something wrong. He ended up in front of The Site Director.
The Site Director gestured for him to have a seat.

SD: 'Kufie. Do you know why you have been called here?'

Kufie: 'No sir, I do not.'

SD: 'Kufie, you are someone we have been watching for a long time'

Kufie: 'Im sorry sir, Watching?'
SD: 'Yes Kufie. But you have finally caught my eye. And with the transfer of our Site manager, I'd like to offer you the position of Site Advisor.'

Kufie: 'Id be glad to take it, sir.'
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I remember a time when SA was relatively hard to get due to Senior CL4 experience pretty much being a requirement. This bar has become lower and lower with every new Site Director.

Nothing against you as a person, but you have done literally nothing noteworthy in any of your positions and just main ECA. At least do some LARP or get Sr. CL4 experience, then I will give you my support. I'm tired of seeing unqualified Site Advisors in SA. Realistically you'd prob just use SA as a position to get you to site command (ethics) instead of actually doing anything "good" while in SA (like most site advisors do).

Good luck.
Nov 16, 2024
+/- Support

- Great guy, active, kind, helpful, responsive, good mod
- No Sr CL4 experience, Minimal if any RP

Kufie, you're awesome dude. But I am unsure if you have done any roleplay past the responsibility of your job description. If you could give some examples of projects you've assisted with or created and some RP you have initiated that demonstrates what you could achieve as SA, I will change this to a +Support in a heartbeat
Feb 19, 2023
New york, USA
I remember a time when SA was relatively hard to get due to Senior CL4 experience pretty much being a requirement. This bar has become lower and lower with every new Site Director.
I remember these days aswell, but as we all know, things change.

Nothing against you as a person, but you have done literally nothing noteworthy in any of your positions and just main ECA. At least do some LARP or get Sr. CL4 experience, then I will give you my support. I'm tired of seeing unqualified Site Advisors in SA. Realistically you'd prob just use SA as a position to get you to site command (ethics) instead of actually doing anything "good" while in SA (like most site advisors do).

Good luck.
Your right i do main ECA. I wont deny it. And i may not have done anything "major" i have still given input to different departments. Nu7 was one i worked closely with for quite a while. I still have my document on what could be improved with Nu7. And ive had talks with the old commander about it. I am not sure how far any of those have gone as i have not interacted with Nu7 in quite a while. But i have seen improvements sense then. And regarding "Just going to use it to gain a spot in Site Command" Well yes Ethics is my end goal, I don't plan on only using Site Administration for that. I am a well know ECA. As an ECA i cannot do a whole lot. I can assist here and there but that's about it. I am applying for site administration to help make useful changes to the site. Help make each department stand out. Improve on alot of different things. Not just as a "stepping stone".

Thank you, Kufie.
Nov 16, 2024
I remember these days aswell, but as we all know, things change.

Your right i do main ECA. I wont deny it. And i may not have done anything "major" i have still given input to different departments. Nu7 was one i worked closely with for quite a while. I still have my document on what could be improved with Nu7. And ive had talks with the old commander about it. I am not sure how far any of those have gone as i have not interacted with Nu7 in quite a while. But i have seen improvements sense then. And regarding "Just going to use it to gain a spot in Site Command" Well yes Ethics is my end goal, I don't plan on only using Site Administration for that. I am a well know ECA. As an ECA i cannot do a whole lot. I can assist here and there but that's about it. I am applying for site administration to help make useful changes to the site. Help make each department stand out. Improve on alot of different things. Not just as a "stepping stone".

Thank you, Kufie.
Changing to
+ Support

I want to see what you can do given more responsibility and chance to create RP and while SA isn't the place to practice that, I do believe that you hold the potential


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 11, 2024
A message has been received from the Site-65 Administrative Department
The Site Administration Verdict Report
REGARDING: Kufie's Site Advisor Application


Hello Kufie. First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to apply for a position in Site-65's Administrative Department. Unfortunately, Site Administration has decided to DENY your application. Feel free to reach out to any member of Site Administration if you have any questions regarding your denial. You may re-apply in two weeks.
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