Partially Accepted SCRAMBLE goggles overhaul

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Apr 4, 2023

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

A rework of how the SCRAMBLE goggles currently work


At the moment SCRAMBLEs work as a simple overlay on the screen which makes you immune to Cognitohazzards (as you can spot them and look away with 0 effect) and as a way to detect 914 users via the hume count. There is a ruling which require a reason to wear SCRAMBLEs however this is not enforced, in lore and RP not everyone would wear SCRAMBLEs 24/7 as some members currently do.
You are also unable to take SCRAMBLEs off unless you put on Night vision instead.

So I propose this change:​

> SCRAMBLEs can now be taken off, be it via command, SWEP, keypress, whatever method the Devs and content team decide works best

>SCRAMBLEs obscure the screen, such as a goggle effect that limits FOV. This is to encourage taking them off in a realistic sense as no one wants to keep vision limiting goggles on unless needed.

>> Adding on to this, they could also have a limited battery life, e.g. 30mins before they are unequipped forcefully due to loss of power. However this may serve as an annoyance but would help combat people keeping SCRAMBLEs on them at all times.

>A more visual model for SCRAMBLEs are added to show if someone has them on, like how the gas mask model works

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

I can only find two suggestions related to scrambles, neither change them like this.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

> More realistic SCRAMBLE usage compared to current standards
> The ability to take off SCRAMBLEs
> 914 users aren't called out by random people who have SCRAMBLEs on for no reason, giving them a fairer chance to successfully blend in
> The "rule" about SCRAMBLE usage can be much more easily enforced or moved fully IC as SCRAMBLE usage is now visible and can be classed as Misuse
>096 breaches can occur easier, this is due to SCRAMBLE users finding his picture and destroying it, when at the time they'd have no reason to wear SCRAMBLEs.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

>Harder combat while wearing SCRAMBLEs due to the vision effect suggested above
>A battery life may require E-11 to constantly go to an armoury to get more SCRAMBLEs once theirs dies
>May be harder to detect 914 users
>More 096 breaches.
>And of course, this may require decent development time. As I'm unsure if a similar system exists.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I believe this suggestion should be accepted to allow for more realistic SCRAMBLE usage. As in no SCP site would staff wear scrambles 24/7 and experience no discomfort. And I believe it would make SCRAMBLEs more balanced, especially for 096 players.
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Suggestion Partially Approved

Hi @Charles "Ze" Whittme ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to partially accept your suggestion for the following reasons.

1. Accepted, a method to remove the headset will be added.

2. Denied, we do not wish to inhibit the effectiveness of combative units when they are forced to be wearing SCRAMBLE headsets.

3. Denied, although this did cause great discussion within the content team. The primary reason is that it is already FailRP for players to wear them outside of when they have a valid reason to do so and therefor a gameplay mechanic may only cause potential interference when players are required to wear them for an extended time. The issue is that sometimes the model does not show up and therefor it may not be possible for staff to easily identify who is wearing them without a valid reason which nicely brings us onto your final suggestion.

4. Accepted, the models should always display however we know that often they do not show up on players. We will have this investigated by developers to fix the issue. This would also allow you to enforce misuse of them IC more effectively.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as partially accepted.​
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