SCRP-UK Ben Satchelman's Medical Consultant Application

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Well-known Member
May 26, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:453410943
Discord name: satchelman
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since approx May 3rd 2023
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Sweden
Time zone: BST+1
Character name(s): Ben 'Satchelman'
Civilian name: Ben Satchelman
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes, I use it daily both ingame and in TeamSpeak
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF E-11 CPL (held), CI-A, 096 Whitelist.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 2 Warns for FailRP (Cuffing 106 XD, Engaging combat as Thaumatologist)
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant? I really enjoy playing as a medical personnel, Especially as a Psychiatrist. I really like helping new players both medics and non medics and I feel like I would be able to help new medics even further if I were to get accepted as a Consultant.
What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?: I play almost daily as a Psychiatrist and would bring lots of activity to the department especially due to all of our time zone differences (My sleep schedule is very bad) I feel like I am a very helpful person whenever I try to be one, I have lots of knowledge on how the medical department is run and how all of it's jobs work.
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice: (As a Psychiatrist main I have to go with Health Check ups) You greet the patient at the reception OR have them called to your office (Evaluation Room) When entering the Evaluation Room you would ask the patient to have a seat by the desk. You start with asking for their Name, Age and the reason behind the Appointment. When that information has been given you proceed to follow the given Evaluation format for that scenario which takes roughly 10 minutes. At the end of the session you write down some extra notes you may have noticed during the evaluation, Following that is the Conclusive Statement which is basically where you rate their Mental and/or Physical wellbeing before printing the document out and delivering it up to the patient's bunks (Nu7, E-11, GsD and ISD) or publish it onto the SCIPNET (SCP check ups)
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?: The job of a Medical Consultant is to be a sort of guide or person for less experienced medics to turn to when they have questions or is in need of other help. Consultants host medical lectures to get more licensed doctors into the department (Support Level 10 Trainees) They are also there to help look at medical notes made during "surgeries" and other medical procedures such as Psych Evals. A part of their job is indeed to add more doctors to the team but sometimes they do in fact have to FIRE very disobedient doctors (job ban)
Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

It was a regular day on site65 when Ben woke up from a good night's sleep, As soon as he got up he got himself dressed and ready for work. Thinking it was a regular day on the site Ben decided to go straight out to the reception in hopes of seeing Consultant Pyrite but to no luck he did not find a single medic at the reception. Not thinking much about the previous event he decided to go grab a snack from the vending machine located just 5 steps from the desk Not realising this was a great mistake... Ben inserted $1 bill and pressed the button to get his favourite iced coffee, Ben went back to the desk and took a sip of the coffee noticing a strange unidentifiable taste.

*10 Minutes Later*

Ben had just passed out in the chair and that's when 3 Alpha 1s showed up and carried him all the way up to Floor 3. Ben woke up with 2 Omega 1s standing around him with their ARXs on safety. After a short and important talk Ben had been informed that the Chief Overseer 'The Nihilist' had been experiencing some form of mentally deranged behaviour for the past 2 days. After being told by multiple consultants that Ben was a great Psychiatrist they decided it would be a great opportunity to have him show his skills through the toughest of tests imaginable.

Ben entered the Overseer meeting room and took a seat on the opposite side of 'The Nihilist' and began to ask some routine questions about their Name, Age and how long they had experienced that change in behaviour. After no response to the Name and Age questions 'The Nihilist' said that he had been feeling different for roughly 6 days but it had only gotten worse after 4. Ben proceeded asking questions about how their mood has been today and yesterday which the Chief Overseer responded with Extremely Annoyed to just the smallest of things such as misplaced documents and laziness from the foundation staff. Ben attempted to ask another question regarding if they had experienced any form of traumatic events but was interrupted mid sentence by an O-1 busting through the door yelling that the Chaos Insurgency was breaching Floor 3. Shots were fired everywhere and as Ben and the Chief Overseer was brought into a secure room by an O-1 member the Chief Overseer was shot in both his right forearm an thigh. Ben and The Chief Overseer was put in a safe room with an O-1 Guarding the door from potential breaches, Knowing Ben was the only licensed medic he reached for his field kit that's usually located on the back of his belt but only felt an empty slot. Knowing the field kit had most likely been dropped during the escape to the room he rushed out of the room and grabbed the field kit but was unfortunately shot in the abdomen during the shootout. Ben managed to escape back to the saferoom without further injuries and sat down next to The Nihilist. Ben proceeded to take out a syringe of sedatives that only lasts 1 person. Ben injected the sedatives into The Nihilist's upper arm and grabbed a set of tweezers to free the bullets from his body. With great success and the firefight over he stitched the chief overseer's wounds and right when he was done Ben started feeling very dizzy and passed out due to the major blood loss from his own wound.

*1 day later*

Ben woke up in medbay after a long but successful surgery and blood transfusion. Around Ben were the Director of Medicine and his Consultants Pyrite and 'Raccoon' all congratulating him for his brave actions on Floor 3 and that they would love to offer him a spot as a Medical Consultant...

(First time ever doing Lore so apologies for grammar and very weird story)

Calvin Lucien

Active member
May 30, 2023
Support +
  • Lots of good interactions.
  • Knows the role.
  • Application is ok (could be better)
  • Good lore.
  • Lots of experience as psychiatrist (medical personnel)
Great choice for medical consultant.
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