Denied Secondary IA Office

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove?
Adds a second IA Office (just one room) to the interrogation area.

- Would have the desk removed and the computer, printer, filing cabinets, and corkboards moved into the new secondary office.
- Adds a new spawnpoint for IA.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Whenever IA is desperately needed they could spawn in the secondary office branched off from Interro and be at someone's service on the dot.
- In reference to my previous interro QoL suggestion, you could put dispensers in here.
- You can get rid of that ugly desk with the computer and instead make something so much cleaner in this breakroom. You could also probably put a window in the wall facing the existing desk for people to report things to those in the office.
- IA could use this area as a temporary placement for arrest reports and the likes without worrying about people going through the cabinets.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Some level 3s could just walk in (Good way to counter this would be putting a coded level 3 door).

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think this should be accepted as it'd add so much more RP to the interro area, more RP for arrests, and just more RP for internal affairs having a little nook where they can more properly receive complaints, spawn in to be right in the action, and such.
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i do like this idea, honestly - obviously ignoring the thing about the US-only permaprops, and as nice and pretty as interro is right now, it's always felt lacking. like what i said in a prior suggestion about where you just bring people in and then process them just right after the door, where anyone can barge in, which yes, is conducive to RP, except when it's minges. you guys heard of thaumatologists? anyway, i think it could stand to benefit from a secondary room. or maybe that first bit of interro IS the secondary room, just move the door to get into this new room instead. although that then impacts stuff like CI/GOC rascue raids, etc.

that being said, there's limited map space that developers are allowed to do anything with (because filesize constraints, etc.) so really it's up to whether this eating ino that, compared to what it would provide, would be worthwhile.

+Moderate Support


Well-known Member
Jul 10, 2023
Would like that office to serve as a secondary spawnpoint for IA
Maybe add a small windows in that room so you can hand off whatever documents you need to the person on the other side? Work permits or something?
No arresting NPC on F3 so its kinda hard to arrest someone for 30 mins
...why are ISD arresting people? usually on UK if ISD are processing someone, they either get Class A'd or die ?

that being said, ISD do have access to the arrest functions on the NPC so there's probably a reason for it

i just can't see a reason why ISD would use them though
...why are ISD arresting people? usually on UK if ISD are processing someone, they either get Class A'd or die ?

that being said, ISD do have access to the arrest functions on the NPC so there's probably a reason for it

i just can't see a reason why ISD would use them though
if no IA on site we are able to arrest people for CoC or CoE violations, Just because someone uses the hole in the wall doesn't mean we gun them down
You mean CPC? A checkpoint in and out of PW? or Do yo umean the IA offices. Which this post specifically mentions a place to be like, A place to talk without having to leave and go to PW.
I meant PW, just seems kinda unnecessary, especially when the IA TS exist and is basically barren, why not use that for a private conversation? Unless they removed it idk.

Also seems unnecessary use of map helper's time especially when there's plenty of areas in need of a rework (NU-7/E-11 bunks in SS, CI base, surface overall, foundation's fenced area, Garage for a DEA or NU-7 bunks, floor 2, EZ, LCZ Delta, etc.) That are all arguably more necessary for their own reasons, be it combat balancing or just overall getting unused because of how they're built, VS IA area that just got remade for a rarer situation.

But at the end of the day it IS up to map helpers to decide which area they deem in need of remodel.
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