security captain application (uk)

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Jan 17, 2025
Steam ID:
Steam ID: 76561199810961274

Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:


Character name(s):
Taco Baker

Civilian name:
Taco Bater

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
GENSEC SGT (holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
no kicks/bans or warnings i am just that good.

Why are you applying for Security Captain?

I believe i can push the GENSEC team to new boundary's such as a safer environment in the d-block area for other team members or site staff.

I believe safety comes first so ill all ways take action if others around me are in harms way.

Over the last week or two i have noticed that cadets/guards do not understand what to do when faced with a challenge so they need a good role model to be shown the way and i feel i can do that for them.

I want to make everyone feel safe when they come to d-block.

To give GENSEC a good name because my experience with other players towards GENSEC is that they want to be MTF or ISD because its more fun or active around the facility but they don't realise can do that here at GENSEC

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?

Leadership it plays a massive role and i can do that when my team needs me i can complete the task at hand.
If they is a problem between GENSEC member's i can try my best to smooth it out.

Being able to help and control dangerous situations.

Being there when my team needs me.

I am Faith full to my GENSEC team.

If i am given a order i will comply.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?

making sure everyone is safe

conducting sweeps when needed

teaching cadets and guards the way of

enforcing the rules when needed

helping with training such as HWL/RCL

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what story lines they would be involved in:

served in the royal marines marines about 6 years deployed 3 times in the Afghanistan war watch my comrades burn and blow up right in front of me i sometimes question if it was worth it but i see now it was because i can protect the world even if no one knows its fine because i have more of a purpose then i ever did. Even if i stay as GENSEC SGT that fine because i can protect the people i care about.

thank you for this opportunity
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Well-known Member
May 11, 2024
Dear @tacobater65

I regret to inform you that, after careful consideration of your application, and your qualifications, we are unable to accept your application for the role of Security Captain at this time.

We appreciate your interest in wanting to become a Security Captain and join our team. While this might throw you off, or discourage you, we do not want to see that from you, and we instead want you to continue pursuing your goals, and achieving significant progress to demonstrate that you would be of great interest for this position, and that you would be a great Security Captain, if you were to be given a chance again. With this, we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.


- Vetkoek

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