Security Captain Application

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Dec 7, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:583530339

Discord name: Florenzo#0324

For how long have you played on CG SCP: About 5 weeks

Age:13 almost 14

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: MST

Character name(s): Florenzo Fred

Civilian name: Florenzo

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- I don't have had any whitelists jobs

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
-I have been on the security team for a while and I want to move up in life by being a security captain. I have also wanted to help the cadets out because they sometimes don't do their job right and I would like to teach them. I also like helping out the security team with what to do.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- I have been on the security team for a while and I think I'm mature enough to lead a group of people. I am great at giving commands to others when needed.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- My responsibilities as a Security Captain are to watch over the security team to make sure everyone is doing their jobs you answer questions that the security team has, and you will start sweeps and patrol's when needed to. To show leadership to the other security team
and will start tryouts and help then succeed.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
-Florenzo was a 14-year-old, and both of his parents were on the security team protecting the people and taking care of the bad. But one day there was a big War going on both of the parents were in the war they were sadly killed by the bad people. So, then Florenzo wanted to take their place and become a captain to make sure no other deaths happen.


Active member
Oct 1, 2022
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  • Short answers
  • Not much knowledge on what a captain does
  • Mediocre lore
  • Haven't seen you helping people much
  • Hasn't led any sweeps to my knowledge
Side note: you'd make a great captain but I'd like to see you do more research and put a little more effort into the application
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"Nexus One"

Active member
Aug 7, 2022

Hello there,
This is Dpt. Chief "Nexus One" and I want to thank you for applying for this position.
I regret to inform you after your application has been Denied. As we do not feel that you are not currently ready for the position, you may re-apply in two weeks.

From the desk of Dpt. Chief Robin Trinket and Dpt. Chief "Nexus One"
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