security captain UK

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Alan Froud

Well-known Member
Apr 8, 2023
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:758908755

Discord name:Blazingauto/alan froud

For how long have you played on CG SCP: i have played on the server for about 3 mounths


In what country are you located?: the united kingdom

Time zone:GMT+1

Character name(s):Alan Froud

Civilian name:Alan Froud

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP UK

Do you have a mic?:Yes, i do have a mic
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF-NU-7-hammer down
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:Yes, i have only been given warning because i was new at the time but i now know the rules.
Why are you applying for Security Captain?- because i feel like i have worked hard as a security sergeant and i have been doing a great job, even an MTF member said you are doing a good job so that is why.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:-i am good at leading people and telling them orders even answering questions if needed
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:sweeping, credits, performing hwl rrt license, make sure that d block is in order, deal with rouge cadets those are the responsibilities.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what story lines they would be involved in: met the foundation in southern UK, was ask to join and so i did after i did i went through a lot of training, where we met before i got the job in a small town in south uk was asked to join a security job, but since i was looking for a security hob at the time i took it and here i am.
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Hello Alan. I have decided to give you Neutral leaning to -Support for following reasons


-No interactions
-Unsure of maturity due to the age

-Never seen you. I dont know about your activity
-Application lacking alot of detail.

I recommend you to edit your applications before the chief will respond. Also give your application more detail. I also recommend you to be more active. Otherwise i wish you best of luck -'Heretic'
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Reactions: Illiterate


Alan although I believe you have good intentions, I think you are not yet ready to become a Captain. Your application isnt written too well, there is little to no formattng in it and there are quite a bunch of stylistic errors. Overall the app is preety short.

I can say though that you are very active on the server but I am not sure of your leadership skills or experience.

Please take more time writing your application next time as it is the key in getting accepted.

Nov 19, 2022


sorry but this seems like a rushed application to me. I feel like you are too young as well, even though i am not very active atm, i have never seen you around.
your lore is just straight up boring. I don't think you have the leader skills as captain.



Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2022

+/- Neutral leaning towards -Support

I spoke to you recently in-game, before you made this application and you asked me "The Responsibilities of a GS Captain" at which point I told you that I would not awnsers that question.

I told you, to become more active as a GS Sgt and prove to us that you are capable of taking command.

Not to be rude, but you are not capable of taking command in D-Block.

Here is a list of why I am voting

•No Bad Interactions;
•Not capable of taking command of D-Block;
•Poorly written application;


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 22, 2022

Application Denied

Dear Mr Froud,
I'm sorry to say that you're application for Security Captain has been denied. This is due to the high amount of negative support. I recommend you resolve these issues before reapplying for Security Captain. You may reapply in 2 weeks.

- Dpt. Chief 'Gladiator'
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