Partially Accepted Security Containment Unit Level changes.

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Well-known Member
Mar 5, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adjusting the current level requirements on the GenSec SCU. Currently, the job requires you to have:

An RRT License
An HWL License

Level 15 in SCP
Level 15 in Support
and an overall level of 50.

I believe that this role is gatekept far too heavily by these level restrictions and furthermore, I believe these level restrictions are confusing.

Requiring an RRT License: Don't see an issue with this necessarily.
Requiring an HWL License: SCU wields an RPK LMG and can be authed for Advanced Armory if absolutely necessary, so no issue in this requirement either.
Level 15 in SCP: I understand the level requirement, after all, you'd want those recontaining SCPs to be familiar with how they behave, but 15 is far too steep of a level cap. I'd suggest lowering it to 10.
Level 15 in Support: This one truly baffles me. I believe its because beaming and cuffing SCPs wields you Support XP? And even then, Support does not really represent the containment procedure as a whole.

To contain SCPs, you are going to either need to deal a significant amount of damage to them, which is a combative action, before beaming them, or you're going to follow an alternate recontainment procedure (Termination, Femur Breaker for 106). Combat is the primary way of dealing with SCP Breach and you GAIN Combat XP if you've dealt damage to the SCP, which is supplementing the recontainment procedure!

The current ways to earn Support XP involve doing E&TS jobs, Medical Work, and Hacking. I believe there are more but these immediately come to mind. None of these methods are relevant to SCP recontainment and hacking is how you BREACH SCPs.

I would change this requirement to being a Combat Level 20 req. This feels more relevant to the job at hand and it lines up with the GSD chain of command, seeing as how Officers and the SCU are considered equal CL3 roles.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Tried looking for it, but couldn't find anything.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Give players more access to the SCU to aid in recontainment efforts.
Would be helpful during low population hours when MTF aren't as available.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Making the job more accessible could make it so less people spend time on more relevant GSD jobs.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

The job is gated off as is, requiring two licenses and a substantial SCP level, gating it off further with support requirement is baffling. If the level caps were adjusted to favor combat a bit then we could potentially see better response to Code 5s, and a GenSec that assists in recontainment efforts, rather than relying entirely on E-11.

Aaron Hench

Well-known Member
Sep 11, 2024
Neutral, leaning to -support

- Disagree with reducing requirements. Some days, GENSEC is just lacking players, with people prioritizing to play on SCU, rather than any other GENSEC job. D-Block security should be higher priority. SCU should only exists as a means to experience what Epsilon-11 does.

+Do agree, that requiring support levels doesn't really make sense and should be changed to Combat.
SCU has a sufficiently support-like role that would warrant some level of experience diversification outside of pure combat. It's true that combat is the overwhelming majority of the roles an SCU fills, but as others have said, putting most of the requirement on the natural path to progression of a Security player will saturate the player numbers consistently on the job more than it is already.

Grunger brought up a valid point, changing to -SUPPORT
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Doug 'TrippleD'

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 19, 2024

The reason why I’m putting a -support is because the entire point of SCU is to have high level requirements so that it’s not overused. It’s got an insanely powerful gun, restraints, a shotgun and more in just its base loadout. It’s meant to be hard to obtain as it’s an alternative, more powerful E11 containment specialist.

Edit: I do agree with having the support levels change to be level 15/20 combat instead though.
SCU has a sufficiently support-like role that would warrant some level of experience diversification outside of pure combat. It's true that combat is the overwhelming majority of the roles an SCU fills, but as others have said, putting most of the requirement on the natural path to progression of a Security player will saturate the player numbers consistently on the job more than it is already.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Partially Approved

Hi @Shaunpai ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to partially accept your suggestion for the following reasons.

Reasons for Denial:
We think the job should be still scarce and not overused.

Reasons for Acceptance:
We feel the levels are bit too high and will be readjusted accordingly in the near future

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as partially accepted.​
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