Denied Self Reporting Deaths- D-Class

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Jack 123456

Active member
Apr 28, 2023
What does this suggestion change This suggestion will allow Dclass to "pickup body cam footage" of deaths. Countless sergeants have been kiling me today in airlock with no warnings at all. But I can't report it to ethics because of the new self reporting death rule. This completely gets rid of D-classes rights to ethics in most cases it is utilized.

Possible Positives of the suggestion Gives D class more ethical rights, makes unethical GenSec get caught and called out more, lets IA agents do their job more, have more fun and more RP.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion None?

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted: Prevents the common minging of gensec to go unpunished
Walking into a restricted area that specifically states on a sign that you are subject to termination & not expecting to be terminated at some point is silly.

this suggestion if implemented will just cause more Issues for Researchers & GENSEC than it already does with the constant riots at peak times, with half of GENSEC in Jail for Unethical termination & Researchers not able to do any SCP testing it will decrease RP for D-Class further & will negatively effect Research Dpt as a Whole & the GENSEC who do their job correctly will be hindered Immensely.

there already is RP potential for D-Class, yet very few engage in it, one that is accessible to everyone is Research testing.

Shade Kade

Well-known Member
Sep 20, 2022
Hello, IA Ambassador from USA here.
CCTV footage have blind spots so it is not totally effective and Admins will often rule if they have killed you inside of airlock many times it is an ETHICS issue.
People who often - support stuff like this often abuse the rule and i see it happen. "Body Cam Footage" should be useable after death due to the fact it keeps GSD in line but also lets IA be able to deal with the GSD that actually do break COE or COC.


Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2022
Fact is, they're newer players and I treat them as such. By punishing them for not knowing the Codex you will only agitate and antagonise new players of our server. If a Cadet is being unethical and you have an in RP clip of it (I.E not NLR) then I will talk to the Cadet and explain what he did wrong and how to avoid this happening in future.

However, I have to be frank. D-Class mostly minge and complain about shit, I mean. You cannot break FearRP and ignore five people with guns and get all pissy that they didn't give you the right amount of warnings. At that point I'd just tell you to fuck off before I shove my stun stick so far up your ass I'll make you truly understand what being unethical is.

Again, this is another attempt at rule bending by a D-Class main (You can't break NLR just because you're pissed off at the Cadet who killed you for running into the Airlock) D-Class shouldn't be given any advantages rule-wise over GS. It'll only make it more confusing for everyone but specially for newer players.

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Whilst I agree D-Class should have some way of standing a chance at reporting this, this isn’t the way to do it in my opinion.

It’s typical rules going against the fun of one set of players but working perfectly in favour of others.
The same old gensec free pass to murder constantly and grind the combat xp and d class just get murdered 24/7 for putting a finger nail inside airlock and not being able to do anything about it.


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
Whilst I agree D-Class should have some way of standing a chance at reporting this, this isn’t the way to do it in my opinion.

It’s typical rules going against the fun of one set of players but working perfectly in favour of others.
The same old gensec free pass to murder constantly and grind the combat xp and d class just get murdered 24/7 for putting a finger nail inside airlock and not being able to do anything about it.
dont enter the restricted airlock ever thought of that easy fix works for me

literally trying to make yourselves out to be victims and im not even a foundation main i just play CI and SCP and occassionally hop on dclass for a riot and escaping YOU ARE NOT THE VICTIM YOU SAW A SIGN SAYING DO NOT ENTER THIS RESTRICTED AIRLOCK AND ENTERED

anytime i do play GSD and decide to be ethical you know what happens i give dclass warnings in the airlock and they either A : Have a gun and try to kill me and mostly do since they get the drop on me or

B: i give them warnings to leave and the second i open the airlock another dclass runs in i give him wranings to leave and he does and second it opens another dclass runs in

dclass dont deserve sympathy if anything the gensec do dclass are not victims you chose to walk INTO A RESTRICTED CLEARENCE AIRLOCK AND WERE SHOT FOR IT also from my experience dclass are quite toxic when they dont recieve their "3 Warnings" and frequently berate and insult the gensec in OOC and i cant but feel bad for the gensec

i played B1 alot when i was a CPL and many times late at night gensec were getting mauled by dclass so i got Site admin approval to enter dblock and assist and you know what how did i help the cadets and officers i unethically murdered dclass and it kept dblock under control if i was damaged i would get a medic and i kept dblock secure of i gave no warnings at all for the purpose it was the only way as most dclass just abused the 3 warnings to murder gsd with their deagles

and anytime a dclass stepped a foot out of airlock i murdered him instantly and i kept the riot secure for over 30 minutes then dclass started getting toxic and angry in OOC after they lost their CL3 deagle and MP5 to me and then they started using slurs dclass mains its their fault they ran out of dblock and were shot with warnings ON THE SIGNS TO TELL THEM NOT TO ENTER AND THEY ARE SHOT

remember these dclass are just breaking fearp by running past the 5 armed guards completely ignoring fearp then whining when they dont recieve their 3 warnings
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dont enter the restricted airlock ever thought of that easy fix works for me

literally trying to make yourselves out to be victims and im not even a foundation main i just play CI and SCP and occassionally hop on dclass for a riot and escaping YOU ARE NOT THE VICTIM YOU SAW A SIGN SAYING DO NOT ENTER THIS RESTRICTED AIRLOCK AND ENTERED

anytime i do play GSD and decide to be ethical you know what happens i give dclass warnings in the airlock and they either A : Have a gun and try to kill me and mostly do since they get the drop on me or

B: i give them warnings to leave and the second i open the airlock another dclass runs in i give him wranings to leave and he does and second it opens another dclass runs in

dclass dont deserve sympathy if anything the gensec do dclass are not victims you chose to walk INTO A RESTRICTED CLEARENCE AIRLOCK AND WERE SHOT FOR IT also from my experience dclass are quite toxic when they dont recieve their "3 Warnings" and frequently berate and insult the gensec in OOC and i cant but feel bad for the gensec

i played B1 alot when i was a CPL and many times late at night gensec were getting mauled by dclass so i got Site admin approval to enter dblock and assist and you know what how did i help the cadets and officers i unethically murdered dclass and it kept dblock under control if i was damaged i would get a medic and i kept dblock secure of i gave no warnings at all for the purpose it was the only way as most dclass just abused the 3 warnings to murder gsd with their deagles

and anytime a dclass stepped a foot out of airlock i murdered him instantly and i kept the riot secure for over 30 minutes then dclass started getting toxic and angry in OOC after they lost their CL3 deagle and MP5 to me and then they started using slurs dclass mains its their fault they ran out of dblock and were shot with warnings ON THE SIGNS TO TELL THEM NOT TO ENTER AND THEY ARE SHOT

remember these dclass are just breaking fearp by running past the 5 armed guards completely ignoring fearp then whining when they dont recieve their 3 warnings
LOL. :eek:

And ah yes, a gensec is aiming a gun toward my direction as I’m running away, says absolutely nothing and just looks at me. FEAR RP OH MY FEAR RP
Yeah… just no.
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Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022

And ah yes, a gensec is aiming a gun toward my direction as I’m running away, says absolutely nothing and just looks at me. FEAR RP OH MY FEAR RP
Yeah… just no.
i mean you did leave a restricted area its also a IC issue if its gets so bad you can also contact a Captain OOC


Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2022
LOL. :eek:

And ah yes, a gensec is aiming a gun toward my direction as I’m running away, says absolutely nothing and just looks at me. FEAR RP OH MY FEAR RP
Yeah… just no.
All I'm hearing is a massive amount of coping


MRP War Criminal
Oct 10, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Jack 123456,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. While you cannot state it's yourself, you can RP it as you being someone else. For example, presenting the evidence as a third party is the proper way of doing so, by stating "I picked up this bodycam footage off of a dead D-Class that was unethically terminated," etc.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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