Denied Senior Assistant Role [USA]

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Mar 4, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This suggestion will add a new 2-slot Junior CL.4 position for SA which will be a Senior Assistant position that will be placed above normal assistants on the Chain of Command. This would not be a role you apply for the O5 members would decide who would be promoted to Senior

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- right now, with so many assistants the O5 are feeling stretched thin with having to make orders for all the assistants and all the A1 this position would allow this workload to be taken off them a little bit

- The Senior Assistant would be making the orders for Junior Assistants after having meetings or getting Suggestions from what the O5 members want

- They would also be receiving their own orders which would be larger more difficult orders that the O5 need done

- They would help with decision-making with Assistant Applications

- It would provide a better goal for junior assistants to want to reach making their work higher quality

- Shadow OA`s and hold lectures to try and improve assistants

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- if a person with Senior Assistant Role becomes inactive without reason it would affect the O5 members because they would have to pick up the slack
- it could start some drama in the assistant's regiment

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I spoke with my respective O5 members to see what they would think about the role and they said they would be ok with it as it would allow for a little bit of their responsibilities to be lightened a little bit. It would also make a new goal for the assistants to reach as this would be a competitive position due to not being able to apply for it but having to be chosen for it. Overall I think this suggestion should be approved because it would help the O5 and because it would drive all the assistants to be more initiative and have a higher quality of work
Feb 24, 2023
This suggestion is pointless. While you may have good intentions, this is literally just pseudo-site command for those who don't want to apply for site command. This takes duties from O5/ECMs, and if I am going to be completely honest if you're not happy with the current amount of orders issued by O5/ECMs then you need to discuss that, and as well, at least in my perspective as an ECM, all suggestions are welcome.
This is entirely not needed.
- Support


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 16, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Thorn ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion.

The reason the content team has decided to deny this is because the job you are describing is Site Command, specifically the O5 Council.

Kind regards
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