"Sicario"s Intel Ambassador App

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:55986908

Discord name: Chad1#9135

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 28 days and 13 hours.

Age: 16.

In what country are you located?: USA.

Time zone: MT Time.

Character name(s): "Sicario" , Chad , and Jebadiah.

Civilian name:
Gilbert Giles.

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: CI DELCOM, CI-B (UK), B-1 LT, Nu7 LCPL and UNGOC SPC.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Toxicity, Fear RP and a Mass RDM ban which was reduced to 1 day.

Why are you applying for Intelligence Ambassador?
I've found that surface roleplay is a actual passion for me. As I'm frequent player on this server, especially when it comes to working with other GOIs like CI, GOC, and other event-based organizations. This specific type of roleplay has become to be my favorite and Intel piqued my curiosity about how the Intelligence division functions. I'm excited to apply for the position of intelligence ambassador because of this. I would gain priceless experience from being a member of this department, as well as a deeper comprehension of intelligence operations. In addition, I am eager to lend the department my leadership abilities and assist in guiding it to success. The release of DEA and the potential prospects it may present are something I am keenly anticipating. I want to use this position to continue honing my surface operations experience.

What makes you suitable for Intelligence Ambassador?:
I am qualified for the position of Intelligence Ambassador thanks to my significant amount of experience on this server and other servers of a similar concept. I have a thorough understanding of how the MC&D and GOIs work, which will be a plus in my role. Whether it be through document work or another method, I am convinced that I can help raise the activity inside of the intelligence department and organize it's general infrastructure. I am skilled at document work which it's both clear and well made, which is crucial for enhancing departmental communication amongst it's members. Additionally, I've improved my PVP and role playing abilities, which will let me respond competently to difficult circumstances which I can adapt very easily. I'm ready to use my knowledge and abilities to help with the success of the intelligence department and give back to the department.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: I have written a good amount of documents as a researcher.
I learned a lot about documents on this server through incident reports for the GOC while I was in Beta-1, particularly during their raids on the Foundation. In addition, I have helped prepare documentation that would aid new players in joining CI, which is another way I have made documents.

What are the responsibilities of the Intelligence Ambassador in RP?:
As an Intelligence Ambassador, my role would involve a variety of responsibilities on the server. Firstly, I would be tasked with leading the Intelligenand Department on missions and ensuring that false information is effectively spread amongst the civilians during their info breaches. Which is a key tactic in ensuring the success of hiding the truth from civilians. Another important responsibility would be to evaluate MC&Ds and grant them permits if they meet the necessary criteria and demonstrate good conduct. Overall, I am prepared to take on these important responsibilities with dedication and diligence, and am excited at becoming a prospect of to the success of the Intelligence department.

Please give some lore about your Intelligence Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Sicario had always been a man of action. His years in the DEA had been marked by countless successful missions and a reputation for getting the job done, no matter the cost. But when the SCP Foundation came to him with a offer, he couldn't resist the idea of something new, something bigger. At Site 32, Sicario's skills were quickly recognized by the Foundation's Intelligence Agency. He proved to be an exceptional intel agent, capable of navigating through harsh situations and gathering vital information with ease. His experience in law enforcement had given him a unique perspective that made him a asset to the Foundation's efforts to keep the anomalous world hidden from the general public. Sicario quickly rose through the ranks, earning a promotion to Intelligence Ambassador on Site 32. His success there led to a transfer to Site 56, where he continued to thrive. He became known for his cool demeanor while being under pressure, his ability to quickly adapt to situations, and his dedication to the Foundation's mission. After all of this, Sicario continued to excel in his role. Where he continued to thrive in the Foundation's Intelligence Agency to this day.
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Well-known Member
Nov 8, 2022
This man was in b1 and his app looks really good
Jul 16, 2022

thank you for taking the time to make an application, due to your recent activity and overall interest and wanting to see the department in a better place. we have come to the conclusion that you are fit for the position.

Contact an admin+ in game to receive your whitelist.
and contact me over Teamspeak or discord Waltah#0797 so i can get you sorted with everything that you will need​

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