"Simply" consultant application [USA}

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Well-known Member
Dec 19, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:233475213
Discord name: Simplywolf
For how long have you played on CG SCP: over one year
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): “Simply”
Civilian name: “watcher”
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):[USA]
Do you have a mic?:
  • yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • Consultant, not whitelisted but Relevant to the jon HH-3 COM/ORG
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
  • no
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
  • The biggest part for applying for Consultant is due to the fact that I enjoy Medical. I've been part of the medical team for my entire time on the server, getting a lot of respect within the medical field. I did a good job of improving relationships with other MTF and staff while I was consultant and also commander of HH-3. I then took a short break to deal with some in real life issues and felt that when I came back those relationships had been broken while I was gone. I hope that I can improve those relationships with the people I worked with beforehand as Consultant and improve how people view Medical and how medical views themselves.
What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
-I've played nothing but medical jobs during my entire time on the server. I put my heart and soul into helping Medical or helping the people within Medical. I am very well known within the medical Department and even outside of the medical Department with good reputations all across the site. I've had ups and downs as I'm not perfect but my high points are a lot better then my downfalls. I'm an extremely competent Commander, with a lot of roleplay experience that shows throughout all my actions within the server. I have been around level fours and have been a consultant beforehand and I'm very aware of how the job should run and what I should be doing with it. I feel like I will also bring a big confidence boost to the medical Department in general, due to the way that my character is played. I'm never afraid to make bold moves that are calculated well, That should hopefully push Medical into a good direction. I'm very confident with my abilities and if I think something needs to be done I'm not afraid to back down from a fight but I also know when to admit defeat or wrongdoing. I'm neither a mean person or an overly nice person, I hold everybody to the same rules and don't take sarcasm or excuses with a fair judgment no matter the person whether it be new or old into the medical team.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
  • To perform EST one of the first tasks is to determine whether electroshock therapy is really the necessary option, some things that may seem like they need EST but do not include insanity, blindness, and general sickness. If a patient is feeling sick please put them on the scanner and scan them for sickness and give them the proper medicine- to find the proper medicine please consult the chemical handbook. If EST is determined necessary please first ask for auditorial consent, in the case that they are a mute or a person lacking the ability to give consent please have them sign a document of consent.Once consent has been given, instruct them to lay down on the EST machine and place their head Within the Box. press the button labeled charge machine and press go, after about 30 seconds you will hear a loud shock from the machine at that point please declare to the patient to not go into the light. if all has gone well the patient should feel a large shock and a slight twitch but otherwise should be feeling a lot better.
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
  • In becoming a consultant you pick up a lot of responsibilities, one of the main responsibilities being a leading member of the medical Department. From here forward you must set a good example for all medical staff and medical personnel. If a trainee is in need of medical training to get their medical license this is your number one job. Below is a list of some of the other jobs that a medical consultant can pick up.
  • writing documents for Medical Department
  • doing Simple training for all Medical Department
  • Consulting people of their medical rights and their medical needs
  • becoming the care Guardian of somebody who cannot make decisions for themselves
  • overriding certain procedures that would normally need consent
  • operating on High level Foundation members
  • handing out warnings and punishments for medical departments
  • helping lead an organization or being an Outreach to other departments
Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
The campaign

Simply would walk up onto the stage, his boots making a slight thudding sound as he stepped across the wooden floors. The hollow air under the small stage making the boots thud like a bass drum as he walked to the center and picked up the microphone.

Simply: I would like to thank you all for coming here on short notice to hear me campaign for the Consultant role. It means a whole lot to me that you showed up.

He was still in his combat gear, his usually black suit and helmet with red glowing stripes through it that pulsed slowly. He had his riot shield on his back along with an old harpoon and his gun, his shield a bit beaten up after years of use, made of the same glowing stone as his helmet. He had a bit of dust on his pants and knees, along with a bit of black gunpowder around his hands from the recent riot that he had responded to.

Simply: for those of you who don't know me, my code name is “Simply” it's the only name I have gone by since I have gotten to the foundation, I unfortunately don't really have memory of my real name due to a bad brain injury from SCP-860-2 on my first day of the job.

He said as he took off his helmet, placing it to the side of the microphone with a loud thump. He had a large scar going across half of his skull that was slightly indented, no air growing where the scar was and the only hair that he had was short cut.

Simply: as you can see the injury was quite bad, but unfortunately I was not authorized for SCP 500 On account of not being high enough level and deemed “important enough” so instead I was transferred into surgery which went successful, but unfortunately ended up getting an infection that spread to my brain a week later. I was left deformed and ugly looking just for not being important enough. I joined medical and Rose through the ranks in hopes of changing this and giving everybody fair treatment. Vote for somebody who you can trust vote for somebody who's been through the hardship before, vote for change vote for confidence vote for simply

With each point he rattled off he would bang a fist on the podium, his eyes watering a bit and his voice quivering a bit. It's clear that this was a tough subject for him and that he was truly passionate about this. The more he spoke the more his helmet and riot shield would glow, getting more intense the more emotional he got. He would then pick up his helmet, a clear ring of slightly burnt wood being left where it once sat, but he paid no attention to it as he put on the helmet and left the stage in a bit of an embarrassed walk of shame.

Passing down the suit

You had been called into the DOM office by the semi new Consultant “Simply”. You knocked on the door with the tip of your gun, looking through the window at him. You had known Simply for what felt like an absolute lifetime, serving by his side for a long time. Something has seemed to change about him, his mood seemed a bit different and he spoke like he was always kind of in a rush to do something. His hair has turned a bit gray in his time as the Consultant. You would see him get up from the desk where he was writing something down to come over the door to answer it.

You: hey you called for me?

Simply: yes please come have a seat, I have a very important thing to talk to you about.

As you sit down you would see simply go take a seat, quickly putting away some of the documents he had been working on and looking at you. You can see his piercing eyes studying you. You could almost see the gears working inside his head.

Simply: listen I just have a few questions for you, please answer them honestly and within 5 seconds after I've asked them. I want your first reactions and nothing else.

[Due to confidentiality parts of the audio have been edited and removed if you think this is a mistake please contact [Error] about the problem]

[This is a LVL5 recovered security footage please scan key cards and biometrics]

Simply: what would you do if I told you to cuff another medic


Simply: and what about it I told you to shoot them


Simply: and if I told you to shoot a consultant would you do the same?


Simply: now what if I told you to spy on another LVL4?


Simply: would you say your little key lies within the foundation, or with the medical department?

(This has two possibilities please choose good ending or bad ending ^~^

Simply: good, good, I'm very happy with your answers, I have a very interesting job for you to do. If you remember, I used to have a special suit made of stone. I want you to have that and become my personal guard, take the suit as a token of gratitude and a sign of loyalty.

As he said this he would open a locker showing off the oh so familiar suit and riot shield, the locker glowing a slight red hue and simply looking at it with a longing look. As you approached the suit you could feel something in the back of your head, almost like a tendril pushing up against the back of your neck. You picked up the helmet and put it on as simply smiled. Your vision goes a bit black as you suddenly pass out and fall forward ..

Simply: and so the suit will carry on it's legacy

Is the last thing you heard before falling over

Simply: I'm sorry but I don't think you quite have what I'm looking for. Now due to this umm sensitivity of this matter I'm unfortunately not going to be able to let you leave with the information you just heard.

He would say with a slightly darker tone of voice, his eyes looking at you and glancing over you. You knew this was wrong, something was not right about what just happened. You felt your hand instinctively move towards your hip. But before you can even think simply would pull out a tranq gun and shoot you in the neck. Your head spinning as you watched him come over with a small vile and a needle as you blacked out.

(Thank you for looking at my application please do not mind any spelling mistakes due to dyslexia!)

Thomas Goldblood

Active member
Jul 13, 2023
- Was HH-3's Commander when I joined HH-3.
- Was a consultant previously though his tenure was abruptly cut short by outside influences.
- Very talented with rp situations and I would be so happy to work alongside him once more.
- He's the King of D-Block.


Active member
Apr 21, 2023
The department thanks you for your time and interest in applying for the position of Medical Consultant.

After discussion with my team, I am pleased to inform you that this application has been Accepted. You will now undergo a standard trial period of Two Weeks.

Please contact me via email (Discord) to set up your training
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