Denied Site Administration CCTV Area/Room

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add a CCTV Area/Room inside of Site Admin offices.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't believe so.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-Site Admin can better overlook all of the Site through CCTV
-Site Admin/Ethics don't have to go all the way to Floor 3 to look over CCTV in all the site.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Can't think of any.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It just makes sense for SA to have a good way of overlooking all of Site Operations without having to go to F3. Site Administration is supposed to be the department overlooking the Site, it just makes sense to give us the means to do so.
Other than benefitting us, it can be utilised by Ethics being stationed nearby, allowing them to have a way to also overlook Site Operations without going to F3.
i get that this is desired for convenience, but most people will agree that the lag situation is bad as is and the reason that there is hesitancy to do anything with the camera systems, especially adding any - is because these are not very performant. we already have five; the FL3 whole-site cctv area, the LCZ cctv area, the HCZ cctv area, the one singular screen before HCZ primary and the one in CI base for their camera

so for performance reasons, i don't think we will be seeing cctv additions anytime soon; there's also the sorta minor thing of this detracting RP from O5/A-1 if a resource unique to them is no longer unique to them, but that's like a whole balance thing that can be reasonably worked out

what you could do instead, is try and get LCZ cctv altered such that if you access it with a CL4 card or higher, it gives access to both LCZ & HCZ cams. i think that would reasonably fulfil your need for a cctv area accessible by SA & ethics, which would overlook pretty much all the site without adding a new cctv system - this would also add use and RP to a largely underutilised area of the map
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i get that this is desired for convenience, but most people will agree that the lag situation is bad as is and the reason that there is hesitancy to do anything with the camera systems, especially adding any - is because these are not very performant. we already have five; the FL3 whole-site cctv area, the LCZ cctv area, the HCZ cctv area, the one singular screen before HCZ primary and the one in CI base for their camera

so for performance reasons, i don't think we will be seeing cctv additions anytime soon; there's also the sorta minor thing of this detracting RP from O5/A-1 if a resource unique to them is no longer unique to them, but that's like a whole balance thing that can be reasonably worked out

what you could do instead, is try and get LCZ cctv altered such that if you access it with a CL4 card or higher, it gives access to both LCZ & HCZ cams. i think that would reasonably fulfil your need for a cctv area accessible by SA & ethics, which would overlook pretty much all the site without adding a new cctv system - this would also add use and RP to a largely underutilised area of the map
It doesn't make sense for the department that manages the site to not have CCTV, it seems like the issue is more about performance than it is about the content itself
It doesn't make sense for the department that manages the site to not have CCTV, it seems like the issue is more about performance than it is about the content itself
i get that, but there can't really be any content if the game's running at like 15 seconds a frame. i would recommend going for the solution i proposed, that's probably more viable
I am happy to have any of the two, but it seems as US already has it while we dont.
not only does US have better server hardware, but their playerbase also complains about lag issues

fun fact, my understanding of the CCTV systems (and you can check this too in the Q menu as the category for the CCTV objects should be visible to everyone) leads me to believe that each... i want to say individual screen, is an entity? maybe the case is that each console is an entity, i could probably just very quickly confirm which way around this is with /spectate and will do so the next time i am on the server EDIT: each CCTV console (with the 7 screens) appears to be 3 entities, but my point being is that, again - we do not want excessive entities on the server that we don't need. in fact, i'd imagine staff would very much appreciate if you could find a way to reduce the current entity count.

i mean i guess you could try to argue that this is a US/UK 1:1 content issue but i believe this comes under permaprop stuff which doesn't count for that
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If it's a performance issue, sure then deny it, but other than that SA is the department that runs the site and going up to F3 is not exactly ideal. LCZ CCTV do not provide coverage over all of the site, which we require during emergencies, all we are asking for is 1 screen lol.

Me when Site Command, who oversee but not run the site, have 3 CCTV screens lol

Derek White

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Oct 12, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Aurelius "Fusilli" ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

This has been denied due to Ventz saying that he does not want any more CCTV rooms added due to the lag they cause when they are outside of there optimized rooms

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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