Denied Site Administration Disguise Card's

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Walter Unrich

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Feb 9, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add Disguise Card Own Team to all Site Administration Jobs.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
This exact thing was Suggested ages ago, what makes mine different? Absoloutely nothing.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
I can Roleplay outside my Office without getting 1 tapped by half the country wanting to target Site Administration.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
CI and GOC will have to make an active Roleplay effort to locate Site Administration personnel instead of my sour thumb of a suit sticking out from 300 meters away at the end of Core sector, lined up ready for a freedom shot.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

You Should Accept this suggestion because I want to actually Roleplay, the best feeling in the world is going to the most populated part of the server, where either a Game Master Event is taking place, or even a self created Event by Site Administration+ and being shot dead instantly by the wacky DC in the corner, I love sticking out like a sore thumb when I enter a room, being instantly vapourised by Enemy Threats, then I have to follow NLR rules, which means I can't return to the area for 3 minutes and I can't return to that same Roleplay, making me, yet again, wait in my office for new Roleplay. "• Your character may not re-enter the situation or roleplay that caused you to respawn, ie. you may not go back to a hostage negotiation if you died because of it. "

Now you may ask, why not just get Nu-7 to Escort you, or get ISD or some other regiment? First, I will not take people away from the main purpose of their Job, people join O-1 and A-1 to guard Foundation Command, they do not do that in Nu-7, E-11, DEA or ISD, I will not force someone to do a job they do not want, that isn't healthy and it isn't good on my behalf, SECOND, I can not be Guarded 24/7 due to Server Population and point stated in part 1, I need some form of Independence, I'm already a Non-Combative with a Clipboard and a pistol no one has seen before.

Another thing, what does Escorts stop when the Bullet to my head kills me instantly, well, doesn't stop anything, I've been in Rooms with 30+ Foundation Combatives, and took a bullet straight to the head, most of the time I enter a populated Area where everyone is at, ends with my screen hitting a kill cam pose of big johnny putting a cap in my head, I love not being able to Roleplay as a Roleplay Leader.

I would love to watch the people I appoint as Site Administration, so I can follow the Current Rp server rules of "find out IC" to ensure they are still competent at their Job, but I can't, literally a walking thumb, which is Blue, unarmed with the steath capabilities of an Elephant, and I'm sure the Directors of the Departments we appoint wanna act funny infront of us.
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Throughout my time in Site Administration, there have been many people who have wanted me dead just besides C.I. because of the actions and beliefs that I have.
Thats a good thing is it not? People wanting to RP with your character because of things they disagree with IC? I don't see why this RP should be cock blocked.
Disguise cards would help considerably, considering my existing method is to have an I.S.D. Agent clone my disguise, so I have a body double with me at all times to lessen the risk and confuse who wishes to kidnap me.
You can already do this. You wouldn't be hidden, but ISD can already disguise as SA!
Adding disguise cards would not affect the Site Administration's public image. I don't believe my amazing colleagues in this Administration will intentionally run around in disguise all day to ignore responsibility and their duties; if they do, they should be fired.
It's less so to avoid responsibility and duties, and more of SA are a public face. If people need them, they should be able to find them with ease. There is no need for them to hide their identity and just make it harder for them to be identified.
Disguise cards would be handy for leaving a dangerous area to get to safety, like our offices, maintaining confidentiality during an inspection of a particular area, or not being identified in a humvee while C.I. is trying to matador me into the ground.
Call someone over to escort you? Keep SOP on surface to prevent CI from matadoring the Humvee? Inspection also isn't your job, it's ISD's. Even if you wanted to inspect something, get them to do it. You don't do these things hands on.
Overall, the amount of roleplay created by giving Site Administration cards is significantly higher than just letting some Nu-7 or GSD follow me without saying a word, staring blankly into the abyss.
Thats poor RP on your part if you aren't RPing with your escort. You also don't name any created RP from these changes, other than basically just QOL.
It's important to remember that as the most public figures on the site, we also face the highest risk from hostile GOIs and other on-site domestic groups who wish to bring us harm. There have been numerous instances where other GOIs , not just C.I. , have targeted us for assassination, kidnapping, or torture due to our policies. Not only that, but also, not long ago, a domestic organization wanted me dead for blowing the whistle regarding their slander and plans to start attacking O-1, A-1, and both regions of Site Command.
That sounds like good RP. If you're paranoid for your life in RP, you should have an escort, not a disguise card to completely ignore these RP creating issues.
And people targeting SA is a US issue, on the UK the chance they get yoinked is low.
I could think of dozens of creative ways to use a disguise card for actual roleplay purposes rather than just to avoid getting kidnapped.
I can use the disguise card tool to enhance role-play in many situations; however, I am not sure if future Site Administration will hold the same views and predisposition toward using disguise cards.
Name them : D

S.A. guarding subregiments have been a dime a dozen on the U.S. server, and they usually are either underutilized or the subregiment doesn't have enough manpower to provide near-constant protection for Site Administration. Interest by their members is generally extremely high. Then, it levels off when they face the reality of what this part of their job entails; instead of being able to matador C.I. vehicles into the ground on the surface or shoot D-Class running out of the airlock with a knife, they just get to walk around with me for hours, which isn't very fun nor roleplay enhancing.
From what I've seen it goes fine on the UK.
I mean I've been apart of a escort regiment other than AO (ACM (A CM squadron)) and I had no issue's with it. I got to RP with my escorts, protect them from danger and go around site with them interacting with others. If people are bored by that RP because they want 24/7 combat, they shouldn't be playing on the RP server.

Sub-Regiments also been underutilised is a IC issue as well.

Walter Unrich

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Feb 9, 2023
You're the face of the site

Why would you want to hide it
Can't really be the face if I'm dead, on the floor, during Rp events, NLR Rules apply meaning I can't repartake in said Rp

""• Your character may not re-enter the situation or roleplay that caused you to respawn, ie. you may not go back to a hostage negotiation if you died because of it. ""

Me being in my Office is 100% me being the Face of Rp
Can't really be the face if I'm dead, on the floor, during Rp events, NLR Rules apply meaning I can't repartake in said Rp

""• Your character may not re-enter the situation or roleplay that caused you to respawn, ie. you may not go back to a hostage negotiation if you died because of it. ""

Me being in my Office is 100% me being the Face of Rp

You retain the ability to command the entire site, and you don't know how to ask for an escort. Or simply hold a pistol out on safety.

And as mentioned you cannot be the face of the site if you're disguised in a corner.

Within my time as Site Director I never had an issue with this and I dont see why it should be added now

Walter Unrich

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Feb 9, 2023

I was against this even when I was a Site Manager. The difference between Site Administration and Foundation Command is Foundation Command are a significantly higher target for kidnappings or assassinations. In addition to this, despite the Ethics Committee being public, we frequently like to disguise and play a bystander role by spectating tests or observing things ourselves. While yes people know who is in the Ethics Committee, they don't always know whether or not the Ethics Committee is watching them (in one form or another) which adds to part of the mystery surrounding the role. O5 are just plain secretive.

Site Administration is supposed to be more public than the Ethics Committee and O5 combined and supposed to be the first go-to as opposed to someone just walking up to an Ethics Member. As for needing disguise cards because you're a kidnap risk, the same thing could be said for all MTF Commanders and Dpt. Directors.
Love ya Recker, but I can say, during my times in Ethics, I was only Assassinated 3 times over the course of 6 Months, 1 of which was RDM, so that would be twice then.

During my Course as a Simple Manager, not accounting for Advisor position, I've had 3+ attempts from GOC that I know of in a 2 day period, I've been outright shot dead 3 times also this week by CI during large Rp areas, that isn't accounting for the DCs that have followed me this week that could end in Kidnap or being Shot

Now you say I'm suppose to be more Public, but if I die during a Roleplay scenario, I, according to server rules, cannot re enter that exact Rp scenario "• Your character may not re-enter the situation or roleplay that caused you to respawn, ie. you may not go back to a hostage negotiation if you died because of it. "

That means i'm essentially locked in my office until an Event ends or the DC would simply make another attempt if I return.

When I was in Ethics, I was an extremely public Figure, very easy to get a hold of, its all about approach to the being Public part, not a disguise card, I can 100% assure that I will be the same Public figure that I am now, I'm not ISD where I deep cover my own site for 6 hours straight, I'm SA trying to get to locations safetly, independently and not waiting for high pop hours so there is enough combatives on for an escort, which they aren't trained to do.

Also I have an obligation to Supervise Snr CL4 especially department head since the new Find out IC change for Punishments ETC, would be great if I didn't stick out like a sore thumb during that.

Walter Unrich

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Feb 9, 2023
You retain the ability to command the entire site, and you don't know how to ask for an escort. Or simply hold a pistol out on safety.

And as mentioned you cannot be the face of the site if you're disguised in a corner.

Within my time as Site Director I never had an issue with this and I dont see why it should be added now
Even with Escort, I've been termed in Areas of Roleplay where the main pop is located, Escorts who are untrained and don't have the same Policy approach as O-1/A-1 have a very small success rate, and with that being said, it takes 3 bullets from most weapons to drop me without possibility of Revive.

Remarks aren't a good thing to go after pal, maybe UK is much different but on US, I can say I do enjoy getting shot at every few hours
During my Course as a Simple Manager, not accounting for Advisor position, I've had 3+ attempts from GOC that I know of in a 2 day period, I've been outright shot dead 3 times also this week by CI during large Rp areas, that isn't accounting for the DCs that have followed me this week that could end in Kidnap or being Shot
We were only able to successfully kill you one time. CI has also been told in the past to do more RP raids that don't involve assassinations and MRDM. Quite frankly a disguise card would be hard to moderate, as most SA would just constantly disguise as a tech expert, and never undisguise


Walter Unrich

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Feb 9, 2023
We were only able to successfully kill you one time. CI has also been told in the past to do more RP raids that don't involve assassinations and MRDM. Quite frankly a disguise card would be hard to moderate, as most SA would just constantly disguise as a tech expert, and never undisguise

I did use the word "Attempt" for GOC regard, and if you're talking on CI's regard, I've been killed 3 times this week during Server Events
SA does have a problem with how often they get targeted or killed the moment they step outside of safe reas like CS (and even then, it's not perfect), but I don't think this is the solution. I'd argue that the overall problem is just that there's too much combat and danger ongoing all the time. There's just constant raids, breaches, riots, whatever all the goddamned time, it is never safe to be anywhere on site and it just kills roleplay opportunities for non-combatives on Foundation.
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SA does have a problem with how often they get targeted or killed the moment they step outside of safe reas like CS (and even then, it's not perfect), but I don't think this is the solution. I'd argue that the overall problem is just that there's too much combat and danger ongoing all the time. There's just constant raids, breaches, riots, whatever all the goddamned time, it is never safe to be anywhere on site and it just kills roleplay opportunities for non-combatives on Foundation.
From my perspective, CI raids have significantly toned down, and minging as a whole has dramatically decreased, at least in the timezone I play in. However, the biggest issue I see lies with E-11 and the SCP breaches, as well as the overall relevance and management of HCZ.

At this point, HCZ feels wildly unoptimized, along with other areas that share similar characteristics, such as checkpoints and the entirety of Entrance Zone. Expanding on this, E-11 often feels like an overhyped version of General Security, but with half the countermeasures and less to do. The entire regiment feels like a walking coffin. Observing player patterns, E-11 is only active when groups of friends are playing together; you rarely see individuals grouped together organically.

Additionally, there's absolutely no ecosystem in place for E-11 to thrive within HCZ. HCZ itself is essentially one long hallway, with the only points of contention being SCP breaches and whatever minimal activity can fill the gaps in between. Combined with these issues, E-11 faces the enormous challenge of overcoming these obstacles while the REG COM is expected to come up with ways to incentivize players to have fun sitting around, waiting, and inevitably getting killed. Does that sound interesting to you? Probably not.

What needs to happen is the development of separate ecosystems that allow LCZ and HCZ to thrive independently. E-11 only thrives when SCPs thrive, SCPs only thrive if RSD thrives, and RSD only thrives if GSD and Class-D thrive. If any part of this chain is out of order or mismanaged, one group will inevitably fail, leading to a domino effect where multiple groups collapse because they are all interconnected.

Havoc is created because of a mismanaged, monotonous blending of regiments and poorly managed guidelines. CI raids and minging have decreased, but major issues persist with E-11, SCP breaches, and HCZ. HCZ is poorly optimized, making it hard for E-11 to thrive. There's no proper ecosystem for E-11, and HCZ's linear design creates limited gameplay opportunities. To fix this, LCZ and HCZ need independent ecosystems, as all factions (E-11, SCPs, RSD, GSD, Class-D) rely on each other to function properly. When one fails, it triggers a domino effect across the rest.


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022
This suggestion has been denied by SSL.
Any future suggestions regarding giving Site Admin disguises cards will most likley be denied in future aswell.
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