Site Advisor Application [UK]

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Apr 13, 2023
Steam ID:
- STEAM_0:1:522280735
Discord name:
- Caprisun#0069
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- Around a month
- 16
In what country are you located?:
- UK
Time zone:
Character name(s):
- Foundation - 'Pyrite'
- CI - 'Sundowner'

Civilian name:
- Johnathan Cage
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
- I do indeed
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF E11 LCPL (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- No
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- I am applying for site advisor because i believe it would be a good experience to see how the site works from above and observe the happenings within Site-65. I think it would be a great learning experience to at least have it for a short while to learn the inner working of the facility. I want to be able to leave an impact on the server and i believe this is the starting point for me to leave behind a great mark upon it.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- Professionalism and reliability are key in a job like this and i can provide that, I can help out with anything to the best of my abilities with as much formality and respect as there could possibly be. I can do whatever is needed of me and do my best to get it done efficiently and swiftly. I have spent a fair load of time learning the everyday activities of the site and its workers routines and I hope to be able to add to that routine and make a difference around the site. If you have not encountered me around the site and think this will affect the decision making then make sure you read it all to get a picture of what i can do without having seen me!
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- The responsibilities of the Site Advisor is to ensure that all in the facility is going accordingly along with the Site Director. They can give out orders unless overridden by the Site Director, Site Manager or a CL-5. Site advisor can authorise AA in dire situations and if requested by MTF or ISD during a Code 5. They can negotiate with GOI such as the Chaos insurgency and the GOC to better relations or to negotiate terms with them. Site advisors can vote on department leaders (excluding IA) and vote on MTF commander (excluding ISD and LE)
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- The monotonous life of the foundation was getting to Agent 'Pyrite', he wanted something new in the facility, some more excitement, he wanted to experience more of the site than what he was getting now. He could just tell, there was more to this drowsy site than the higher ups were letting on. He wanted to prove himself to them, prove he was ready to learn more about the place, ready to understand what there was to this site. His work did not go unnoticed, as the Site Director watched him with a keen eye, judging greatly but impressed by the work he was putting in. He called him up to his office one day, he had done it, he had gained the appreciation from who he wanted to. The Director congratulated him on his outstanding achievements over such a short window, he explained how he had watched him progress through his journey and now he had made it, his promotion. He would become an advisor for Site-65 and would work closely with the Site Director to ensure that all in the facility was going accordingly and professionally.
- It wasn't long before the site started seeing the positive effects of the new Site Advisors changes. The monotonous life he once knew had now become an amazing life experience, however on that same day, his Site manager would pull him aside with trembling fingers and tell him something. "Uhm.. 'Pyrite'... we will be expecting a new SCP to our site and... uhm... its going to be a tricky one to keep in". He walked away quickly and he left him wondering about what SCP could leave the Site Director in such a state. Later on that day, the new SCP arrived, locked in a large metal box and surrounded by armed guards i hadn't seen before. They appeared to be in very tactical gear and sported a logo of a hand holding a spear-like object. I did not question them much, they were here to do their job and i was here to do mine, although with the Site Director being so troubled by this new SCP, these agents seemed to be quite calm and collected. Past LCZ they went, i knew already it wouldn't be put there, it was too securely contained to not be put in out HCZ section. We had had a spare spot in out HCZ Hotel sector for a while now and it seemed this would be filling that spot. Before this new SCP arrived we were told to build a containment cell similar to a medieval library-type room to better accommodate the SCP. It was a strange request to be sure, but we had our best designers and builders get it ready for us before they arrived. The box was placed in front of the cell door and the box opened... What seemed like a set of medieval armour walked out, claymore on its back and crossbow on its hip. How peculiar... We were told by who I guessed was the lieutenant or captain of the MTF squad that transported the SCP that it was to be allocated the number 7722. This SCP was a sentient suit of armour from the dark ages, having the mindset of a knight akin to the time it was from, however it seemed quite passive at the time, marching into its cell and appreciating the marvel of it as i had done when i first saw it. It sat down in an armchair and relaxed, seemingly 'sleeping'. Me and the Site Director were called over by an unfamiliar figure and followed him to an office room. We were briefed on this 7722 and were told that when a breach occurs from this SCP it will attack anyone it deems as a 'heretic' and can only be subdued by breaking its armour and reducing its body mass greatly. It must be taken back to its containment cell and left alone. The unfamiliar man then shook our hands and thanked us for agreeing to keep this SCP at our facility, we thanked him for a briefing and walked out. Me and the Director looked at each other but didnt speak, we both knew what would happen eventually, it was only a matter of time until it did...


Apr 21, 2023
+ Support
[+] Mature
[+] No bad RP seen from him

[+] Fair handed with different departments
[+] Polite
[+] Reasonable
[+] Rational

[+] Active

Hope you get the position! Would be a great addition to SA!


Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2022
I'd like to say, you are a nice person and could probably get SA if you had other CL4 experience. I recommend getting previous CL4 experience before applying for such a big CL4 job


Active member
May 26, 2022

You may be nice but that only gets u so far.

Your not even an NCO Yet when u wrote this.

No cl4 experience
And no personal interactions

+ your quite new

Jimmy Wrecking

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 4, 2022


The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, Pyrite.

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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