Denied Site Staff Crediting by Trusted Roles, based on Merit, RP, and Positive Interactions

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Allow the following roles to credit E&TS roles, and possibly other site staff, e.g. chefs:
  • IA Ambassador+
  • Medical Consultant+
  • DEA Special Agent+
  • MTF CO+
  • GSD Captain+
  • ECAs and OSAs
  • Exec. Researchers+
E&TS (and other site staff) should be credited not for just doing their base job items (which already grant XP), e.g. fix a door, fix a camera, cook a piece of food, fix a subsystem, etc., but instead for whenever they:
  • Engage in actual RP or other good interactions with other departments, e.g. cook food to order, do RP around containment engineering, respond to more urgent calls for help over just fixing useless doors near them (e.g. they are requested and actually respond quickly, rather than never responding or turning up)
  • Go above and beyond in their duties, e.g. were the only Tech Expert fixing things after a breach
  • Consistently engage in good RP and interactions

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
The functionality of this suggestion has been suggested before here. However:
  • The reasoning behind the denial doesn't really make sense - you get credited for taking part in some active roleplay or higher-level gameplay. Things like GSD sweeps, trainings, medical RP, testing as D-class, etc. Things that are worth XP, but that can't automatically be credited due to their basis in RP and player interaction. That's the point of !credit. This also applies to E&TS roles.
  • The reasons that E&TS roles would be credited are different, and more in alignment for why other roles typically receive credit.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Allows site staff roles to gain more XP when actually engaging in good RP and interactions - currently, site staff XP gain (at least for E&TS) is often very slow, especially when it's not immediately following a breach, and is probably slower than every other job
  • Encourage more RP and interactions between people and departments - site staff are currently very limited for most people, and there's no real incentive to interact with others, this would help improve this for those roles.
  • Encourages E&TS roles to actually respond to requests for help. Currently, why would a Tech Expert run all the way to LHCZ to fix a door and not get credited, when they can instead fix random CL0 doors and stuff around LCZ? There is no incentive for E&TS roles to prioritise anything over anything else, so they just fix whatever's nearby and mess around around LCZP.
  • More direct interactions between site staff and other departments/people means more interactions and RP for everyone, not just the site staff.
  • Site staff really need improvements to the overall average behaviour and gameplay+RP quality - incentivising various elements of this, as described here, would be one of many good steps towards that.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • If more people are able to credit them, they may gain too much XP too quickly. This is countered by it being limited to roles that are already trusted with this power over other roles, and staff logs being able to catch this.

We try to avoid giving people the ability to credit others for just doing their jobs. The GSD Research DClass gameplay loop requires credits as it is where new players join the server from. But outside of that loop, credits should be handed out on merit. Credits should not be used as an incentive for simply doing their respective job.
  • Allowing crediting for the above reasons would be exactly based on merit. The base XP rewards already incentivise "simply doing their respective job", while allowing credit for these reasons would incentivise them to do it well and in a way that engages them in interaction with other players, rather than doing the bare minimum (if that).

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This would reward site staff players with XP based on merit, which they currently have no real source of other than Site Admin and above. It would also incentivise them to actually interact with other players, engage in RP, and leave a positive impression on other players - all of which site staff roles desparately need improvement in. The roles mentioned above are already trusted with the ability to credit a wide range of staff at their discretion, and there have been no noticeable issues with this - this would extend the benefits of this system to site staff roles, and given the lack of negatives with the existing system, this should really be it.
I am a huge supporter of ideas like this, and this is indeed a fantastic idea! However, the issue is not the incentive, but the gameplay loop itself.

A very large majority of content on this server is derived and dependent on other aspects of the server functioning properly. You can incentivize them to engage in deeper gameplay but the end result would still require them to fix things. Outside of giving them more things to fix to a degree that they would need to be on constantly to validate something like this. The idea itself would probably stagnate after a few weeks and everyone would go back to their normal routine seeing the only change is more XP.
I am a huge supporter of ideas like this, and this is indeed a fantastic idea! However, the issue is not the incentive, but the gameplay loop itself.

A very large majority of content on this server is derived and dependent on other aspects of the server functioning properly. You can incentivize them to engage in deeper gameplay but the end result would still require them to fix things. Outside of giving them more things to fix to a degree that they would need to be on constantly to validate something like this. The idea itself would probably stagnate after a few weeks and everyone would go back to their normal routine seeing the only change is more XP.
On UK server, I am currently working towards a proper department structure and the like, to provide more opportunity for RP, interactions with other departments, etc. I think USA has something along those lines too, not sure how that's going, but more opportunities can be opened up around this kind of thing with SA/SC approval, this suggestion is just one of many things that would improve things for these roles and others.

Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Oct 18, 2023
Incentivising Site staff jobs with doing their jobs with credits may actually *Marginly* reduce the amount of fucking minging they do. What would be a better addition is giving MTF (Maybe NCO, but more than likely atleast CO) The ability to credit Gensec if they don't already. For exmaple. SCU's that help with a breach and provide good info. or even when a MTF leads a sweep. This also would extend to making CM's creditable by captains or CO's. as CM's often help with sweeps, but then need a DoM or Consultant on site to be able to get them credits (To my knowledge)

Regardless +Support
Incentivising Site staff jobs with doing their jobs with credits may actually *Marginly* reduce the amount of fucking minging they do. What would be a better addition is giving MTF (Maybe NCO, but more than likely atleast CO) The ability to credit Gensec if they don't already. For exmaple. SCU's that help with a breach and provide good info. or even when a MTF leads a sweep. This also would extend to making CM's creditable by captains or CO's. as CM's often help with sweeps, but then need a DoM or Consultant on site to be able to get them credits (To my knowledge)

Regardless +Support
That would be a separate suggestion given the scope of it. Right now, my understanding is that GSD Captains can credit any combative staff - they can definitely credit E-11 Officer job, and I was told it worked for any combat role.

I do not, however, believe that any MTF roles can credit GSD. That could be useful in some circumstances, and is maybe another suggestion worth opening at some point.
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