SkyWing's staff blacklist appeal

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Feb 8, 2023
At the time I was known as Bob "SkyWing" Hill, but now im just SkyWing.
Steam ID:
Previous Rank (convert if required):
Who demoted you?:
Date of demotion?:
Honestly cant remember
What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
What is the case against you?:
I had multiple infractions as a trial-moderator and I had been blacklisted previously for 6-months due to the same behaviour.
Is this true?:
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?:
Yes, last year for 6-months
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:
What is your side of the story?:
Basically the reason why I got blacklisted. Nothing different from my side.
Why should you return / what will you change?:
In all honesty, I look back now and I greatly regret what a child I was and how stupid I was. There wont be much to this because im just going to tell the truth. I full well knew what I was doing and I somehow thought it was ok to do so. Obviously I was wrong. I have grown so much in maturity and common knowledge since then. I ask of you just this once, I will never make those mistakes again I will think before I do. Please at least think of it.
Thank you for reading! :)
Jul 15, 2022
+ Support
One of the Best COs I've met.
Deserves Redemption


SCP 096


GSD Captain


Dont get me wrong, the warns are lengthy, and the reason is fair. However, in my time of knowing sky (which is only from after this incident) I've come to see him as an incredibly active and good CO. Though RP abilities don't translate 1:1 to staff capabilities I do think a final chance would at least worth considering. I'm not exactly sure how it'd work if he had his blacklist removed, but I don't quite think it'd end as badly as it did previously.
haven't had any real interaction with you outside of this (which to this day, is still incredibly funny), so i'm largely unaware, but i do hear things here and there through osmosis and to my judgement, i don't particularly see any good reason to keep you blacklisted from staff, unless there's things i don't know, which is entirely possible


Well-known Member
May 18, 2023
Neutral, tilting towards +support.

Although I do not know you, I see the other +supports and they say you have improved. I will believe that and say maybe you deserve another chance.

But the reason that its knocked to neutral is the fact that you've had 2 chances already. And also, 15 warns is alot. I understand it might've been a bit ago, but its on your record for a reason.
Feb 8, 2023
Neutral, tilting towards +support.

Although I do not know you, I see the other +supports and they say you have improved. I will believe that and say maybe you deserve another chance.

But the reason that its knocked to neutral is the fact that you've had 2 chances already. And also, 15 warns is alot. I understand it might've been a bit ago, but its on your record for a reason.
Thank you for your feedback!

Although yes I have had 2 chances already, I plead for the low possibility for a third chance. I know it's very unlikely but every mistake that I have made I have fully regretted since I made the wrong. I hope people see this and see how I have changed. Thank you again for the neutral feedback!

Sven Sky

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Feb 8, 2022

Appeal Response

Hello @SkyWing,

Thank you for making a Appeal,

You were warned before that if you continued your conduct within the Staff team, you would be permanently staff blacklisted. You did not heed the warning and continued to conduct yourself poorly within the team, resulting in your demotion and blacklist from staff. You did receive a second chance prior to this, which you lost. I will not give you the benefit of the doubt here anymore. You've shown me that while you are a friendly guy, you cannot be trusted with staff powers within the server. You may appeal again after more time has passed, but for now, you cannot be trusted with the responsibilities of a staff member.


Sven Sky​
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