Soggas GSD captain app [USA]

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SCP-RP Staff
Jun 22, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:634950081
Discord name:Sogga
For how long have you played on CG SCP: i joined about a year ago but play time 20 days
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Usa
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Sogga
Civilian name: soggins
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI-G, 096

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-yes micspam because i was not fond of the rules at the time

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
-because ive been getting more into Gsd and i used to main Gsd until i split off into the medical related things but after about 2 months of medical im back to Gsd and i want to have more reason on the team i want to help guide cadets and others on Gsd to better themself and be more effective to help against Riots Code 1 and other things they may need help in sweeps tryouts and help assist in training new cadets and Gsd i really love to help my team and im sad to sometimes see that no captains can be on at times and i want to help out with that because Gsd was the first jobs i loved and played and i also see come captains can be a little harsh and somewhat rude so i want to be a nicer side to that and and more Rp for more fun for people.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
1.I have very flexable time im always on for the server and im mainly on
2. i have very amazing skills to lead people
into there jobs and questions about there job
3. i can do very much on the Gsd team/any team to be more
useful for the team
4.also i get along with everyone im never a bother to anyone
only to better help them on there goals
5. also i can do the reqs and more as a captain
with no questions asked
6. i will always be on captain and if not in either dead or on Ci
but i mainly focus on helping the team and people
7. i can add very amazing RP in the Gsd team as well i do
for any team i play :)
8. i can/will do all of my tasks needed with no need for
reminders/ being told to
9. i have never had any problem with any Gsd captains and i get along very well
with all of Gsd and if someone does have one with me i just be cool because theres no need for it :)

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
-1. Defend D-block from intruders from getting in/out (in D-block to specify)
2. keeping D-class in D-block so they dont cause harm
to other foundation members or Gsd
3. calling Code 2 for a sweep and how the sweep would go down/how to start
and end a sweep
(if needed!)
4. Teaching new Gsd how to do tasks properly in
d-block for riots and how to handle D-class for escorting people
5. Trainings and tryout for HWL and RRT lisences
for people that need there lisences and have questions for the tryouts
6.Help command people to better take care
and assist all around D-block to better function in combat/escorting

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
On a cold stormy night a unknown person had ran up to the foundation and put something down so the NU-7 team went to go see it was a newborn baby they tried for 2 days to find the parent but no turns
Had led up so they took him in and his caretaker would be "Captain James" where he would teach him the ways on how to be on Gsd
And he names the baby "Sogga" and from there out they would have a strong bond Sogga would be turning 13 Next month so "James" wanted to surprise him With a nice gift and so he saved up $5000 for him and come around his birthday he opened it to find a Rife and he was very unpleased so he left "James" to go wonder off but 30 mins later he hears "code 1" and he was confused so he ran to "james" to find him and after 2 min he found him and "james told him "you need to hide fast!" confused he ran to the closet room and hid and he heard so much gunfire after that he ran go get his Rife
and he hid it but 3 mins later a random person ran into his room and raised his gun and he thought that he was going to die but out of nowhere "james" ran in and tackled the intruder and ended up killing him but in the moment he had shot "james" in the chest and he bled out later on and from there on "sogga" had to take roles to help the foundation and he is working his way up to "james" job and make sure he will avenge his "Dad"

Sorry it wont let me add font/color to the rest :(


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Well-known Member
Jun 7, 2023
-Always seen this guy playing gensec/combat medic
-Knows how to lead properly
-Hes responsible
-Good fit for captain
I would love to see this guy get captain
Apr 12, 2023
Da Trap House

From: Chief of Security "Trap"

To: Captain Applicant "Sogga"

Your application has been ACCEPTED

Please contact me via discord - trapjesus - for the next step.
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