Soul's Staff Application (USA)

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"Alchemy" | "Gauntlet"

Well-known Member
Jul 11, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Soulkiller, never changed it.
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 4 days 8 hours
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: ADT (Atlantic Daylight Savings Time)
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): CoM "Alchemy", A-1 Rayland "Cypher"
Chaos name (include your rank): Not in CI.
Civilian name: James Rodgers.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:179221471
Do you have a mic?: Yes I do.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA Server.
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- Just 1 application before.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have recieved 2 warns, 1 Mixing, 1 Micspam. The mixing warn was because I just joined the server on that day and was talking about discord. Micspam warn was for playing the E-11 song into the phone for D-Class.
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
- I've have previous experience as a Junior admin, in SCP-RP & Staff Manager, Super Admin in 2 Sandbox servers.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- I've played on quite a few serious roleplaying servers.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- At the absolute least 3 hours, since its summer I can stay on a lot longer. Almost always until 12am I usually stay on for if I wake up at 12pm.
Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
- I would like to help out with tickets & such, since I heard a few staff members say that nobody ever takes the tickets that are up, and I would love to help out with that since I always liked to help out whenever I can.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I can be really active everyday for hours at a time, I can take whatever tickets that i'm capable of doing I.E sorting out RDM, Metagaming all the sort of common tickets or whatever i'm able to handle within my current rank.
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Hollow Larry

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 19, 2022
Hello Cypher, i will be giving a +Support
+Prior staff
+good app
Best of luck.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Content Team
Mar 20, 2021

Staff experience
Good Interactions
Well-made application


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022
Application Accepted

Hi @Alchemy | Cypher ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Congratulations on having your application accepted, please join the Interview Waiting Room in TeamSpeak and put "Waiting for Interview" in your name so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.

Senior Administrator,
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