Soy Suggestion on Weapons

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Jun 24, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Remove the new guns added to the Perma store, NOT the ingame dealer. Refund all vpoints that were spent.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
OP weapons VHS, FHR, AS VAL, and AEK can’t be used by anyone
The server isn’t gaminglight level of P2W
Makes branches special (Eg VHS o1, ASVAL DEA, AEK CI etc…)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Shit balance

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Idk, man PVP is fun when it’s balanced, not when it’s Gaminglight P2W. I get Cloak needs money for things, but please make that shit for Dark RP/Mili RP


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
+support feels like the server is going into a p2w direction. Maybe use the change voting discord channel and let the player base decide before doing such a big change?
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How is it p2w? Guns are supposed to be balanced, in the case of the AS VAL, it is already being rebalanced today before the donations go into effect tomorrow, so that it is no longer OP. As for the other guns, I haven't heard any actual evidence to suggest they're OP. They are being checked today, if they are OP, they will be rebalanced as appropriate. Guns overall are quite similar in terms of firepower, it's supposed to be mostly preference.

The reason we're adding these to the weapon dealer is because they have skins and it sucks for people who unbox skins for these guns yet can't use them. This has always been planned and we've said this before. I don't really care about people buying the permanent weapons, I was reminded of it because someone wanted to spend the 1.5k ingame money to get one but couldn't. It's about making guns more obtainable so that people aren't screwed if they get the wrong skin.

If you're going to accuse us of being "GamingLight levels of p2w" I would appreciate some evidence as to your claim. We've always had a weapons dealer with permanent weapons available.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
How is it p2w? Guns are supposed to be balanced, in the case of the AS VAL, it is already being rebalanced today before the donations go into effect tomorrow, so that it is no longer OP. As for the other guns, I haven't heard any actual evidence to suggest they're OP. If they are OP, they will be rebalanced as appropriate. Guns overall quite similar in terms of firepower, it's supposed to be mostly preference.

The reason we're adding these to the weapon dealer is because they have skins and it sucks for people who unbox skins for these guns yet can't use them. This has always been planned and we've said this before. I don't really care about people buying the permanent weapons, I was reminded of it because someone wanted to spend the 1.5k ingame money to get one but couldn't. It's about making guns more obtainable so that people aren't screwed if they get the wrong skin.

If you're going to accuse us of being "GamingLight levels of p2w" (go play there then?) I would appreciate some evidence as to your claim that the other guns you mentioned are OP.
Hmmm lets see for example someone makes a suggestion to have a weapon change. That suggestion is then denied as that gun is too "overpowered" so why would giving everyone guns that has been deemed as overpowered by content team that costs irl money to have permanently not be pay to win? You can make your argument but you can buy it for in game but it still doesn't get away from the fact you can still pay irl money to have it permanently. I think the way permanent weapons are is perfectly fine as none of the guns were overpowered and just average I'd say. I would also like to point out you say all the guns are almost equal but fail to give any proof to this.
I would also like to point out the fact you say all the guns are almost equal but fail to give any proof to this.
If you're going to talk smack about our server and compare us to worse ones, it's your place to provide proof haha.

Content Team is not the same as myself, no gun is supposed to be 'overpowered' on our servers, A-1 and O-1 already have the most elite members, they don't need buffed weapons to assist them in that. Similar to what happened on MRP - the special forces regiments used to have significantly more powerful weapons. Eventually this was fixed as it wasn't really necessary, the most skilled players + the most powerful guns is generally a bad combination.

But as mentioned, from my asking around, it seems to unclear whether these guns are "OP" or just in the hands of skilled players. Most "OP" guns when checked have stats that are pretty average.

As mentioned, SL were already asked to review these guns today, before this thread was posted. Some discussion of this was available in Discord. We aren't silly enough to actually introduce p2w permanent weapons.
Jun 24, 2022
I originally came from Gaminglight before coming here, so I understand the level of money-grabbing EA that goes on there, but some of these weapons that are being sold are branch-specific, which adds value in wanting to join a regi/department and work the ranks to reach them, with this suggestion it's to keep the value before people just main CM/RRT SGT with branch weapons that are some of the best.

In terms of balance, I can see where you are coming from, not seeing how strong some of the guns are as you are looking more at the number values. However, from playing from experience, I can tell you that these weapons are some of the best on the server. Having them buyable makes them A: get nerfed to shit or B: have the servers balance to shit.

I'm not making this suggestion because I main X or want to gatekeep Y, I do it because I enjoy the balance that the server has and the unique weapons each department has.


Active member
Jan 31, 2023
I see people that complain miss the difference between gaminglight and CN. Gaminglight gave PERMA WEAPONS TO EVERYCLASS inlcuding D CLASS. This server doesn't. Gaminglight was TDM server nothing else as there were classes with fucking 200hp and 300 armour for no fucking reason on this server only juggernauts use different health and armour (Except d scout and d brute) Most of guns are balanced between each other (one has higher damage, lower fire rate, other one has less damage, bigger fire rate, ones are inacurate other ares) I don't see the point of complaining. Most of guns that are going to be added to donation menu are only being added due to skins nothing else.
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Well-known Member
Jun 24, 2023
Looking at this suggestion and the idea of the server of what it is right now is more a PVP oriented than a Roleplay oriented server, this is why we are having another SCP server based on pure roleplay this change should be on there and the idea of all weapons being relatively the same should be on there not here! The idea of making every weapon relatively the same when it comes to damage is just very boring and easily gets repetitive which is why it's a great idea to keep every weapon different so people who actually want to use it will work towards those weapons and actually have drive to play the server now since this change and the idea of even nerfing the weapons so they are "Balanced" isn't really the best route do that on the new SCP Server. What makes it even worse is that you can buy these weapons and it makes MTF Units such as Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" and Omega-1 "Laws Left Hand" not as appealing to join due to the weapons they have being able to be bought with mommy's credit card. For next time you guys need to actually make the weapon skins on weapons that are not unique to MTF Units especially ones that are hand selected just kind of a bad play for the Content Team which tbh they should be looked into for even bringing it up in the first place.

Side Note: If you're going to go through with this whole "nerfing weapons" deal then nerf the Ghost R5 and the PKM, Ghost R5's rate of fire and damage is absolutely nuts compared to other weapons the PKM damage and magazine size also makes it very broken and unfun to PVP against also the M60 compared to PKM has the same magazine size but the PKM 3 taps which not fun!

+support suggestion btw if it wasn't obvious
-/+ I understand both sides here. Yeah the VHS-D2 is stupid, but most other guns being added besides it and the ASVAL are pretty mid. The AEK is the only one I can see actually causing problems.

Maybe adding them as purchasable at the NPC and letting them sit then adding them into permas after they can be tested in the field would be a better approach?
I originally came from Gaminglight before coming here, so I understand the level of money-grabbing EA that goes on there, but some of these weapons that are being sold are branch-specific, which adds value in wanting to join a regi/department and work the ranks to reach them, with this suggestion it's to keep the value before people just main CM/RRT SGT with branch weapons that are some of the best.
Sure - I appreciate that - but guns are not really supposed to be the draw of a regiment. I also assume that the default behaviour for a player is that they will never buy any permanent weapons, and so for those types of players, it should still be an attraction. Ultimately, we don't want one regiment or MTF to be more powerful than another for completely arbitrary reasons. Guns will have different damage, rpm, recoil, etc, but the overall time-to-kill is supposed to be relatively similar; except in some cases where we might have a gun with low recoil + higher ttk or high recoil + lower ttk. At least, that's how things are supposed to work - I appreciate there are probably some examples where that isn't the case currently.

If someone says "there's no point being in A-1 or O-1 anymore because other people can get our gun", then I'm not sure why they're in those MTFs in the first place, to be honest. I can't imagine that opinion is shared by the commanders of those MTFs.

The idea of making every weapon relatively the same when it comes to damage is just very boring and easily gets repetitive
Never said we are doing this, making weapons balanced is not the same as going through and making every stat the same. As mentioned above, guns will feel different, but overall they should be roughly as good as each other. You just choose the one that suits you best, but it shouldn't be a case of "this gun is better than this gun 100% of the time".

Going to lock this thread. The weapons have not even been added yet, and nobody can comment on it until they're in the game and the rebalancing that is taking place today has been completed. Feel free to make a suggestion with the same comments if you feel the same way in a couple days from now, but pre-empting a not yet released change isn't going to get anywhere.

I'd also like to note that the conversion of guns into permanent weapons is currently done automatically by the server - I added them to the weapon dealer (because I noticed someone couldn't get a gun that they had a skin for), and it just so happens that the server will now automatically add them to the donation store as a result. I could write some custom code to prevent this, I just don't see it as really being necessary.
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