Special Agent Application Post - [UK]


New Member
Oct 5, 2024
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:59662386
Discord name: Rendex
For how long have you played on CG SCP: For a couple of months (2-4)

In what country are you located?: Republic of Ireland

Time zone: GMT+1

Character name(s): Richard Fitzpatrick

Civilian name: Roberto Malfiglio

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What are your total levels?:99

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-MTF Sgt, DEA Senior Agent, I held CI-Alpha-1 , GOC-SPC

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1 warning for failrp , when i was new enough

How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
- about 1.5 months

Why are you applying for Special Agent?
I am applying for Special Agent Because I wish to take a more serious role within the server and I would enjoy hosting training sessions, hosting exercises and operations and would like to experience the privileged position of special agent along with the interactions I would be exposed too.

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
I feel like I have proven my worth to the department and have made a few differences throughout my tenure as operative and senior agent , that I am capable of investigation and determination .
I have a good knowledge on on how to make documentation and will dedicate personal time to keeping good records on all activities .

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
-While I have not done any substantial documentation as of yet , I know what makes a good document.
A good document requires good punctuation , proper grammar and spelling as well as a well laid out format and good pacing .
When writing any document it should match the target audience aka (the clearance of a document should reflect in the amount of information given).
Any Important documentation should be type and spell checked as well as pre-approved by a higher up and be filed properly.

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
The key responsibility of special agents is the training of dea personnel and as a direct liaison from your department head too external GOI's eg(CI,UNGOC,MC&D). As a Special Agent you are given the responsibility of overseeing a number of operatives,agents an senior agents when deployed to the field or investigating activities.

Your secondary responsibilities include (Escorting GOI's on site, Gathering intel on GOI's in the field ,Hostage Negotiation ,Diplomatic Missions and preventing Info leaks)

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:
As a Character goes Richard Fitzpatrick started his career with the foundation as an E-11 , He was poached from his former position in the IDF (Irish Defense Force) Ranger wing. Richard would climb the ranks of E-11 fast. By the end of his E11 Career he would gain the rank of Sergeant , however this would not satisfy Richard.

While I enjoyed the thrill of SCP Re-containment and Type Blue/Green pacifications I had gathered tremendous skill in dealing with the Chaos Insurgency. One day i decided to call it quits and handed in my notice to my commander Rizzie. I went straight to the Department of External affairs and gave them my word that I would lay down my life for the foundation in its pursuit to protect the world from external threats .

After working my way to senior agent I was given the opportunity to join a special task force within the DEA, while im not at liberty to say what it is , I am at a much deeper level than most DEA senior agents have gotten. After a few tours of the area I am here now looking for an opportunity to climb the ranks and train new agents to achieve greatness , for the foundation.


New Member
Oct 5, 2024