Sprucer Exec. App

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Mar 30, 2023
Discord name: sprucerrr#7662
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 375h
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: Spain
Time zone: CET
Character name(s): Sprucer "RECEPTIONIST"
Civilian name: [AWCY-X] "doctorman"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): US
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
None as research

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

I love playing as a researcher, and would love to be exec for several reasons.
  • I want to help the department develop a higher standard for tests, which includes helping new hires understanding everything about us, how to write the best possible document, how to perform tests properly, the limits on said tests, etc, as well as help them advance and progress in their journey on research.
  • I want to elevate my work as a researcher and really get into the role that i have fulfilled as per my character, which i have made very interesting for myself and the rest of the team, i think, and would love to expand on it.
  • I want to overall help make this department better, more active, and more welcoming, if thats even possible

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

I am very immersed in my role as researcher and its roleplay, and as such, i love getting input from other researchers and offering my input to them so as to help everyone have the best results, and the most fun in roleplay too. Speaking of which, i love to make the best roleplay possible, and enjoy making all situations in research as intricate and interesting as i can, making everyone involved a participant, and make sure they are fun and engaging.

I promote deep and interesting as well as continued tests. As much as there are plenty of researchers, tests inside HCZ can be more rare, due to E11 not always being available, which leads to a lot of SCPs there not getting RP, or just to get sampled. As executive i would promote, different tests, more profound and more elaborate, in a way that makes complex RP situations for different SCPs. So as to make tests more complex, and compel everyone to document their tests.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

I have 1 excellent graded document, but this is for good reason. It is a document that goes over a series of 10 interviews with a SCP, detailing findings, and other things of interest in it. I also intend to document each of the different 10 interviews in individual documents, and this excellent document is only one of ten, making this macro study 100 interviews total. Suffice it to say, i intend to spend many hours on this study, as it is very interesting to me. I also intend to make a lore document out of it when i have time. The first part alone took me several days to complete. (Second question below. I forgot to answer it when initially posted.)

There are many things that make a document ultimately worthy of an excellent grade, but ultimately, whether it gets the highest grade, ultimately falls into the realm of subjectivity. There are however some things, that i would consider more important than others when the time comes to make a document, and that i would give as tips to other researchers should i get chosen for the position, (though i already give them) which are these;

  • An excellent document fundamentally needs these four things; a goal, a method to achieve said goal, what this study will offer the foundation, and a conclusion to it all. These things are the most important to include, in an indexed, ordered manner into your document. Like so, an index should be present first, indicating which part belong to which pages, and in which order. An excellent document, considering all mentioned parts, should probably have 5 pages or over, in order to be a good fit for the grade as well.

  • Those were more the technical aspects however. There is more to a good, an excellent study than this. A study worthy of excellent has to have uniqueness, it has to have interesting interactions, which are well detailed, with information that is relevant, clear, but also, cleverly written. A document like this has to be creative, and all of its points are liable to this as well. Show care, and put work into your tests, and make them engaging, fun, creative, informative, interesting and valuable to anyone who might read their documents.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

The Execs are responsible for supervising the departments work. They are responsible for grading documents, reviewing them and pointing out strong points as well as weak ones. They are responsible to talk to researchers about their theories and authorise them, also ensuring the department is ran as per code of conduct guidelines and as much as possible, ethics guidelines too. They are responsible for monitoring inappropriate conduct. They also authorise tests that require such authorisation, such as sampling on HCZ and testing on SCPs that require higher clearance than that of whomever requested this, as well as accompany researchers on higher clearance tests.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Sprucer was just a normal Physics undergrad, chugging along, you know. Never excelling too much, thats for sure. He did seem to never put much effort into anything he did, but things did go well regardless. And go well they did until one day, they didn't. He was on campus, about to go eat lunch, when he heard something weird. A looming voice, deep, and rasp, seemed to come from everywhere. It was unlike anything he had ever heard before, a strange sound is all he could make it out to be, really. In just a second however, the voice seemed to focus, and emit from one direction only. That direction was a research lab, about 60 feet from him, on the other side of the corridor on which he was now standing.

The voice may have changed origin, but it was certainly quite the imposing sound. He had never been one for getting scared, mostly, but this voice was starting to get... unnerving. He set foot towards the voice, towards the lab, as it grew louder, speaking in a language he could not ascertain, which seemed odd to him, because he was quite the fan of human speech. As he approached the door, a white light emanated from its glass pane. It was so bright and pure, he thought he was hallucinating. Of course this had to be a dream. What else could explain all of this. When he opened the door, the flash was blinding. All this time, he did not notice, but, there was nobody in campus. Not a single soul. When his eyes got confortable, what he saw, was a mask. A white one to be precise. It was there, inside the fume hood. It was a sleek mask, as far as he knew it seemed to be one of those medieval carnival masks. It looked elegant, thin, blue eyes, pointy nose, small eyebrows, and a pointy chin, scoring a small relaxed mouth, seeming to be a tranquil face, quite calm. The voice became less loud then, and it seemed to say things in a softer tone. He picked it up slowly, looking at it. From behind, its eyes seemed like holes, unlike their solid front, and it gave off no light from this side. Then it spoke. Not in a weird tongue. But in english. And it said, "It seems you are who he spoke of. Tread carefully child. Your mission, your purpose, is still unclear. Yet... I feel... You will bring about something... Lead your own fate, child. Farewell."

The mask stopped speaking altogether, leaving him confused and bewildered, not for long however, as through the door, came storming a group of heavily armed soldiers, of some military, it seemed, which quickly surrounded him with rifles pointed at his head. "WHERE IS IT?", one of them shouted. "THE BLACK MASK" he continued, seeming agitated, and desperate. Before he could begin speaking again, a soldier fell to the ground, seemingly unconscious. Another followed. And another. In the end, of the 20 or so soldiers that came, only one remained standing, the one who spoke. It quickly reached out to a communications device, and said, "Pho-1845 unit is down. Suspect seems passive, awaiting ord-" before collapsing on the ground like the rest. Sprucer noticed, that the mask that spoke to him, was somehow gone, vanished out of thin air. But then, he felt dizzy, and his vision started to black out, as he realized his fate would be that of the soldiers. As he fainted, he felt his body fall to the ground, like dead meat.

As he woke up, he looked around, to see a place like a medical area, with beds, and a couple of doctors, tending to people that looked like prisoners, others with suits, and a couple armored people, with black padded combat suits. One doctor spoke to him, and said, "You are safe now. You will work here, with them. Good luck." As he looked up, confused, and walked up to another patient. Since then, he was told he was hired as a trainee to be a researcher in that facility, that place, what they called the SCP Foundation. Weird things were there. Monsters, weird objects, paranormal things, and death. Nothing his physics degree could explain. "Well, im done." He thought, as he was led to the research break room of the facility, where his training would begin. 4 years have passed since he started there being 21, and he is now a Senior in the research department. He is respected by his peers, and those with less experience, all of which he treats nicely. The reason he agreed to all of this, was that mask. Up until now he has only found one link to it. SCP-035, the black mask. The first time he saw it, months after joining as a junior, he knew, it had something to do with the mask he encountered. He had to uncover this. He needed to know what all the white mask said meant. And so he began, a study in which he would discover the link between the two, and what he heard, if it was the last thing he did. He was never this serious, but he felt he had... a role? he does not know yet, but he was always goofy and unserious. When it comes to the black mask, though, he seems to change. When he is around 035, he is different. Composed. Focused. Almost... scary. Up until recently, he did not make any discoveries, but his research finally proved fruitful. The mask spoke of a host, His first one. He knows, this, is merely the beginning.

edited to include that i have never been warned or banned as researcher
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Active member
Apr 22, 2023
a lot of effort has gone into this application and it shows

i wanna see this man as the next exec (y)
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Mar 30, 2023
Has a lot of warns
Loves to mess around
Most of my warns are inactive and i do not "mess around" when playing research, on which i have no warns or bans. But thanks for your useful and insightful comment, seeing you never play research. I do not even know who you are save for staff interactions. I have not seen you ONCE in character. It seems "loves to mess around" is not something you can really say in your position, yet you did. It would also seem your warns and bans did not stop you from becoming staff, yet that being the sole reason for me, is enough to disqualify me for exec, in your opinion. (Warns i have not received in research, again.) Have a nice day.

Also this comment in my opinion is simply mean spirited, "etc" seems quite telling of this. I would appreciate less random comments. If you have an issue with me let me know. But you never being on research, again, it simply seems hostile.
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Most of my warns are inactive and i do not "mess around" when playing research, on which i have no warns or bans. But thanks for your useful and insightful comment, seeing you never play research. I do not even know who you are save for staff interactions. I have not seen you ONCE in character. It seems "loves to mess around" is not something you can really say in your position, yet you did. It would also seem your warns and bans did not stop you from becoming staff, yet that being the sole reason for me, is enough to disqualify me for exec, in your opinion. (Warns i have not received in research, again.) Have a nice day.

Also this comment in my opinion is simply mean spirited, "etc" seems quite telling of this. I would appreciate less random comments. If you have an issue with me let me know. But you never being on research, again, it simply seems hostile.
actually, when I banned you recently, you had many, many active warns.

I get the impression from others that you mess around a lot.
Mar 30, 2023
actually, when I banned you recently, you had many, many active warns.

I get the impression from others that you mess around a lot.
Please do not clog this, if you have an issue take it somewhere else. Said warns would be inactive soon. I do not care about your impressions, when again, you never play research. If you wish to be spiteful, be it on your own time. You have shown through your record you are capable of this.

Read this comment section and you will see nobody takes an issue with my behavior yet you insist. I could not care less about your position, again, ill will towards whoever will listen, i am doing a serious application here. Do not reply.
From: Site-56 Research Directorate
To: Sprucer
Application Verdict

O5 Council Clean.png

| Application Denied |

Greetings Sprucer, This is a message composed by the Research Directorate to inform you that your application for the position of Executive Researcher has been unfortunately denied. We thank you for taking the time to apply for this position, as that is very much appreciated, However, we would like to see you around site a bit more, along with what seems to be possible warning history that can not be confirmed due to you not putting a steamID on your application. Whether or not warns are gotten while on research or not does not de-merit them, If you would like more info you may EMail (Discord Message) either Me (Pup#1341) or "Lunaro" (Bees#4431).

You may reapply in 2 weeks, please take these 2 weeks to better yourself and prove you have improved.

Kind Regards,
John Iceland, Director of Research.
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