Sr. Researcher Puppy's Exec Researcher Application {USA}

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that girl puppy

New Member
Jan 31, 2024
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:740731660
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For how long have you played on CG SCP: my first join dates back to around 9 months ago when I was severely active, I stopped playing for around 4 months but have been back and active for 3 weeks now.
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): "Puppy"- Foundation "Mutt"- Civilian "Kitten"- Chaos Insurgency
Civilian name: "Mutt"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- 0
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I've received 4 warnings, LTARP, Toxicity, Toxicity & Mixing, and Toxicity and FearRP, I've received all of the toxicity warns for talking back to higher ups when I've became upset or somethings has happened in game causing me to have an attitude. I don't target players, I just have an attitude and back talking issue that I have been working on so that I could prove I'm professional and responsible enough for this position. With the mixing warn I wasn't sure what mixing exactly was prior to the sit which I explained to the staff yet they decided to warn me for it anyways which is okay I learned what the rule is now and have proceeded to not break it. I can't exactly remember what I did to deserve a FearRp warn or LTARP warn but the LTARP warn was months ago which furthers my reasoning to not remembering why I got the warn in the first place. Overall I've been more careful with how I approach issues and how I react because of said issues and have kept my attitude under control and in check.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
- I'm applying for Executive Researcher because I enjoy the research department the most, I find testing and studying SCPS's the most interesting and fun thing you can do on site. I believe the help that Executive Researchers give other researchers makes the role easier to play as and easier to level up in. I wouldn't have made it to Sr. Researcher without the help of my Exec's and I want to hold the same position they do so that I can help other researchers learn and study these SCPS's. I think when sampling and interviewing these SCP's its more than the XP or liquids you're getting from that, It's also the way the SCP thinks and the way it reacts to external behavior. I want more researchers to study the lore and the cause of these SCP's becoming the way they are, and I believe as Exec I can make that happen.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
- I am suitable for executive researcher because I take my role as Sr. Researcher very seriously and always try to do the best that I can when it comes to handling these SCP's and the test's I'm doing. I find the teaching aspect of my job to be the most exciting for me, I love introducing gensec and D-block personnel to new SCP's and teaching them about it. I also love when researchers and Jr. Researchers accompany me on these tests so I can teach them about it too. If I became executive researcher I would get to teach even more foundation members about these tests and exactly what all you can do with the information you gain from your tests. I am also suitable for this position due to how dedicated I am to the department of research, I haven't played any other jobs nor felt the need to due to how entertained I am doing my studies and my broke down diagnosis of these SCP's. My theory in game is that SCP's like 106 and 035 are fueled by this corrosive liquid they both contain, and other SCP's contain, causing them to breach and act evilly, the way they do. If I became executive researcher I could further my studies with the help of other researchers to figure out what exactly this corrosive liquid thrives from. Lastly I deserve this role because I've worked hard to impress my higher ups even as a Jr. Researcher always checking in with them and educating them on my studies and what I have found. I've always been proud of my tests even if they went horribly wrong, it has never stopped me from trying again until I get exactly what I need to complete my research. I am determined to study these SCP's until they physically want me to stop being so curious on how they think and work.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
- Ive written a ton of documents that have been graded good or average, but my 106 document was graded excellent. I was told this document was graded excellent due to the amount of information the document held as well as the professional formatting of the document. A great document should have loads of information and the detials of your testing. Someone who is clueless of an SCP should be able to read your document and know who it is and how the testing works afterwards. I think it should also look clean and neat, have a lot of information but make it flow and don't make it just words on a page. Show your passion for the test and your excitment through your words.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
- The responsibilities I would hold as an Executive researcher would be making sure all of the other researchers are getting the help they need to conduct a test. My role would also be to educate the researchers on certain SCPS's and directions for testing. If any researcher needed help writing a document or needed help choosing an SCP that best fits the experiment they want to conduct I would be there to show them and help them figure out what they want to do. I would be giving researchers constructive criticism on their papers and making sure they completely understand what the department is looking for in a paper. My job would also be to host meetings frequently to make sure all researchers have what they need and to make sure they're on track with their testing. My part would also be to deal with any researchers having issues in game with others. If my researcher feels attacked or harmed in game by another foundation member it would be my job to listen to their story and figure out what steps they would like to take in order to feel comfortable on site. If any of my researchers needed help with something unrelated to our department and testing than I would be there for them too. I would use my role to mentor people, not just to talk their ears off about SCP's and testing. I believe everyone needs to have someone in their department they could go to with any issue, and that would be my job. To consult, console, and congratulate them on their findings and their accomplishments
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Hello, I am known as Sr. Researcher Puppy, I am 18 and have been on site for about a year now. I came to site 65 when a massive biohazard broke out in my area causing my family to move us here. I started off as a Jr. Researcher just wanting to know more about SCP's. I am now a Sr. Researcher with more facts and information about them than ever before. I started my researching journey when I overheard my family talking about the breaching of SCP's, which made me wonder, why do SCP's want to breach and harm everything around them, but only at certain times. Thats what started this all and why I'm here now fighting for my spot as Executive Researcher, to prove to this site that there is more to study on these SCP's than just their fluids. We have to study their mental actions, the outside behaviors, the inner forces of these SCP's.
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Programming Team
Feb 9, 2023
Good at roleplay
Seen you around the site a lot
Good luck


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Jul 29, 2022
Yes, you seem very dedicated to research, and I see you almost every day I’m on, it’s just the constant negative attitude, if you improve that, then you might have potential to even go higher then executive researcher.
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Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
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May 31, 2023
+ / - Support
- What Tyrone stated above, Once you improve your behavior I think you will make a good executive researcher. Just got to chill out a bit.


Well-known Member
Nov 24, 2022
| Application Denied |

G'day Puppy,

You're application for the position of Executive Researcher has been denied.

Please contact Director of Research Ivy Picket [lunaria4211]] to request details.

We thank you for your efforts and wish you luck in the future.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.

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Well-known Member
Jun 30, 2022
Oregon USA
You've honestly come a long way Puppy and I'm proud of you. I still remember the first time you joined and you killed me in the d-class bathrooms because you thought that's how you earned cash. Seeing you change has been wild and I fully support you on your journey to Executive Researcher. +SUPPORT
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