Staff Application Round 2

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Jason Mcbrandtville

Blacklisted Player
Sep 7, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Zombiekilla29
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): Approaching 3 days currently. I have made further attempts In order to spend more time on the server.
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: Central
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Old Name used to be Notteh Giew/Highest rank ive received is Intelligence agent. As of lately ive been playing more DCLASS/SCP based jobs (096 is my main Whos name goes by Skinny Stick Man)
Chaos name (include your rank): Jason Mcbrandtville
Civilian name: Bartholemew Stinkypants
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:36021277
Discord ID (name#0000): ElasticWaistband#4083
Do you have a mic?: Yes and am willing to use it any and all times
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes I have received a batch of warnings Starting with some severe toxcicity bans which Back at the time when I had first joined the server I admit I was a little reckless in my endeavors and I have since learned from my mistakes and Will ensure that no more toxcity will ever be spewed out of my mouth again. I was a foolish member and have since learned from my mistakes. I even had purchased XK class VIP in order to better my behavior towards the server.
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?: Yes I used to run a garrys mod sandbox server back in the day that developed more towards a DARKRP aspect but then back to sandbox working as a Coowner for all future developments before the servers shutdown.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: I have acclimated/accrued around 4K+ Hours on garrys mod as a whole. I enjoy every single and little minute detail and roleplay aspect within the community and what all servers have to offer. I like to immerse myself with the gamemode at hand and are 100% dedicated to the roleplay aspects of the server.
How many hours can you be on everyday?: I am able to be on for a total of 6+ Hours a day. I am able to get on before and after work Properly fulfilling the time requirement. I am really dedicated to this server and I would like to serve the playerbase of this server more.
Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?: First and foremost and probably the most topic of all is my desire to play this gamemode. At first I had a pretty neutral experience towards the server which led me to being absolutely reckless and not having control on my behavioral aspects. I have since learned from past mistakes and will do my ABSOLUTE duty to ensure that myself and others do not emit the same behavior. I enjoy every aspect that there is about SCPRP. Finding new SCPS to research upon as well as studying up upon the lore. My longing and dedication allow me to strive to be the best possible staff member out there.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? I would be able to provide an undying loyalty and devotion to civilnetworks. I Will make sure to enforce the rules properly and efficiently all the while while using my best judgement in admin situations.

Why are you special over the other applicants?: I believe I should be picked rather than other applicants for the reason being that I am 100% dedicated to roleplaying on this server and am willing to do what it takes and more than willing to perform what is expected of me. I will serve the Roleplayers of the server well and will Properly enforce the rules whilst trying to make an enjoyable rp experience for everyone. My strongest points would be that I am a great team leader and I am a very conversable person. I never resort to anger and have a very calm and well spoken demeanor, I also am available to staff very late into the evening which makes my availability for the position even greater. I would be the person that players would like to go to first. I try to diffuse every situation before resorting to a nuclear option which would either result in a lengthy ban or similar punishments. I can interact well with the player base and be able to assist any player that shall need assistance with any in server issues. I strive daily to make myself be better than the previous day before. Each day is a new show of how I can project myself as a person. I am fully immersed into the RP aspect of the server. My intentions are pure hearted and each day I immerse myself more and more. I enjoy every single aspect about the server and would like the chance to be able to better serve its players and the community itself. I like to think of myself who always likes to go above and beyond to make everyone's experience more enjoyable with each passing day that goes by. I will ensure that these guidelines shall and will be followed to the fullest degree.
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Requise Skull

Mar 28, 2023
I support this man I feel like he could make a good change in the community and better moral, a vote for this man to be staff is a vote for better moral and community support.

Jason Mcbrandtville

Blacklisted Player
Sep 7, 2022
Playtime seems low as of Now but I try to be on atleast everyday for a total of 6+ hours. Balancing this and a work schedule is pretty easy. I would like to be able to staff at early hours in the morning when not so many staff are present on the server
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