"Stasis" UNGOC-C Personnel File (Pac Request)

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Jun 19, 2023
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"Welcome Professor ███████"

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NEXUS Code [Null-Blizzard-Eternal]


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[File #DG-525S]

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Audio Transcript between Doctor Cardiff & Professor ███████

███████: Quite a unique specimen you have here. Makes me wonder what lengths you've gone through to acquire it.

Dr. Cardiff:
Not much really, we found them wandering around Cell-███ half frozen to death. A blood-stained and tattered jumpsuit was the only thing on them.

You saying it's one of those KTE's from Foundation? [The sound of a cigar lighting can be heard]

Dr. Cardiff:
No, not really. The logo on the jumpsuit is not that of the SCP Foundation. We don't have much information on the corporation but we should have more answers in the coming months, once the subject is "willing" to talk about it.

Have you got any leads as to where it came from?

Dr. Cardiff:
Currently, not much. The subject's helmet has camera footage stored inside, we've managed to gather some data but it's not much to go off of.

What have you managed to find on the data. Anything that would lead to some answers?

Dr. Cardiff: [The shuffling of papers is heard being organized into a folder] Enough to know the corporation is to be considered a "Rival Agency". Once we get proper information on them we'll have operatives treat them as Threat Level 1, depending on what else we find.

███████: Mind if I look into this? You know the field I work in, this is prime material for me to examine.

Dr. Cardiff: Sure, have a look at it. Sending you the footage now, let me know what you find that I couldn't.

Sending Files...

"Files Received"

Begin Video Playback...

The footage begins through the perspective of the subject. They appear to be strapped to a table in a dark fluorescent lab with an unknown logo printed in black on the wall. Focus shifts to three researchers donning white lab coats, masks, electrical gloves and boots. Their facial features are blurred out by an unknown source. One of the researchers pulls a tape recorder out of their pocket and begins speaking.

The audio recorded is a conversation between researchers ████████, █████, and ███████.

Begin Audio Playback...
████████-1: [The click of a tape recorder is heard.] Record start. This is ██████, Head Researcher of ███████████ Biotics Division. Accompanying me are two of my colleagues who shall remain nameless for this recording. Under supervision from Director █████████ we will begin today's testing on the NC-525S Parasite and its effects towards an injured individual.

[The researcher clears their throat] Today's subject is a female in their late 20's, part of an unknown unit given their unique shoulder patches. Subject was split in half below the abdomen with no signs of a blade being the cause. Miraculously the subject appears to still be alive despite the damage caused to them, although they were close to death from blood loss before recovery teams arrived.

████████-1: As for the today's sample, [A metal briefcase containing multiple vials is placed upon the table] the NC-525S is symbiotic parasite which when injected into a host will begin an assortment of mutations depending on the host's needs. It is fully capable of growing indefinitely without the usage of the subject's biomass.

We'll monitor the progression of NC-525S within its host and examine how it mutates with the subject missing their lower half. Doctor ████████, whenever you're ready to start.

████████-1: [The researcher pulls out a vial with dark purple fluid and puts it into a syringe] We'll begin by injecting the parasite into the subject at which point it will become the host. Afterwards we'll monitor the progress from a safe distance until the mutation is finished.
The footage continues with the researcher injecting the subject with the syringe. Within seconds the host begins to mutate, with crab-like appendages growing out from the abdomen. The subject can be heard screaming in the video, deafening in volume it was toned down during it's upload process. A pair of stolen metallic leg armor is lowered onto the table. The parasite starts to grow out towards the armor, forming a pair of legs that fit inside. Huge vein-like mass clings around the armor, pulling it closer to the host before stopping at a moderate distance. The subject appears to have blacked out causing the footage to end.

*Edit* After reveling in my excitement of finishing this I had forgotten to add basic PAC3 information. The leg model is that of the MK.III Orange Suit, modified in such a form that Stasis can use without it being too heavy. The undergarment is the standard soldier Black Suit. The armor on top is modified "White Suit" pieces. Both combined give a balance of the "Black Suit's" maneuverability and the "White Suit's" survivability. Only the Left and Right eye has a halo to add a fitting glow. Materials used is that of the GOC LAV, which gives a beautiful hexagonal pattern, befitting of a UNGOC member.

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