StealthyxD Discord unban appeal

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Active member
Nov 7, 2023
Discord Name & Tag: stealthtxd

Server: SCPrp discord

Permanent Discord ID: 1037431533251866756

Date of Ban: Not sure (think it was a few days/1 week before christmas)

Reason for Ban: Dropped racial slurs, even with some ASCII art thrown in, after a previous ban.

Banned By: Not a clue (never got a note)

Prior Discord Bans: 1 ban (in total 2 bans)

Why Ban Should Be Lifted:

I messed up, big time. My bad for using some pretty nasty language and causing trouble around here.
Been thinking a lot about it, and I get it now. My words had consequences, and I let the team down. But I'm not here to make excuses, just to own up to it.

I've really started getting into the SCP RP server lately, trying to join MTF and all. But not being in the Discord is making it tough to stay in the loop, missing out on some important info and all.

I miss being part of the community, chatting with you all, sharing memes, you name it. I want to make things right and show I can be a better member of the community.
I know asking for a third chance might be pushing it, but I'm hoping you'll give me a shot. I promise to do better and keep things positive this time around.

Thanks for hearing me out, and I hope we can put this behind us soon.
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