Stephen "Judgeman" Gevanni Medical Consultant Application (USA)

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Stephen Gevanni

Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 5, 2022
Stephen "Judgeman" Gevanni | Medical Consultant Application

Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
2021, prior to the existance of the US server.

23 (will be 24 in a month)

In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Eastern Standard Time

Character name(s):

Foundation-Stephen "Judgeman" Gevanni
UNGOC- Naoya "Mach 3" Zebrin

Civilian name:
Eugene Pierre de Montesqiue

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Holding- UNGOC SGT, SCP 096, SCP 22415
Held- MTF E11 CPL (2 years ago on UK)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
All of my warns are expired and the vast majority occured over a year ago. About two months ago, I did get a warn for RDMing a mic spammer but that's since expired and I've had no issues with staff as of recent.

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?:
For the past year now on my Foundation character, I've primarily played as a combat medic or as a senior doctor given the more passive/supporting role they play within the facility. I've always had the most fun with LARPing and passive non-combative RP where I can provide an environment where the players I'm helping truly feel like they are being treated by a medical professional. I hope to continue doing so through taking up a more senior position within the medical department and helping enrich the medical RP in the server through thorough documentation, medical procedure RP and mature/professional communication with patients/colleagues. In doing so, I hope that I can support the medical staff within our department in becoming better physicians and being prepared for whatever comes through our doors (ensuring doctors are properly stocked with medicines, knowing when to use ECT/ensuring proper compliance with ECT, treating fractures, ect).

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
I've been a medical main on the US server for well over a year now and previously when it was just the UK server, I also medic mained then. I have extensive experience within CN on medical protocols, procedures and documentation throughout this period. Additionally, I've served as a medical NCO within the UNGOC for several months now and within this position, I've taken up many responsibilities that overlap with the work of consultants including: performing medical/psyche evaluations, leading blood drives, preparing and submitting professional medical documentation, keeping detailed documentation on medical fridge storage and evaluating novel KTE's/SCP's physiology. In addition to all of this, I may be one of the few people on the server who has direct clinical and research experience IRL as I worked for one year in a cardiology practice as a scribe and a second year at the NIH conducting biochemistry research. This provides me an extensive pool of vocabulary and medical experience that can be highly enriching for the department. Finally, I was recently accepted into medical school IRL and I think I can provide a unique insight into what it truly takes into being a physician leader to the consultant position if I'm accepted.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:

Annual Physical of a Healthy male Patient

Here, I will provide step by step my protocols for giving an annual physical examination of a healthy male 25 year old member of Foundation Staff.
1. Document patients full name, birth date, occupation, marital status, vaccination status, use of illict substances/alcohol (if so, how often and to what extent), typical diet, amount of time spent per week exercising, any current/prior medical conditions or procedures, and any current medical complaints.
2. Direct patient to physician scale, document patient weight and height. Calculate BMI as follows-Weight (Kg)/Height (M^2). Any BMI lower than 18 is considered underweight, 18-24 normal, 24-30 overweight and above 30 considered obese.
3. Direct patient to evaluation room and have the patient sit on the bed upright. Attach blood pressure cuff and access systolic/diastolic pressure. Anything above 130/80 is considered hypertension, if higher than 135 systolic I would advise starting medical therapy. Anything below 90 systolic would be considered hypotension and the patient will be recommended to begin increasing electrolyte intake or we will prescribe the patient Midodrine.
4. Attach heart rate monitor onto patients index or middle finger, any rate above 100 BPM or below 60 BPM should be documented as tachycardic/bradycardic respectively. Anything dramatically higher or lower than those readings or if the patient describes symptoms consistent with arrhythmia, immediately move to assess with EKG and refer to cardiology for an echocardiogram and stress test.
5. Assess respiratory rate, any readings above 20 breaths per minute or below 10 would require immediate testing for possible respiratory/cardiac failure/condition.
6. Evaluate patient temperature with electronic thermometer directed at patient forehead. Any reading at or above 100 degrees F is considered a fever and requires further testing to elucidate the specific disease.
7. Assess the patients gait by having them walk in a straight line across the room and back. Then examine for any general appearance abnormalities such as jaundice.
8. Utilizing the stethoscope, I would evaluate the patients heart for any abnormal rhythms, murmurs, S1 and S2 by having the patient breath in and out multiple times. Then I will do the same thing but now evaluate the patient's lungs, assessing for any crackles/rales/wheezing or diminished lung sounds.
9. Then, I will have the patient open their mouth and utilize a small flashlight to assess the patients oral health. I would then conduct a standard eye/nose test and feel the patients lymph nodes for any swelling. I would conclude the head examination with using my stethoscope to listen to the carotids to assess for any bruits.
10. I would then direct the patient to lay flat of the bed and begin tapping/massaging around the abdomen to assess the status of his digestive system and other nearby organ systems. Taps would be done to assess liver size, then I would utilize my stethoscope to listen for any abnormal bowel sounds or fluid flow. Any patient complaints of tenderness to palpation should be taken seriously and further evaluation should be done for appendicitis.
11. Evaluate pulse conclusively with 4 separate readings, A) Carotid, B) Radial, C) Posterior Tibial, D) Dorsalis Pedis.
12. Order a full set of blood work for the patient, CMP/CBC/Thryoid/Cholesterol/HbA1c.
13. Dismiss patient, await full blood work results and upload document to scripnet. Notify patient if any further workup is needed.

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:

1. Medical License Trainings: As a consultant, it would be my responsibility to regularly host medical training sessions to ensure that experienced trainees get the opportunity to move up within the medical wing.

2. Psyche evaluations: It would be my responsibility to ensure that anyone within the foundation, both staff and D-class, are mentally sound. To do so, I would conduct psyche evaluations and offer therapy to those who report psychologically questionable symptoms or feelings.

3. Combat Medic tryouts: With the change to combat medics being a WL only role, it will be necessary for me to host regular CM tryouts to ensure that qualified medical staff who want a more front lines supporting role get their opportunity.

4. Evaluating staff documents: Any submitted medical document by a member of the medical team must be carefully evaluated and graded by consultants. Submitters will be notified on what they did well and what they could work on for next time.

5. Ensuring medical personnel and procedure are up to code: There are several rules and regulations within the medical department that require strict adherence (ensuring armory doors are closed, ensuring patient needs are not ignored, ect). It will be my responsibility to ensure that members of the medical team follow our protocols and guidelines. Anyone who is seen deviating from site/medical rules will be warned and then later disciplined if necessary (job ban).

6. Performing complicated operations: Certain situations will arise in which someone within the foundation may require a non-invasive or invasive procedure in order to return them to good health. Such procedures should be conducted by consultants to ensure that no complications arise and that the patient can fully recover post operation.

7. Lead efforts to maintain a healthy foundation staff: As a leader within the medical team, it is essential for consultants to advise other departments or administration within the foundation on how to maintain a healthy workforce. Additionally, during outbreaks of disease whether classical (Flu/Cold) or anomalous, consultants must take the lead in ensuring that all staff members are either tested, cured, quarantined or wearing proper PPE.

8. CL4 duties: There are a number of general CL4 duties that anyone in possession of the card will need to do if they are available to do so, this includes consultants so long as it does not place them in immediate danger (closing bulkheads is the classical example).

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Name: Dr. Stephen "Judgeman" Gevanni
Age: 35
Height: 6'0
Weight: 165 lbs
Nationality: Italian
Department: Medical

Stephen Gevanni was born in Milan and raised in an upper middle class conservative catholic family. His father was a neurosurgeon and was barely around, but he was widely lauded by others in the family for his brilliance, which had a profound impact on young Stephens life. While he never had much time around his father, he viewed him as a symbol of the pinnacle of what a man should be and Stephen always knew he wanted to be a physician to take up this role. His mother firmly supported Stephen throughout his childhood, taking him to football practice, hiring him tutors and providing him love and support through both the ups/downs of his schooling. He was an exceptional student, not naturally brilliant like his father but a hard worker who spent hours studying a day to get to the top of his class. However, in doing so he became aloof and arrogant, thinking himself better than those around him due to his work ethic. These aspects of his personality will come to define him throughout his life.

Stephen easily was accepted into Italy's premier medical school, the University of Milan, and continued to demonstrate his exceptional work ethic and arrogance throughout his training. He excelled particularly in Cardiology and was first author in several cardiac clinical research projects during his time in medical school. Stephen was later accepted into IM residency at George Washington University in Washington DC, and went on to do his fellowship in cardiology at Yale. During the last months of his fellowship at Yale, he presented at Structural Heart Summit regarding a unique case study. After concluding his talk to thunderous applause, Stephen was approached by two men in identical black suits who wished to talk to him in private about his work. Stephen agreed and upon going to a private area, the men offered Stephen a job offer to join the SCP Foundation. He had never heard of this organization before and Stephen initially was inclined to decline, as he had many other job offerings with much higher projected pay. However, sensing the impending rejection, the suited men explained "Dr. Gevanni, we believe that you are the best man suited out of an entire generation of cardiologists for this position. You will play an important part in the continued safety of mankind". Stephen's eyes immediately lit at the stroking of his ego, these men knew how brilliant and hard working I am. Feeling that he would be part of something big and have a legacy worth having pride in, Gevanni agreed to the job offer.

Dr. Gevanni quickly proved himself to be an excellent physician during his first weeks at the foundation. He performed several percutaneous coronary interventions on senior site personnel to treat their heart disease with minimal complications. Over the course of his employment, he has kept impeccable documentation of all his patient encounters, therapies and procedures. In doing so, he was trained other physicians in his methods and become a forward thinking leader within the department. In addition to this, Gevanni took an active role in studying the physiology of SCP 058, the only SCP contained within Foundation hands that is a Heart at its core. He gained the moniker "Judgeman" given his very black and white view on human nature and morality. To Gevanni, there are only good and bad things in this world, hard workers and lazy bums, the intelligent and the stupid. He is quick to judge people based off these perceptions, and while Gevanni believes that makes him uniquely righteous, to others it just comes across as social ignorance. Regardless, as of now Gevanni has worked well over a year within the department and is generally respected for his work. He is now applying for a more senior level position within the department to take a more active role in leading the medical team.
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To: Stephen Gevanni
From: Daniel R. Kight
Subject: Application Denied

Dear @Stephen Gevanni , thank you for applying for the position. We in the medical team have reviewed your application, and we have decided that we will be denying your application for Consultant, reasons on this denial may be elaborated upon should you wish to contact me through my email. Have a good day Dr. Gevanni. (discord: playdoughzombie)
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