Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): The_Rel_Grill
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: First joined Civil April 2022 but been playing for 3 months and 3 days
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: Uk
Time zone: GMT/BST
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Steve "Omega" Winters
Chaos name (include your rank): N/A
Civilian name: Vinnie Cook
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:54678172
Discord ID (name#0000): mr.pinguino
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: First joined Civil April 2022 but been playing for 3 months and 3 days
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: Uk
Time zone: GMT/BST
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Steve "Omega" Winters
Chaos name (include your rank): N/A
Civilian name: Vinnie Cook
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:54678172
Discord ID (name#0000): mr.pinguino
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?
Yes I have experience being a game master in Two different communities both of those allowed me to hone my skills in planning and building alike. I posted a link of a event that I previously did on a different server don't worry there is no advertisements.
My Previous GM Doc
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?
On this Server: Yes
OutSide This Server: Yes
I Only play on SRP Server's!!!
How many hours can you be on everyday?
FYI: At the moment I'll be active pretty much every day
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?
I want to become a game master on the server because I have a lot of ideas that I would like to put on paper and play out. I noticed some GMs tend to not give audible cues, although it's understandable, I like to really get immersed with the player base. Recently, I noticed there was an advertisement recruiting for individuals who think they are qualified for GM. I initially held back, but now I think it's time for me to come out of my shell and give it my all.Yes I have experience being a game master in Two different communities both of those allowed me to hone my skills in planning and building alike. I posted a link of a event that I previously did on a different server don't worry there is no advertisements.
My Previous GM Doc
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?
On this Server: Yes
OutSide This Server: Yes
I Only play on SRP Server's!!!
How many hours can you be on everyday?

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?
I want to do more collaborations with other GMs, bigger events, and crossovers with them as well if possible. I also really would like players to get more involved in the RP field. I've noticed that some players don't tend to do the RP route and lean more towards the gun-ho approach. I would like to incorporate a bit of RPG elements into my events, such as multiple choices and the ability to choose their preferred outcomes rather than sticking to a script, making it boring and dull.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?
As I've stated, I wanted to incorporate more RP, RPG, multiple choices, and the ability to shape the story for the players. Some of this would require more than one GM, but I'm dedicated, hardworking, and able to keep my composure in stressful situations. I also want to incorporate audio and stimulating scenarios for the players to enjoy. I aim to increase the activity of events on the server; I've noticed that sometimes not many events happen during mid to late nights due to low player count, but you can always throw in a cheeky event.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server)
Entity: Unknown
Factions Involved: CI & Foundation
Chaos Insurgency:
It's just a normal, average day for the Chaos Insurgency. Until a rift opens up inside their compound, when operatives go inside the rift, they are brought to a dimension filled with darkness and shadow. Looking around, they see nothing but darkness until they notice a figure looking back at them. The figure introduces himself as The Shopkeeper and asks them to come to his shop so they can discuss business. When the operatives go into the shop, it's filled with curious items on display, but the shopkeeper wants the Chaos Insurgency to retrieve resources and certain items that can only be obtained in their reality and bring them back to his shop. In exchange, he will give the insurgency a unique item that might prove useful in future endeavors.
The Shopkeeper and The Saint are Twins. The Twins like to indulge in bets from time to time. This time, a bet was formed on who could be the better deity for the mortal realm. They both agreed and proceeded to make preparations. The Shopkeeper doesn't play by any rules; he likes to corrupt and manipulate people into his nefarious schemes. On the other hand, The Saint, given his name, is a kind and honest deity who wants nothing more than to bring good to humanity and create an age where people can live in harmony with no corruption in the world. The true nature of The Shopkeeper's plans is to build a device that will merge his reality to the mortal realm and plunge everything into darkness and shadow.
GM Side:
Event will need 2 GMs, but more never hurts. The two entities will have PACs representing their titles for the dimensional realms. We would be utilizing the new dimensional realms for GM uses, one being of a shadow realm nature and the other one being of holy nature. Items will be scattered around surface representing parts of a device, for example, wires, metal panels, and computer chips etc. Players will be able to interact in their realms for combat or any other purpose that they wish to utilize it for, but players can also invade their opponent's dimensional realms. For instance, if Chaos Insurgency wanted to invade the holy dimension, they will be given the option to do so. There will be some side objectives tied to that. Furthermore, near the end of the event, if everything goes to plan, the device will be made. If not, then I will come up with a Plan B. Unfortunately, I do not know what that is yet.
Factions Involved: CI & Foundation
Chaos Insurgency:
It's just a normal, average day for the Chaos Insurgency. Until a rift opens up inside their compound, when operatives go inside the rift, they are brought to a dimension filled with darkness and shadow. Looking around, they see nothing but darkness until they notice a figure looking back at them. The figure introduces himself as The Shopkeeper and asks them to come to his shop so they can discuss business. When the operatives go into the shop, it's filled with curious items on display, but the shopkeeper wants the Chaos Insurgency to retrieve resources and certain items that can only be obtained in their reality and bring them back to his shop. In exchange, he will give the insurgency a unique item that might prove useful in future endeavors.
Straight after the intercom announcement, a rift opens up outside of Med Bay. When people enter the rift, Foundation personnel are introduced to a place that is filled with light, almost Holy in nature. There will be an entity to greet them. This entity introduces himself as The Saint. The entity then proceeds to take them into the back of medical where they are given the task to stop an evil entity called the shopkeeper from destroying humanity and plunging their realm into darkness. The entity tells them that the shopkeeper likes to manipulate and enlist people into his schemes. The Saint only knows that the shopkeeper recruited some individuals not so long ago. On the surface, their job is to stop them from fulfilling the shopkeeper's goals.***ATTENTION FOUNDATION PERSONNEL, HIGH HUME READINGS HAVE BEEN DETECTED OUTSIDE OF MED BAY. PLEASE REPORT ANY SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY TO YOUR LOCAL MTF GROUP IMMEDIATELY.***
The Shopkeeper and The Saint are Twins. The Twins like to indulge in bets from time to time. This time, a bet was formed on who could be the better deity for the mortal realm. They both agreed and proceeded to make preparations. The Shopkeeper doesn't play by any rules; he likes to corrupt and manipulate people into his nefarious schemes. On the other hand, The Saint, given his name, is a kind and honest deity who wants nothing more than to bring good to humanity and create an age where people can live in harmony with no corruption in the world. The true nature of The Shopkeeper's plans is to build a device that will merge his reality to the mortal realm and plunge everything into darkness and shadow.
GM Side:
Event will need 2 GMs, but more never hurts. The two entities will have PACs representing their titles for the dimensional realms. We would be utilizing the new dimensional realms for GM uses, one being of a shadow realm nature and the other one being of holy nature. Items will be scattered around surface representing parts of a device, for example, wires, metal panels, and computer chips etc. Players will be able to interact in their realms for combat or any other purpose that they wish to utilize it for, but players can also invade their opponent's dimensional realms. For instance, if Chaos Insurgency wanted to invade the holy dimension, they will be given the option to do so. There will be some side objectives tied to that. Furthermore, near the end of the event, if everything goes to plan, the device will be made. If not, then I will come up with a Plan B. Unfortunately, I do not know what that is yet.
Faction: UNGOC
GOC Command recently discovered a brand new dimension called the Crystalline Dimension. It holds an array of various different sizes of crystals, and each crystal has a unique color. Each color seems to represent an element; some colors just have unique properties. Command made a brand new division called T.E.M., codenamed The Ethereal Miners. GOC command is hoping that acquiring these anomalous crystals will yield some promising results in future para-tech advancement.
GM Side:
I would like this event to revolve around pure RP and have minimal combat. The event will consist of one T.E.M. or two, depending on the crystalline dimension. There will be an anomaly, nicknamed golems or crystal golems, which will be controlled by a GM. These golems will go around eating crystals. When a golem eats a crystal, it will gain a unique power for about a minute before returning to its original state. If a player interacts with the golem, it will get agitated and proceed to attack the individual. If they mine a crystal near the entity, it will also provoke an attack. I'm considering using SCP Sweps for their anomalous capabilities or any UGX commands. GOC needs to acquire six different types of crystals in the dimension without letting the entity break free and going into are reality. If the entity becomes too agitated, it will run out of the rift and wreak havoc. The only way to bring it back into its dimension is to beam and cuff the entity, then return it to The Dimension.
GOC Command recently discovered a brand new dimension called the Crystalline Dimension. It holds an array of various different sizes of crystals, and each crystal has a unique color. Each color seems to represent an element; some colors just have unique properties. Command made a brand new division called T.E.M., codenamed The Ethereal Miners. GOC command is hoping that acquiring these anomalous crystals will yield some promising results in future para-tech advancement.
GM Side:
I would like this event to revolve around pure RP and have minimal combat. The event will consist of one T.E.M. or two, depending on the crystalline dimension. There will be an anomaly, nicknamed golems or crystal golems, which will be controlled by a GM. These golems will go around eating crystals. When a golem eats a crystal, it will gain a unique power for about a minute before returning to its original state. If a player interacts with the golem, it will get agitated and proceed to attack the individual. If they mine a crystal near the entity, it will also provoke an attack. I'm considering using SCP Sweps for their anomalous capabilities or any UGX commands. GOC needs to acquire six different types of crystals in the dimension without letting the entity break free and going into are reality. If the entity becomes too agitated, it will run out of the rift and wreak havoc. The only way to bring it back into its dimension is to beam and cuff the entity, then return it to The Dimension.
Faction: CI
Scenario: A covert CI research facility goes dark, prompting concerns within the organisation that it may have been compromised by The Foundation. As CI operatives investigate the facility, they discover evidence of a Foundation raid gone awry, leaving behind a trail of destruction and anomalous anomalies unleashed. determined to salvage whatever technology or assets they can, CI must navigate the treacherous facility whilst fending off both Foundation remnants and the unpredictable anomalous now running rampant. With time running out and the risk of exposure increasing, CI operators must decide whether to cut their losses or to press forward in their pursuit of power.
Reading from the scenario, you pretty much understand the why. But just a brief summary: there was a covert CI research facility that has gone dark. CI gets a transmission from Delta Command Now, they advises the operatives to send a strike team and to see why the facility has gone dark. Delta Command also mentions to recover any data and any schematics that the research facility was currently working on, to make sure that they don't fall into enemy hands. With that, Command wishes them luck and ends the communication.
GM Side:
I am planning to construct the facility in the GM field, with the entrance visible on the surface. Inside, the interior will be quite dark, but with lots of interesting objects to look at and unique rooms where operatives can find valuable data to extract. Along the way, they might stumble across Foundation MTFs housed in different segments. As for the anomalies, GMs will be abominations that the research facility was trying to make; failed experiments. Basically, they will be patrolling around the facility causing havoc for the Foundation and CI operatives trying to steal the data back.
Scenario: A covert CI research facility goes dark, prompting concerns within the organisation that it may have been compromised by The Foundation. As CI operatives investigate the facility, they discover evidence of a Foundation raid gone awry, leaving behind a trail of destruction and anomalous anomalies unleashed. determined to salvage whatever technology or assets they can, CI must navigate the treacherous facility whilst fending off both Foundation remnants and the unpredictable anomalous now running rampant. With time running out and the risk of exposure increasing, CI operators must decide whether to cut their losses or to press forward in their pursuit of power.
Reading from the scenario, you pretty much understand the why. But just a brief summary: there was a covert CI research facility that has gone dark. CI gets a transmission from Delta Command Now, they advises the operatives to send a strike team and to see why the facility has gone dark. Delta Command also mentions to recover any data and any schematics that the research facility was currently working on, to make sure that they don't fall into enemy hands. With that, Command wishes them luck and ends the communication.
GM Side:
I am planning to construct the facility in the GM field, with the entrance visible on the surface. Inside, the interior will be quite dark, but with lots of interesting objects to look at and unique rooms where operatives can find valuable data to extract. Along the way, they might stumble across Foundation MTFs housed in different segments. As for the anomalies, GMs will be abominations that the research facility was trying to make; failed experiments. Basically, they will be patrolling around the facility causing havoc for the Foundation and CI operatives trying to steal the data back.
Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
Crimson Contagion: The Siege Of Site-65
Crimson Contagion: The Siege Of Site-65
Foundation Side:
After the distress call, Foundation personnel must work together in order to combat the upcoming threat from SCP-610. Mobile Task Force will be stationed in the designated zones, and Foundation personnel will be advised to take shelter in quarantine zones. Site administration, including 05 Council and Ethics Committee, will have to put aside their differences and work together. ISD Omega-1 and Alpha-1 will be stationed in key designated zones - LCZ, HCZ, and EZ. Furthermore, as the situation grows closer, Site Command will be moved to Floor 3, where they will convene in a briefing room to discuss further plans.
Meanwhile, at the UNGOC Base in Pinewood, an alert comes from Nexus alerting all nearby agents in Pinewood that a huge anomalous reading has been detected heading towards site 65. All agents are advised to combat this threat and protect site 65 from any further major damage. The LT Gen and Gen gather up their forces and contact the foundation about the impending doom. The foundation asks for the UNGOC's aid with combat guerrilla tactics and harsh aerial strikes. The UNGOC obliges where they will combat the threat on the surface and stop the spread of SCP-610.
Chaos Insurgency:
It's just another usual day for CI until the command room intercom starts beeping. The commanders of the Insurgency group gather around the table. The commander of the group starts to play the message: "Greetings operatives, this is Delta Command. We have contacted you today for an urgent request. There appear to be a breakout of 610 instances heading towards site 65. Your task is very simple: capture alive specimen and samples of this strain and bring them back for analysis. Terminate anyone who gets in your way. We expect no mess up during this mission. Signing out." With that, the command teams assemble the best of their strike teams and start to head towards site 65. Little do they know that the GOC is currently aiding the foundation.
This is my take on a map change, there has never actually been a map change. I would like for there to be a map change in the future, but it takes a lot of preparation and dedication in order to pull one off. Please give me your thoughts and opinions on this map change idea since this is the first SCP RP map change that I have done.Results:
SCP-610 starts by coming through the train tunnels in heavy containment zone. Then, it slowly proceeds to move up, overwhelming E-11. After that, a wide order evacuation is announced, and all Foundation personnel must evacuate to the surface where there will be trucks ready to evacuate the Foundation staff. MTF units are advised to hold back 610 instances until a site-wide alpha warhead could be detonated. When everyone has made it to the vehicles and the MTF units can't hold back 610 any longer, they will proceed to activate the alpha warhead while evacuating the facility. When the convoy starts moving towards Site-██, the map will change, and the players will be transported to the new Site.
UNOGC, while fighting some minor 610 instances that managed to breach the surface of Pinewood, then starts evacuating any civilians or central personnel out of Pinewood and into trucks. The General or The Lieutenant General will call an airstrike to cover the foundation's escape while also coordinating an escape plan for themselves. If all goes well, UNOGC will meet up with the foundation at the rendezvous point organized by site command and GOC. Furthermore, Nexus command will authorize 3 orange suits to combat and safeguard the convoy out of the Pinewood territory.
Chaos Insurgency:
After fighting UNGOC & Foundation, Chaos Insurgency retrieves a live specimen or sample from SCP 610 instances. They bring it back to their compound for research. CI notices Foundation and UNGOC evacuating the territory and is slightly confused until receiving a communication from Delta Command instructing them to follow the evacuation convoy and to be discreet about it. CI starts packing necessary equipment and heads out, secretly following the convoy to the next destination.
List an example mission for each of the following
Foundation Staff:
The Ethics Committee received the transmission from one of their scouts. In the report, the operative mentions that a small compound tasked with manufacturing and documenting news articles for the foundation has gone on strike and is rioting. The Ethics Committee tried to send an envoy to negotiate with the rioters in hopes of resolving the riot. In return, the envoy had his head cut off and placed on a spike. The Ethics Committee received a photo of this and then deployed O-1 to resolve the issue and get the production back on track.
O-1 will be summoned to the Ethics Committee officers. They will be briefed by an ECM on the situation at hand. When they arrive at the compound, they will be greeted with former X Foundation employees throwing spears and arming themselves with weapons. O-1 needs to liberate the compound from the rioters and also ensure that none of the equipment inside of the facility gets damaged. If all goes well, the compound will be liberated and the treasonous ex-employees will be hung. But if they fail, the bombs that were planted around the site will detonate, resulting in the compound going up in flames.
GMs Thoughts:
Building Idea:
I would construct the compound in the GM sky box I would make 2 segments one will be a production site and the other one an office space the outside of the compound the exterior of the compound will be surrounded by some fencing and some blast tools making it look like a heavily guarded facility
GM's Mechanics:
I would incorporate a large amount of players for the foundation X members, probably getting CI players involved or GOC. I would then model them to look like foundation employees, giving them some weapons, like the spear weapon, as well as to some individuals. The leaders will get a bomb detonator just in case they win. Furthermore, when it comes to getting 0-1 to the GMs' skybox, I will use a helicopter prop and rig it up to a teleporter that I will place at the GM skybox outside of the compound. GMs will be on standby, overseeing the RP and giving out any key information that the players would need for the mission. I will most likely only need myself for this mission since it doesn't require a large amount of help.
O-1 will be summoned to the Ethics Committee officers. They will be briefed by an ECM on the situation at hand. When they arrive at the compound, they will be greeted with former X Foundation employees throwing spears and arming themselves with weapons. O-1 needs to liberate the compound from the rioters and also ensure that none of the equipment inside of the facility gets damaged. If all goes well, the compound will be liberated and the treasonous ex-employees will be hung. But if they fail, the bombs that were planted around the site will detonate, resulting in the compound going up in flames.
GMs Thoughts:
Building Idea:
I would construct the compound in the GM sky box I would make 2 segments one will be a production site and the other one an office space the outside of the compound the exterior of the compound will be surrounded by some fencing and some blast tools making it look like a heavily guarded facility
GM's Mechanics:
I would incorporate a large amount of players for the foundation X members, probably getting CI players involved or GOC. I would then model them to look like foundation employees, giving them some weapons, like the spear weapon, as well as to some individuals. The leaders will get a bomb detonator just in case they win. Furthermore, when it comes to getting 0-1 to the GMs' skybox, I will use a helicopter prop and rig it up to a teleporter that I will place at the GM skybox outside of the compound. GMs will be on standby, overseeing the RP and giving out any key information that the players would need for the mission. I will most likely only need myself for this mission since it doesn't require a large amount of help.
O5-█ has developed an unexpected virus that has infiltrated his immune system. A-1 is deployed to site-█ in order to find a cure for O5-█. Inside, a researcher by the name of Doctor Jacob William Smith will try to help the A-1 in their mission of curing the O5 of his unique illness. Doctor Smith tells A-1 that the symptoms of the illness are as follows: swelling, pus forming in certain places, coughing, sneezing, and death.
The disease will be a unique, made-up disease that I will name the Pluton Virus. It basically turns the user into an entity that resembles 008 or 610. There is a queue for the virus, but the materials are quite unique, but not impossible to get. They just need to retrieve some -O Blood, a snowdrop flower (that I will place somewhere on the surface), and ginger. Once they have all mixed that up in a centrifuge, then they would just need to wait 2 minutes for the chemicals to properly mix and give it to the infected individual. But there is a time limit they need to do it in under 10 minutes otherwise the subject will turn.
GMs thoughts:
To make the site exist, and you probably all know which one I'm referencing, it would definitely be a dupe. I would probably need someone who already has the dupe to place it down for me since it's a very nice dupe. I think it would fit the RP very well. If not, then I will just have to try and recreate it. The -O blood is easy to find, the flower in the ginger I would need to spawn in for them and place it somewhere random on the surface or in the kitchen. Only one GM is required for this since this is going to be a small-ish event. If they fail within the time limit, I will remodel myself into an instant and give myself some decent amount of health and a SCP swep.
The disease will be a unique, made-up disease that I will name the Pluton Virus. It basically turns the user into an entity that resembles 008 or 610. There is a queue for the virus, but the materials are quite unique, but not impossible to get. They just need to retrieve some -O Blood, a snowdrop flower (that I will place somewhere on the surface), and ginger. Once they have all mixed that up in a centrifuge, then they would just need to wait 2 minutes for the chemicals to properly mix and give it to the infected individual. But there is a time limit they need to do it in under 10 minutes otherwise the subject will turn.
GMs thoughts:
To make the site exist, and you probably all know which one I'm referencing, it would definitely be a dupe. I would probably need someone who already has the dupe to place it down for me since it's a very nice dupe. I think it would fit the RP very well. If not, then I will just have to try and recreate it. The -O blood is easy to find, the flower in the ginger I would need to spawn in for them and place it somewhere random on the surface or in the kitchen. Only one GM is required for this since this is going to be a small-ish event. If they fail within the time limit, I will remodel myself into an instant and give myself some decent amount of health and a SCP swep.
Mission: The Foundation has intercepted intelligence suggesting that Chaos Insurgency is planning a large-scale power grid sabotage. Task Force NU-7 is deployed to prevent the CI from plunging entire regions into darkness by neutralizing their operatives and securing critical infrastructure. As tensions escalate, explosions rock the surrounding area as NU-7 is engaged in intense urban combat against the CI forces.
I will make a dupe that resembles a large-scale power grid. I will place the power grid somewhere on the surface near the foundation, where CI and NU-7 can duke it out to see who will succeed. I'll throw in some explosions to make it more exciting. If CI wins, the foundation will be thrown into darkness, and containment procedures will be down for some SCPS. If NU-7 wins, well, that's pretty self-explanatory. Also add elements of puzzles so it's not too easy to shut off the power grid probably some sort of code.
I will make a dupe that resembles a large-scale power grid. I will place the power grid somewhere on the surface near the foundation, where CI and NU-7 can duke it out to see who will succeed. I'll throw in some explosions to make it more exciting. If CI wins, the foundation will be thrown into darkness, and containment procedures will be down for some SCPS. If NU-7 wins, well, that's pretty self-explanatory. Also add elements of puzzles so it's not too easy to shut off the power grid probably some sort of code.
Mission: In a remote wilderness location, a rogue SCP has taken control of a derelict military installation, turning it into a fortress guarded by numerous entities. E-11 is tasked with neutralizing the SCP threat and reclaiming the facility. As the team infiltrates the compound, they facing a barrage of explosive traps, hostile SCPs, and well-trained CI operatives defending their stronghold. Amidst the chaos of battle, E-11 must neutralize their specialized training and equipment to overcome the odds and emerge victorious in a high-stakes showdown.
I will create a derelict military base in the GM plane, E-11 will essentially arrive on a helicopter. I'll set up a teleporter to allow transition to the site. The SCP will be controlled by a GM SCP Codename: The Puppet, who manipulates and controls large groups of people, forcing them to do malicious acts. The base will feature abandoned military vehicles and trucks scattered around. I will construct an aircraft hangar and a small compound to house the SCP. This will result in a large-scale battle, but valuable roleplaying opportunities could be made.
I will create a derelict military base in the GM plane, E-11 will essentially arrive on a helicopter. I'll set up a teleporter to allow transition to the site. The SCP will be controlled by a GM SCP Codename: The Puppet, who manipulates and controls large groups of people, forcing them to do malicious acts. The base will feature abandoned military vehicles and trucks scattered around. I will construct an aircraft hangar and a small compound to house the SCP. This will result in a large-scale battle, but valuable roleplaying opportunities could be made.
Mission: Greetings, insurgents. Today, you will infiltrate an abandoned robotic research facility overrun by rogue AI constructs. Your team must retrieve valuable data. As for the data you must retrieve, we require the blueprints of the robotic constructs and the chip that makes them sentient. We suspect that the AI constructs have placed traps to hinder your movement in the facility. Please be aware, the engineer has assured us that your cooperation and success are ensured. Please, do not let us down, as this mission is of the utmost importance. Failure will not go unpunished.
An Anderson Robotics facility that has gone out of control, causing the robots to go rampant. I plan to make an entrance to the facility on the surface, with the interior divided into different segments in the GM Skybox. Within these segments, you will find blueprints; however, one of them will contain the sentient AI card in a small containment box. The rogue AI will be controlled by GMs, or restricting access to only players who have pac 3 abilities and are trusted individuals. I will create a dark and spooky atmosphere to match the theme of an abandoned facility, and if possible, I will display logos from Anderson Robotics. Overall, I believe with a few adjustments, this event could be very successful.
Mission: Greetings, insurgents. Today, you will infiltrate an abandoned robotic research facility overrun by rogue AI constructs. Your team must retrieve valuable data. As for the data you must retrieve, we require the blueprints of the robotic constructs and the chip that makes them sentient. We suspect that the AI constructs have placed traps to hinder your movement in the facility. Please be aware, the engineer has assured us that your cooperation and success are ensured. Please, do not let us down, as this mission is of the utmost importance. Failure will not go unpunished.
An Anderson Robotics facility that has gone out of control, causing the robots to go rampant. I plan to make an entrance to the facility on the surface, with the interior divided into different segments in the GM Skybox. Within these segments, you will find blueprints; however, one of them will contain the sentient AI card in a small containment box. The rogue AI will be controlled by GMs, or restricting access to only players who have pac 3 abilities and are trusted individuals. I will create a dark and spooky atmosphere to match the theme of an abandoned facility, and if possible, I will display logos from Anderson Robotics. Overall, I believe with a few adjustments, this event could be very successful.
Hello, is this thing on? Hello, General of Pinewood Outpost 38. I have a mission for you today. You'll be receiving visitors from the development team. Your mission is very simple: test the brand new black suit prototype that will be implemented into one of the spec OPS groups. I'm sure you will ensure that this mission runs smoothly. Also, General, keep in mind that this is meant to be of utmost importance. Keep this discreet; I don't want anyone leaking this information to any of the public viewers, especially those foundation people. Oh, and one more thing: I expect a full report in the coming 2 days. Over and out.
I will have two people posing as the development team one of them would be the lead researcher and the other one would be the assistant the prototype black suit will be a unique pac 3 that had wires attached to it making it look like a prototype some things will go wrong with the suit resulting in the researchers to formulate some new ideas on the suit but GOC researchers are more than welcome to chip in and formulate new ideas on how they could resolve these issues or improving better ones this will basically be research RP then combat
Hello, is this thing on? Hello, General of Pinewood Outpost 38. I have a mission for you today. You'll be receiving visitors from the development team. Your mission is very simple: test the brand new black suit prototype that will be implemented into one of the spec OPS groups. I'm sure you will ensure that this mission runs smoothly. Also, General, keep in mind that this is meant to be of utmost importance. Keep this discreet; I don't want anyone leaking this information to any of the public viewers, especially those foundation people. Oh, and one more thing: I expect a full report in the coming 2 days. Over and out.
I will have two people posing as the development team one of them would be the lead researcher and the other one would be the assistant the prototype black suit will be a unique pac 3 that had wires attached to it making it look like a prototype some things will go wrong with the suit resulting in the researchers to formulate some new ideas on the suit but GOC researchers are more than welcome to chip in and formulate new ideas on how they could resolve these issues or improving better ones this will basically be research RP then combat
An anomaly has caused a disturbance in the fabric of time, and the foundation needs to investigate the source before it escalates further. Staff members are tasked with conducting a thorough investigation, gathering evidence from different time periods, and piecing together the timeline of events. Along the way, they may encounter echoes of the past or future, interacting with historical figures, or glimpsing potential futures. In a race against time, they must restore temporal stability.
Low and high Hume dimensions are going to be used a lot in this. The SCP will basically be a figure from the foundation's past, tampering with the fabric of time. He will be going to different dimensions and trying to cause chaos. What the foundation staff need to do is speak to echoes of the past or future, and they will give them hints on how to stop the individual from ruining the fabric of time so they can restore the temporal stability of the universe. The echoes WIll be GMs and for the SCP, that will be another GM who will go around causing a bit of chaos in the low and high Hume dimensions. If all goes to plan, then they will fix the fabric of time. But if not, more special distortions will appear in the foundation, resulting in a huge Hume spike in energy.
Low and high Hume dimensions are going to be used a lot in this. The SCP will basically be a figure from the foundation's past, tampering with the fabric of time. He will be going to different dimensions and trying to cause chaos. What the foundation staff need to do is speak to echoes of the past or future, and they will give them hints on how to stop the individual from ruining the fabric of time so they can restore the temporal stability of the universe. The echoes WIll be GMs and for the SCP, that will be another GM who will go around causing a bit of chaos in the low and high Hume dimensions. If all goes to plan, then they will fix the fabric of time. But if not, more special distortions will appear in the foundation, resulting in a huge Hume spike in energy.
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