Rule Suggestion Stricter Use of IC Information in OOC

Rule suggestions will be reviewed by Superadmins, this may take longer than standard content suggestions.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Lessen the use of OOC to include IC information.
& 'Metabaiting'.

'Keep IC information out of out of OOC.'
'No References to what is going on in a current on-going in-game situation.'

In most roleplay servers, saying IC Information in OOC is ruled against.
Saying things such as (I've copied these from the time I've played):
'/OOC CI disguised as an Ethics Member, lol'

'/OOC CI Raiding Ethics/F3 again'
'/OOC SCP-8837 is breached, time to go afk'
'/OOC 106 Stop Camping D-Block'
(call a sit)
'/OOC All SCPs are on surface'
'/OOC OOC Guys, Still 3 SCPs breached'

(or similar, these are just common examples)
to send/gain information that will change someone's in character decisions should typically not allowed, yet are never punished.

'IC' in OOC Information that could still potentially be acceptable (SL's Discretion):
'/OOC [MTF] Tryout in 10 minutes, flag on Cadet'
'/OOC [MTF] Training'
'/OOC [SCP] Flag on'

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Less RP Unintentionally Effected
+ Less Metabaiting
+ Less Metagame
+ Less Mixing

+ Less OOC Cope/Complaining

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- 'Just Report Metagame' - Metagame such as someone putting in subtle IC information in OOC may simply change another player's RP decision, most of the time not enough to even get evidence to claim metagame.
- 'It's already in the rules' - This suggestion is to make it strictly addressed in the rules so it is properly enforced in the future (this behaviour has been okay for years & never properly enforced)
- 1984

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The words people say in OOC (intentionally or unintentionally) effect people's RP and encourage metagame/mixing.
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+ support

But i would prefer if both OOC and LOOC were removed from the game entirely

The biggest challenge presented by this is when CI/researchers need to ask SCPs to flag on
Would like to update what I said here.

Use of OOC should:
. Only be allowed to request SCPs flag on
. Only be usable by staff to pause RP
. Only be usable by staff to manage sits/give refunds etc
. Only be usable by GMs to coordinate events
Would like to update what I said here.

Use of OOC should:
. Only be allowed to request SCPs flag on
. Only be usable by staff to pause RP
. Only be usable by staff to manage sits/give refunds etc
. Only be usable by GMs to coordinate events
removing casual chatter from OOC would make the server seem more dead to a new player and make it harder for them to figure out the ropes, imagine you're a new player and have just spawned in d block having no clue what's going on - the chat is completely empty and you can barely do anything. almost everyone in d-block is completely clueless (aside from the scouts/brutes who are probably doing their own thing), hopefully you see what im saying.
the same goes for pretty much all low clearance jobs who can't see much on comms, it'd also be less fun during late hours when the site feels completely dead because there is noone chatting on comms - GMs coordinating events is completely doable with csay and existing commands on !menu, a system for staff to pause RP/manage sits is a different suggestion which can be developed separately. I don't think removing OOC entirely is the way to go.

Also, how would OOC be used to manage sits or give refunds? Admins have their own chat to manage sits and giving refunds is as simple as giving X person items on the weapon menu?
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