This is what i posted in the nu-7 announcement have fun reading:>
I imagine this playing in the background
`>User Detected`
||`>Please Enter Unique Password Prompt`||
||`>Good morning Sunari. How may I assist you?`||
||```Initiate "The Sun Will Rise Again"```||
||`>Initiating Self-Destruct sequence in t-30 minutes`||
||`>Self Destruct Set for 2 minutes||
||`>All Exit Sealing In 10 Minutes`||
||>Hard Drive Will Be Erased After This Session. Anything else you want me to do?`||
||```Send *the Message* to my fellow [Redacted]```||
||`>Message Recived. Uploading. Upload successful. Terminating Session`||
:scp: Site 65 Server :scp:
||`>Unauthorized User Detected`||
||`>Running SAUE Protcol 2`||
||`>Procedure *Failed*
>Noti fy ing 4!213 @#@!% 2%@#% 43%*533$@42`||
||``` Server AI, SAUE. OFFLINE```||
Hello guys,
it pains me in the heart to have to say this but; this is my last time I will be using these technology ever again. I been here longer then most of you guys were ever recruited as GENSEC. I went through an amazing journey along my career to commander, from slaughtering CI to dealing with your shenanigans, but yet I am leaving. I have no intent to disclose my reasoning on leaving but I will say this, it is because I am done with this world and ready to go to the next.
Erik, if you are getting this, I hope you will succeed and carry on our legacy that our previous commander held and eventually get the funding that we so desperately need; I have hope for you. Obviously you would not be as great as them but you will find your own story that you will hold next to theirs.
John, I have no words that can describe how bi-polar you think. But yet you are very knowledgeable and kind to those that doesn't even deserved it, save for those greenies. I just hope you get betting using the sheets.
Painter, you show great potential; keep on honing you skills and do not go the those ISD. Same goes for you War and Jason.
Joe, learn to draw a line from being professional and being a idiotic-crayon. I know you can do better then that, and make sure you put your own thoughts instead of leaving it to others.
Vibereant, If you want to reach a higher rank, grow up and show your dedication.
And for the rest for ya stop acting like a senseless turret and use your two legs and kill Greenies.
Betrive, I have no words for you. I hope you come crawling back bagging to the new Commander
||``[Insert 05_distrack]``
```Honorable Mentions
Rudy, Best commander there is
Green, So green
Epic, almost got that epic ltcom for nu7 but still found success
Chan, best aussie there is. Mans too goofy
Doofster, second best aussie
Bohemia, best ltcom for 2 second. Get your ass back in to nu7
Jack Slotty and Spartan, best people. forever be in my memories
Mercer, Chill ig
Kinhea, Best o1 com. don't know why they removed ya
Joese, Fish. don't get com again I swear
Mac, You are dope
Nathan kaedek, how do I know you
Monker, monkey cat
If I didm't mention your name, Sucks to be you i guess```||
||`>Connection Terminated By Unkown Source`||
||`>Please Enter Unique Password Prompt`||
||`>Good morning Sunari. How may I assist you?`||
||```Initiate "The Sun Will Rise Again"```||
||`>Initiating Self-Destruct sequence in t-30 minutes`||
||`>Self Destruct Set for 2 minutes||
||`>All Exit Sealing In 10 Minutes`||
||>Hard Drive Will Be Erased After This Session. Anything else you want me to do?`||
||```Send *the Message* to my fellow [Redacted]```||
||`>Message Recived. Uploading. Upload successful. Terminating Session`||
:scp: Site 65 Server :scp:
||`>Unauthorized User Detected`||
||`>Running SAUE Protcol 2`||
||`>Procedure *Failed*
>Noti fy ing 4!213 @#@!% 2%@#% 43%*533$@42`||
||``` Server AI, SAUE. OFFLINE```||
Hello guys,
it pains me in the heart to have to say this but; this is my last time I will be using these technology ever again. I been here longer then most of you guys were ever recruited as GENSEC. I went through an amazing journey along my career to commander, from slaughtering CI to dealing with your shenanigans, but yet I am leaving. I have no intent to disclose my reasoning on leaving but I will say this, it is because I am done with this world and ready to go to the next.
Erik, if you are getting this, I hope you will succeed and carry on our legacy that our previous commander held and eventually get the funding that we so desperately need; I have hope for you. Obviously you would not be as great as them but you will find your own story that you will hold next to theirs.
John, I have no words that can describe how bi-polar you think. But yet you are very knowledgeable and kind to those that doesn't even deserved it, save for those greenies. I just hope you get betting using the sheets.
Painter, you show great potential; keep on honing you skills and do not go the those ISD. Same goes for you War and Jason.
Joe, learn to draw a line from being professional and being a idiotic-crayon. I know you can do better then that, and make sure you put your own thoughts instead of leaving it to others.
Vibereant, If you want to reach a higher rank, grow up and show your dedication.
And for the rest for ya stop acting like a senseless turret and use your two legs and kill Greenies.
Betrive, I have no words for you. I hope you come crawling back bagging to the new Commander
||``[Insert 05_distrack]``
```Honorable Mentions
Rudy, Best commander there is
Green, So green
Epic, almost got that epic ltcom for nu7 but still found success
Chan, best aussie there is. Mans too goofy
Doofster, second best aussie
Bohemia, best ltcom for 2 second. Get your ass back in to nu7
Jack Slotty and Spartan, best people. forever be in my memories
Mercer, Chill ig
Kinhea, Best o1 com. don't know why they removed ya
Joese, Fish. don't get com again I swear
Mac, You are dope
Nathan kaedek, how do I know you
Monker, monkey cat
If I didm't mention your name, Sucks to be you i guess```||
||`>Connection Terminated By Unkown Source`||
I imagine this playing in the background
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