Denied Surface Combat/RP Rebalancing Part 1: Nu-7 Loadout Changes

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Content Team, specifically Derek, before you deny this instantly, Mercer told me to post it. Hear me out. This was discussed mostly by the US Nu-7 CO team, and when presented to the UK, I took their opinions that they presented to me into account and tweaked certain things accordingly. This suggestion is made to solve a lot of issues within Nu-7, mostly in regards to our identity. As it stands, we are statistically inferior to DEA in most ways, and DEA isn't even a regiment. A common question I as a Nu-7 CO get asked is "Why should I join Nu-7 over DEA?", and to be honest, I and many others do not have an answer to that question as is. I hope that in adding certain pieces of utility to our jobs we will be seen as our own branch capable of doing our own tasks, not just "DEA minus".

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Changes the following things on specific jobs

MTF Nu-7 Hammer Down - Operative:
- Adds Technician Tool, Repair Tool, and ability to fix "Electrical Boxes" (i.e Keycard Scanners, Tesla Gates, etc.)
*Note: I know the first thing some will say of this taking away RP from Tech Experts, but (at least on US), Tech Experts and Engineers rarely, if ever, RP as is. Most RP you see from them is attempting to Pitchfork the Chief Overseer in a rebellion. This coupled with the fact that getting them to come to Floor 3 to fix Keycards or come to surface to fix Garage Door/Front Gate is near impossible makes certain tasks very daunting. Nu-7 used to have repair tools, and I feel like there was no huge imbalances caused by it. Now that HCZ is massive and Surface has a lot going on, it is more justifiable to return the repair tools. This logic will be applied to all jobs that receive it, so I will just list it on Operative.

MTF Nu-7 Hammer Down - Medic:
= No changes needed.

MTF Nu-7 Hammer Down - Specialist:
- Adds Technician Tool, Repair Tool, and ability to fix "Electrical Boxes"
- Adds Elastic Restraints
*Notes: A nice QoL addition to Specialist that I can't see any harm in adding, will help us when it comes to taking Civilians or CI into custody, and due to it being an NCO job (unlocked at CPL), it is used by more trustworthy members of the regiment and will not be abused.
- Add a Weapon Checker
*Notes: Since our main objective in Nu-7 is handling CI, it makes sense to be able to strip their weapons without a "/me strips weapons" bind, though it also comes in handy for any D-Class or Civs we may have to detain. Similar to the Repair Tool, I will only explain this on this one job as the same logic applies later on.
- Replace LR300 with a different assault rifle, the 2 that came up the most in conversation were the CQ300 Lynx (if it gets fixed) and the AS VAL (since it has been nerfed).
*Notes: The LR300 is just disappointing comparative to the newly added HK417, it used to be a better pick that Operative or Medic's gun when they had the GRY, but now it is just out of place and outdated.

MTF Nu-7 Hammer Down - Autorifleman:
- Lower rank restriction from CSG to SGT
*Notes: CPL to SGT in Nu-7 does not mean a whole lot on either UK or US, this was something that was addressed quite a bit. Adding a solid workhorse utility job to the SGT rank will make the promotion more meaningful and will push for more people to use said job, as it is currently underutilized in favor of Marksman, which is unlocked at the same rank.

MTF Nu-7 Hammer Down - Marksman:
= No changes needed.

MTF Nu-7 Hammer Down - Officer:
- Adds Technician Tool, Repair Tool, and ability to fix "Electrical Boxes"
- Add a Weapon Checker
- Replace the Colt M4 9mm with either the Mk-18 Mod or the Mossberg 500
*Notes: The Colt M4 9mm really adds nothing to the loadout of the Officer job, and comparative to other MTF Officers or even CI, they all get actual secondary weapons whereas we get an underwhelming SMG. Adding a Mk-18 Mod would be ideal, as it is not an overpowered weapon that is obtainable from the gun dealer, but a shotgun like the Mossberg 500 would also be preferable to the Colt M4 9mm.

MTF Nu-7 Hammer Down - Commander:
- Adds Technician Tool, Repair Tool, and ability to fix "Electrical Boxes"
- Add a Weapon Checker

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Yes, although not these exact changes. This suggestion is different in the aspect that US Nu-7 formulated a list and then presented it to the UK server, and we came to a middle ground to make both factions happy while addressing the problems we all had with the regiment's loadouts. I believe these loadout suggestions are more plausible and feasible than ones that have been suggested prior, and are more likely to get considered by the Content Team and Network Leadership.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Surface combat will become more balanced.
+ Nu-7 will not have to rely so heavily on DEA to do anything at all.
+ DEA and Nu-7 will finally be independent entities with their own identity and util (DEA has immense scouting ability with drones and disguises, Nu-7 has raw firepower and the ability to *literally* fix issues before they start.)
+ Will give more reason for newer players to join Nu-7 over DEA.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Nu-7 may be a little too strong, but I doubt this to be the case due to the nature of most of the suggestion being utility and QoL over gun changes (though there are a couple). Even still, the weapon changes are made with CI in mind and are actually supposed to mimic CIs loadouts to make things more equal. (i.e CI Officer gets SCAR-H, CI Commanding Officer gets Mossberg, so Nu-7 Officer gets MK-18 Mod or Mossberg)

- May take away some of the responsibilities of DEA, though as it is DEA is a one man army type of job, where if you have Sr. Agent+ you can basically take on any issue with a Disguise Card, heavy weaponry, and all the utility one can ask for. Plus, DEA still have disguise cards AND drones, so their identity is not fully squandered.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Overall, Nu-7 has always been in a pretty "center of the road" state. Before DEA came out, Beta-1 outshined Nu-7 in most regards outside of numbers and Intel had a lot more utility. Now DEA are basically running the entire site (On US) and are capable of doing everything Nu-7 do but better. The only actual leg up Nu-7 has compared to DEA is Medic, but that doesn't mean a whole lot when Combat Medics exist and are eager to help even on surface when needed. I could see how this would be a controversial change, or one that may require a lot of thought by the Content Team and Network Leadership, but I also see that this change would help swing the scales to be more fair for Nu-7 compared to DEA.

As I stated at the top, I hope the Content Team reviews this change thoroughly and considers it. I plan to make more suggestions to help spice up Surface gameplay loop for all 3 GoIs and Civilians.


Active member
Jan 31, 2023
I love the title "Surface Combat/RP Rebalancing..."

nothing in here rebalances/improves any rp :skull:

I love the title "Surface Combat/RP Rebalancing..."

nothing in here rebalances/improves any rp :skull:

It's gonna be several suggestions, I'm doing it 1 by 1 to abide by suggestion policies
not needed and too big a change
The whole point was that this wasn't needed. It's some QoL changes and some additions to make Nu-7 have proper identity and capable to do things that DEA, Combat Medics, or even GENSEC can't do.

Derek White

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Oct 12, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Second ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We as content team have a multitude of things planned when it comes to loadout changes. Along with NU-7 being able to interact with the electrical boxes we have deemed it as not necessary as you have two other jobs that there whole things are dealing with repairs. You are also able to flag on to the jobs you are having trouble with so take care of it yourself. I will be having a talk about changing the rank requirement for autorifleman when i come by to talk out the loadout changes content team would like to do.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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