Tarz moderator application - 2nd

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Nov 12, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):
Osamaspinladin3 ( please do not judge me on my original steam name as I created it long ago.)

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):
I currently have 1 week 2 days and 21 hours playtime.

Age: I am 15

In what country are you located?: The United Kingdom

Time zone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Tarz - A1 - SPC

Chaos name (include your rank): BOB SMITHINSON

Civilian name: My civilian name is Tony Stanford.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:580666537

Discord ID (name#0000): JESAS.CHRIST#5653

Do you have a mic?: I do have a microphone

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: - I have made 1 other application which was also for moderator which can be found here - https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/uk-tarz-mod-application.9995/

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes I have and currently to date I have had 7 warnings and 2 of those which are not yet expired are for fail RP C and also fear RP B , also I have one ban for severe toxicity , however my last warning was issued over a month ago and I have taken this time to read the rules in depth , although I have read the rules I understand that it doesn't make the things I have done acceptable but I hope you understand that I am different from how I once was and my previous actions no longer represent me as I have drastically changed my ways of playing and roleplaying on the server and I hope you can see my improvements from my previous self. Although I talked about my warnings I would again like to say that I have "heavily" changed my ways and I am on track to have no warnings ever again as I know as staff you have to be a role model to other players.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?: - No I do not however I think I can say that I have a rough idea of how to enforce the rules of the server and do a moderators job.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
I do as I am in the MTF regiment Alpha 1 meaning I get to RP along side other well experienced role-players who have and also do educate me on rules and other such things that can help me roleplay properly and also enhance my experience. However if we are talking about RP outside of just SCP RP I have also played many hours on Grand theft auto roleplay and other games along the way. I would also like to say that I understand what serious roleplay is and how it is performed and that you cannot do things such as mixing and that you must always be professional.

How many hours can you be on everyday?: I can be on the server - Each day I can roughly play around 6 hours or more however when I am either free or its a weekend I can be on for much longer than 8 hours or more each day.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:

1 - I want to become a moderator for the civil networks community as I enjoy talking and roleplaying with the people on the server and I think that because I am usually near a lot of people most of the time I can help them whenever they need any questions answering or they are in need of any assistance.

2 - I want to be seen as a role model for people on the server and along with that I want them to see me helping people who are unsure of the server rules and this make them want to do the same.

3 - When I first joined the server I never dreamed of being part of the moderation team but after playing the server for many hours and having numerous encounters with people from the moderation team I have grown to love the server and the people who play it and I personally think being able to moderate and help people who are not only new but also veterans of the server would make my day as when I first played the server I was helped greatly by others and I believe I could do the same for the New players of the server.

4 - I also believe one of the many reasons I want to become a moderator on this server is because of my frequent playtime as I always see myself playing the server every single day no matter how I feel , and even with my many hours I play each day I feel like something is missing as sometimes I do get drained but I think a new role like this could greatly benefit both me and the moderation team as I would happily take time out of other roles in the server to help with player reports and other things as I love to help people .

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

Before I go into depth on why I think I would be a great fit for this role on the moderation team I would like to say that I don't think I am better than any other applicants as I am sure they are willing to do the things I will do to become a moderator and help people in the community .

1 - One of the reasons I think I would be a great fit for the role of moderator is the amount of hours I play as I think with this amount of knowledge on the server rules I would be able to help people with any type of problem that is reported.

2 - Another reason I think I would be a great fit for the moderation team is that I am always open to criticism meaning if I am ever wrong or misinformed of something I will always listen , take into consideration about what is said and change accordingly.

3 - I am almost never away meaning I will take player sits not just quickly but also frequently meaning whatever has happened can be dealt with swiftly meaning the people in question can get back to having a fun and enjoyable experience on the server.

4 - I have both CI and foundation roles meaning I am well versed in the rules of certain things which include things to do with CI and or things to do with stuff concerning rule breaking and ethics violations meaning I can verify if a sit is justified or if the situation should be roleplayed out to its fullest extent.

5 - I am not biased and this can help in many ways say for instance a report is made about 2 regiments such as E11 and NU7, I can happily deal with whatever has taken place without being swayed to one side of the story and this is beneficial under certain situations as everything is fair , another example of this could be if someone had harassed or said something to me and then they report an issue I will still try and help them the best I possibly can.

6 - I also think another reason I would be a great fit for the moderation team is the time I usually play at , as I play from early in the day until around 2am in the morning or much later if I am not tired however when I play during these hours there is almost no mods on and sometimes there can be no mods on at all and I think I could fill this gap meaning people can always ask for help on the server no matter the time , also along with this I saw in the discord announcements that the server is in need of moderators who play at this time which links back to what I said about me being able to fill this gap.
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Well-known Member
Aug 31, 2022
Hello Tarz, I’ve seen you around a lot seeing as you’re in A-1 and when I have had interactions with you as OSA you have been very professional and kind. I do believe people can learn from their mistakes and your warn history may have a lot but again, you can learn from your mistakes. I also believe that even if you have no staff experience our mentors and staff team can help make you a great staff member. I wish you the best of luck tarz!


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Apr 30, 2022

Application Accepted

Hi @shequis,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Congratulations on having your application accepted, please join the Interview Waiting Room in TeamSpeak and put "Waiting for Interview" in your name so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.

Note: Although you may also have previous misdemeanors and reports of maturity, we hope you do not repeat them in the future.

Kind Regards,
Requis & Demi​
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