Tearin Osumi's Intelligence Ambassador Application

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Active member
Jun 1, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:95453863
Discord name: Tearin#6828
For how long have you played on CG SCP: For about 70 days, I first started on May 2nd this year. I have about a week of actual playtime
Age: 25

In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Tearin "Temperance" Osumi
Civilian name: Sabrin Marido
What server are you applying for? SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Intelligence Ambassador?
The Intelligence Department is currently my favorite department to work in, and I have spent more time in the Intel Department than any other, besides D-Class. I want to become an Ambassador for the RP reason of seeing my character get a promotion, and climb his way up the ladder, so to speak. Also, the Ambassador has a duty to the other intel agents in his area, to correct them when they are wrong, and to praise them for doing well, and I want to be that person in my department.

What makes you suitable for Intelligence Ambassador?:
While I have been working in the Intelligence Department, I have never received any formal reprimands nor any informal ones. I have always followed the rules of my department, and done my best to keep the secrets of Site-65, secret. I enjoy the RP I have in the department, and I believe that I am very good at RPing in Intel. I also thing that this promotion will expand how much RP I can do in this department.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I have submitted 3 documents as an Intelligence agent, all interrogation reports. A document should be easy to read, while also containing a lot of information in a dense package. The best way this is achieved is formatting your document with lines and differing sized text, so that the information flows in a easy to read way. A good document is also interesting. Arrest reports, and all reports we write, are sometimes hard to make interesting because things are be a little mundane. But a good report can tie into other RP threads, or relate to the author, and make them stand out a little more. That makes a regular arrest report great to read.

What are the responsibilities of the Intelligence Ambassador in RP?:
Ambassadors first most duty is to coach their agents, make sure they are doing the right things the right way, and to correct them when they fall short. But they should also praise agents when they do a good job. I feel like this is just as important as punishing bad behavior because it promotes the sense of community and just makes intelligence more enjoyable They should work closely with their department director, to ensure the department is functioning well. And lastly, they still must do the regular duties of the DOI, interrogate civilians and the CI, run surface missions, and handle information breaches.

Please give some lore about your Intelligence Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Tearin grew up without a father. He died very early in Tearin's life, a victim of a drunk driver late one dark saturday night. The driver, survived, and was remorseful for what he done, but there is no changing the past. This left Tearin's mother alone, to raise two young boys. Money was tight, as while Tearin's father had a well paying job working as a homicide investigator, Tearin's mother was just a homemaker, and while the family was receiving some death benefits from his father's life insurance, it was not enough to maintain their current lifestyle. Tearin's family downsized into a small apartment inside the city, and his mother took on whatever jobs she could to try to support her two kids, mostly minimum wage gigs. She instilled in her two boys the important of going to college, and getting well paying jobs. She tried to hide it, but the stress she was under was heavy. She starting working more than one job, and even held three at one point, and she just never truly moved on from her husbands passing. Tearin and his younger brother notices this, and pushed themselves hard into their studies. Tearin's brother wanted to become a doctor, and because of his hard work, he was able to secure a full ride to a nice medical school. However, Tearin wanted to be like his father, so he chased after a Criminal Justice degree. This stressed his mother out to no end, but he was also able to get a good amount of scholarships, and he went to his dream school.

Tearin and his brother both sent money to their mother once they got jobs in their respective fields, but still, she was still not living well. She never pursued another romantically, after all she didn't have the time while she was a single mother, and once they left, she still never sought company. If being alone or not compounded her stress or not is unknown, but just collapsed in her apartment alone one day. Lucky, she has neighbors that cared, and they call for the rescue squad right away. She was taken to the hospital, and while she did recover well, the boys were worried. Tearin's brother moved her in with him, so that wake he and his fiancé would be able to look after her.

Tearin exceled in his new job, and obtained a number of good raises. As such, he took on more of a financial burden for his brother and mother, so that way she could be more properly looked after. However, one day, at work, when Tearin entered his office after lunch, a high school friend was waiting for him inside. They were not very close, but as far as Tearin remembered, one day, she just fell of the face of the earth one day. Gone, almost no contact. She was brief in conversation, but she offered him a job. Information gathering, she said. It would be paying even more than the salary he already made, but he would have to leave the city behind. While it hurt him to make that decision, he took it, after all, the more he made, the more money he could send to his family. His brother's wife was also expecting, after all. And so, he started a new job working for the Intelligence Department at the SCP Foundation. While he hated being so far away from home, and he was not partial to the town he lived in now, he felt like sending money was his only way to help the family, so he works at Site-65, for the money, and the hope of a happy family.


Active member
Apr 12, 2022
Congratulations on your new position as an Intelligence Ambassador!
Please reach out to an Admin+ in game to receive your whitelist and do not hesitate to contact either me or any other ambassadors if you have any questions.
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