Denied Tech Expert - Higher Clearance

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jul 24, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Add a level 3 clearance Tech Expert job

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

As far as I know, no, I saw a guy suggest it in the server OOC chat and I was very interested in the idea

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

Tech Experts would be allowed to go in areas such as HCZ by themselves to repair doors and computers, all while not using MTF resources (escort)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

Tech Experts may use their clearance to get grenades, which is not allowed because they are non-combatives. This is why I recommend a prerequisite of a high support level to play on a clearance level 3 tech expert job.

Example of a good support level: 25

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I think this suggestion should be accepted because I feel it makes gameplay smoother and it would make sense that experienced personnel have higher clearance than level 2.
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I know containment decay/maintenance is in progress (not sure how far off that is), so my (personal) ideal is:
  • Chief Engineer / Head of Maintenance / Head of Engineering (whatever the name should be, same concept)
    • Department chief, can organise training, roleplay, documents, job bans, etc. for maintenance roles
    • CL4, door repair tool, technician tool, pistol purely for self defence (like consultants have), maybe the SCP maintenance tool, radio, clipboard
    • Whitelisted, selected by site administration
  • Senior Engineer
    • Support 20 and/or whitelisted, selected by Chief Engineer
    • Trusted engineer, can lead roleplay situations, enter LHCZ and other CL3 areas to repair things
    • CL3, door repair tool, technician tool, pistol (self defence, as they will be able to enter LHCZ, etc.), radio, clipboard
  • Containment Engineer
    • Support 20 and/or whitelisted, selected by Chief Engineer
    • Same as Senior Engineer, but based purely around SCP maintenance
    • CL3, SCP maintenance tool, repair tool, pistol (self defence, LHCZ), radio, possibly a containment beam for passifying SCPs if they have to enter a containment chamber (not sure on this one, should probably just be supported by a combatant), clipboard
  • Technical Expert - same as it already is, plus radio and clipboard
  • Engineer - same as it already is, plus radio and clipboard
  • IT Technician - same as it already is, plus radio and clipboard
This is assuming we don't get job-based keycards following from my MRP keycards suggestion, which might affect clearance levels mentioned here. I'd also like to see the technician tool do more than just terminals - possibly, servers could go down and the like in F3 server room, HCZ datacentre, etc. that it could repair, would also give more RP purpose to those places. With a full maintenance/engineering department, it would also make sense for them to have their own comms channel.
I hope containment engineer is a joke...
I can support this with Engineering and Technical becoming a document with a CL4 over it, we can solve the minge tech experts and have some amazing RP over that department. We could also do this with a map change with this department being put in the entrance zone. We can make heavy changes to door breaks and turret repairs as well as maybe have a sector of lights going out for this department to fix. There can be a lot of room for RP if the content team and the mapping team help out with it. I would be glad to step down from Chairman to Head of E&T to start of this new department.
Sr. CL4
Director of E&T

Chief Engineer

Senior Engineer

Technical Expert

IT Technician
I majorly+Support this idea


Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023
-Support (with a catch)
As an extremely active Tech Expert main, I can say that this is a pretty bad idea. Tech Experts are an immensely mingy job due to the lack of anything to do when there isn't a breach, and giving them CL3 is asking them to run into HCZ to open CCs or possibly grab an M4 from the armory.

While most Techs already have a perma weapon, giving them an extra way to get a very good gun that they could easily minge with is asking for a bad time.
As much as I HATE THIS , Tech Expert is seen as a "Flag on"-Job, as in you only play it to do a specific thing, then flag off (such as chemist to buy beakers). You do your job and doing anything else is considered odd behavior or straight-up a breach of conduct.
You're constantly questioned when you're somewhere odd, always weapon-checked randomly, under constant suspicion of doing something wrong, seen as a minge constantly, and CONSISTENTLY have the rulebook shoved down your throat.
There's a decent difference between CL2 and CL3, and the info-breaches waiting to happen are also immense.

-Now, with that said, if there was a whitelisted tech role with Cl3-4, that would be neat.
I've asked for this for a while, but considering the last suggestion I made for Tech Experts being credited by E-11 or something being denied, I also suggested a Whitelisted role that could do the same.
Having a significant amount of Support Levels as well as just having plenty of experience and reputation as a non-mingey Tech would be the main contributing factors to getting the whitelist.
ESPECIALLY if you can have a gun.

Now with my own opinion, I would FUCKING LOVE having a CL3 but simply for getting around HCZ and grabbing Scrambles from the armory.
Add scrambles to the Tech room? Make checkpoints CL2? fuck it I don't want a CL3 anymore.
Plus, it's always fun getting away with stuff you're not supposed to c:

Oct 16, 2022
United Kingdom
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Red,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

After discussing this suggestion, we concluded that there would be no need for a Tech Expert to have such a high clearance keycard when they can just simply get escorted by someone that does have the correct clearance level to where you need to go.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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