Accepted Tech expert redundancy fix

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion is a request to add a new system for doors to no longer auto repair if a tech expert, engineer and other possible jobs with a repair tool are clocked on as doors auto repairing voids one of the bigger reasons for the job to exist, which auto repair voids. 9/10 of the breaches I experience where I am a tech expert I eagerly start repairing doors that the SCP's have broken, I repair 2 or 3 then i am faced with being spammed with the look at broken item error whilst I am midway through fixing another.

This one is more towards the UK server but I feel PC's should be re-added back to SCP chambers as removing the majority of computers out of accessible area's makes the tech jobs redundant as between breaches you have nothing to repair (outside of camera's) and even after breaches auto repair kicks in on doors which yknow lmao.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
probably not as this would add inconveniences

Possible Positives & Negatives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ would give tech experts a reason to be clocked on outside of a free cl2 role to minge on
+ would create interaction for the site securities and tech experts as they would need to get a tech expert to repair doors n such.
+ more Support XP availability (which is one of the slower XP tree's due to lack of consistency / credit spammability)
+ - Would allow escaping D-Class / Infiltrating GOI's ease of access if doors are not repaired
- Tech experts might not be utilized still and doors would go unrepaired because people may not want to communicate outside of their group still
- high clearance area's would be a lot more at risk during breaches where repair jobs cannot get to the area's
- more "weh give me item" suggestions might be created for groups to get repair tools which would result in content having to waste their time on them, limiting their time which could delay actual beneficial suggestions being looked at.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
as I've stated in my suggestion description. Tech expert has become a redundancy as doors auto repairing / lack of computers to be looked at for repairing removes their self worth outside of specialized RP (which no one does). This has made tech expert an even more dysfunctional role that is only utilized to fuck around as you have nothing to commit to as a tech expert.
I love Tech Expert gameplay and RP. Mass breach happens, every door gets broken, I'm working my way through them, I suddenly get spammed that the door is already fixed, and magically every door is fixed. An E-11 calls me to fix doors in HCZ for once, we get there, the door isn't broken because it auto-fixed itself by the time I got there and I have to IC just write that off to them as magic door fixing tech and really enjoy another thing that removes absolutely any possibility of E&TS having anything to do.
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Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Oct 18, 2023
I would -Support this purely because it would ruin what little gameplay loop techies have. Yes their attraction as the default minge job is an issue. But this is not the solution.

Edit: You could RP out ways to repair this. etc, Get a d-class on work program. or if lord has it. Just get someone you know to flag onto engineer/techy
I would -Support this purely because it would ruin what little gameplay loop techies have. Yes their attraction as the default minge job is an issue. But this is not the solution.

Edit: You could RP out ways to repair this. etc, Get a d-class on work program. or if lord has it. Just get someone you know to flag onto engineer/techy
I feel like you have perhaps misread the suggestion. As it is, all doors auto-repair themselves after a certain amount of time that really isn't that long (excluding doors that auto-close, so I'm assuming it's based on when they were last closed or something like that). This means that after breaches, you go around as a techie and by the time you get into LLCZ from E&TS spawn, all the doors have fixed themselves. This suggestion is to remove that so that E&TS can actually do their job and not be left with nothing to do.
Jun 19, 2022
Suggestion Approved

Hi @Dinklesprinkle,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
We will be editing the system so that it would only auto repair doors when the server population is under 60 and re-adding PCs to popular scps like 173, 076, 939, etc.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as accepted.​
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