Teo Tsharp O5-2 "The Official" Application

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
4 Months 20 Days roughly
In what country are you located?:
Northern Ireland
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Teo Tsharp
Civilian name:
Charlie Tate
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
A1 LCPL | Site Advisor | Site Director
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
O5-2. At the time of making this application O5-2 is the only council slot open, therefore leading me to pick this number.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
I personally believe that I am the best candidate for this open slot in the O5 Council for the following reasons. My experience on the server when it comes to senior position are like no other, I have experienced almost every RP situation an impress most people I play with. As I have just mentioned I have experienced so many RP situations and I believe that due to this experience I can involve the O5 council in more day-to-day server activities as I believe they are very out of touch with actual activities in the server. Me being in this position would hopefully give the daily player base more interactions with the O5 and therefore making more RP. I also am a extremely competent and confident person I don't double back on any decisions and always stand out as a person in general due to my out-going interesting personality.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
In RP the O5 council are there to overview the facility to ensure the wellbeing of departments leaderships and have regular chats with site administration to ensure that they are conducting their duties to the best of their ability's. O5 also are supposed to conduct regular checks on the insides of departments for the likes of medical staff to ensure that they are acting correctly and conducting duties as supposed to, they can achieve this through using there provided ID Card (Disguise kit). It is also in the duties of O5 to conduct raids on the CI facility and insure that captured CI are correctly interrogated and dealt with when it comes to the means of returning them to CI or executing if necessary. O5 also ensure that their personal protectors A1 are conducting duties as expected and making sure their commander is correctly training and selecting their members to be the best for the role of A1. The most prized role of the O5 is the level 5 key card this key card holds access to every room in the facility and will give a O5 member access to set of the Alpha Warhead which will detonate all of the site in its existence. This is to be used with extreme caution and only in very severe cases for the likes of a mass SCP breach which will be un-containable.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
Out of RP O5 handle the application side of the server. This would include the likes of Site Administration applications, Medical Department and security department applications. Its O5 job to insure these people would be fit for the job and watch them in game to prove that they will be fit for the position then with the other O5 members come to a final verdict on their application. The O5 also handle server RP policy's this could include division limits for MTFs and sorting members of high administration roles LOA&ROA and logging them in the correct places so that server staff can be aware of who is going to be inactive for certain lengths of times. The O5 council also have been involved in documents such as the Code of Conduct these documents were made from RP to be used in RP hopefully improving RP standards and making the server more enjoyable for the daily player base.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Teo Tsharp born and raised in Northern Ireland. When Teo reached the age of 16 he began to study in the university of Queens in Belfast to become a scientific researcher, his aims were to become a member of the UK governments specialist scientists. After 6 years of studying in Belfast Teo had become an incredibly smart well-known member of the Northern Irish community for his incredible findings into sub-human studies. These findings were so incredible it started to gain worldwide traction and many nations seek Teo to join their scientists to continue to further study sub-human creatures. But Teo the loyal member of the United Kingdom opted to apply for a position in the UK's most elite scientific research team.

Without surprise Teo was elected to join this team but not only would he serve for this team he would join the UK's most secretive program the "Site 65 containment facility" as a Jr Researcher were he would be able to further research into sub-human lifeforms or otherwise known within Site-65 as SCPs. After a long time in work for Teo he managed to progress the ranks in the facility all the way up to Site Director. By this time Teo was now a well-known member of the community but had also aged significantly aging to 30 years of age. This resulted in a few changes within Teos appearance he is now a bald man with a very shiny head. Which quite a few of his colleges liked to joke about saying his shiny head “blinds them from the light”. These jokes showed Teos great sense of humour as he was always able to come back from these jokes with more jokes on them really showing Teos bright personality and maturity within his position.

All to soon Teos life and identity would change forever… He received an anonymous note from an odd old man. He spoke very few soft humble words... “When you make your mind up call this number ####-####-####” Then suddenly disappeared out of thin air. This was a very irregular occurrence for Teo but hesitantly he opened the letter to read the following:

To Teo Tsharp​

You have been invited to a confidential meeting with the Site Command regarding your position in Site-65. If you are interested, please ring the number provided and say the code word “Blue Pill”. From there you will be given further information.

Site Command

Without thought or consideration Teo rang the number. He repeated the code word “Blue Pill” as instructed, and was surprised to hear the voice of a charming young woman speaking to him:

“Thank you for calling, A1 operatives are on their way to collect you, pack your stuff. Good luck!”
“Phone Hangs up”

At this point Teo was extremely confused, his mind was racing trying to recall what mistakes he has made in the past week. Though all he can come to is when he insulted an Ethics Member going by the name of “Meez” calling him a stinky shite, though that wouldn’t explain why A-1 operatives are collecting him. Or why he had to pack his stuff. Teo quickly caught a grip of himself and settled his racing mind and packed his personal items and waited for the arrival of his escort. When the operatives arrived, they took his belongings for him and headed straight for floor three in a perfectly formed formation. This journey was a journey of anxiousness but also a sense of security and power being escorted by these anonymous men and woman to floor 3. Teo felt important and noticed the short glances from junior members of the foundation looking up to him as a king. Teo liked this feeling and grew a growing crave for this to happen more often.

Upon arrival of floor 3 the assistant Teo caught eyes with the woman he spoke to on the phone, she smirked at him then winked giving Teo the butterflies. THUD… Teo had become so distracted in this incredibly beautiful young woman that he had walked straight into the glass doors smashes it to pieces all over the perfectly polished marble floor. He looked back in embarrassment to see her laughing hysterically though her laughs came to a quick halt as soon as a tall white male in a full back suit walked through the door opposite the now destroyed glass door. His shoes shined brighter than Teos bald head and his manly woody aftershave furthermore asserted his dominance and power in this room. Quickly Teo apologised for his mistake but was shortly put down and made aware his mistake was not to be dwelled on and it will be replaced shortly. He then gestured for him to follow, and the A1 escort dismissed themselves and continued to their bunks. We entered a room with a large round table with lots more men all wearing identical suits, and all wore the same aftershave of the first man Teo met. Teo felt like saying he was blinded by the reflection of all their perfectly polished shoes but thought better of it and took a seat where he was gestured to. The room sat in silence for a short time before the man in the middle introduced himself and shook Teos hand firmly. What comes next can’t be repeated to ensure the integrity of this confidential information. But what I can tell you is… Teos… Life… Changed… Forever… Forever… Forever…

Teo was now known as “The Official” and assigned a new position alongside the men who he met this day. The ins and outs of the role he was assigned for can’t be disclosed but to Teos delight he was given the same perfectly ironed suit, strong woody aftershave and of course the shiny shoes to compliment his perfectly oiled hair bald head. Teo or The Officials story lives on to life of confidentiality, power, importance, and significance fulfilling his true potential in Site-65. Though sometimes Teos mind wondered back to the days of his youth where he rode his bike along the footpath delivering the newspapers. Or when he would spend days in school throwing rubbers at the teachers, or rainy days at home watching the F1 with his dad. These memories became an often occurrence in Teos mind as he reminisced on the old days of his youth that he would never experience again, though he didn’t miss it. Teo enjoyed his new life, new job, new future and would continue his legacy until his final days.
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MRP War Criminal
Dec 31, 2020
HI there Teo Tsharp, ill be giving you +Support
-Never had any bad issues with
-has made for a great advisor & director
-Good Application
-Shows dedication through staff and previous expirience

I rarely given support on apps since i have obtained ethics, but this deserves one!

Kind regards,
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Ethan Mendaz

Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 4, 2022
+ Active IG and TS
+ Amazing quality of roleplay
+ Site Administration experience
+ Great application

Good luck <3
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022



  • Active IG/TS.
  • Mature.
  • Good at roleplay and delegation.
  • Can effectively communicate and co-operate within a team.


  • N/A


  • N/A
Good Luck.
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CG Platinum VIP
Dec 24, 2020
Hello there Tsharp, After reading your application carefully there are a lot of issues within the application such as:
-Back story/Storyline isn't even a storyline this doesn't include in lore and just a recount of your ingame career I recommend re-doing it entirely I am surprised that no-one has told you regarding your back story. I recommend finding a subject within lore to base it off a great example is Umbra and the seeker application as they took a lore subject and used it but don't copy it of course.
-OOC Duties of O5 The Ethics committee has a joint say within the medical department etc. Also some tasks are lacking a detailed answer and regarding the "Alpha warhead" is an ethical dedication alongside the O5.

I think that the back story really needs to be re-worked i recommend going on the SCP Wikipedia to find a subject to base your Back story on then you can maybe base your name regarding it.

So after discussing the main point i am worried about i will be going with a
-Support The main reason is due to the lack of detail and bland back story i see no effort put into this application back-story feel free to contact me on discord if you have any questions. Regarding your roleplay its all good i wouldn't call it the best but it's among the best of the server.If you change your back story my verdict shall change. Anyway good luck!!

After Re-reading your back story is has improved by a decent amount so my verdict will change to a +/- Neutral I do really push you to make your back story include more in-depth lore but i see you are putting up effort trying to fix these issues anyway good luck!!
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So after discussing the main point i am worried about i will be going with a -Support The main reason is due to the lack of detail and bland back story i see no effort put into this application back-story feel free to contact me on discord if you have any questions. Regarding your roleplay its all good i wouldn't call it the best but it's among the best of the server .If you change your back story my verdict shall change. Anyway good luck!!
Hey Bram thank you for your concern your not the only person to make me aware of this. And I agree with you completely my lore was lacking and to be honest was simply just a copy and paste from my site director with a few more lines. So with a bit of work I have completely re-did my lore and hopefully this impresses you. I spent lots of time writing and really tried to make a interesting character out of it. If you have any more suggestions for me to add to it to add more characteristics to my character please let me know. I've also updated my application in a few other areas, hopefully improving it more for you.

Thank you for your concerns and honest verdict Bram :)
+ Support

- In your time as Site Administration I have seen you consistently work towards improving operations on the site
- Great at organising and leading people
- You were one of the proponents for the formalised training system in research which has helped train a lot of Junior Researchers
- Great roleplayer
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