Thank you

I know that me and this server have had our ups and downs, I've had some troubles with the server and the server has had some troubles with me and I know I've expressed the feeling of this server being toxic towards me. But, after further realization and being back in the community I've come to realize that this server and community (with the exception of some trolls) is a genuinely nice place and a cool community. I've enjoyed my time here and I want to thank everyone who has been nice to me, everyone in this community is genuinely great and I have enjoyed my time here on this server. I'm proud to announce that on my tier list of servers I've played, you guys are the only S tier. I'd like to give special thanks to @Jules @Sage Corleone @Epicap all of these people have been so kind and understanding and I just wanted to give thanks to them. Have an amazing day everyone!
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