Denied Thaumatologist Rework

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jan 11, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Currently, the Thuamatologist uses the same reality bending system as the type greens, a SCP class that it was custom built for, but the toolset doesn't make sense for a member of research to have
The Reality Bending system was made in mind for an SCP that causes havoc and is focused on escaping and not going back to containment, but this doesn't benefit a member of the research department who simply tests and has no need for destruction
The current loadout for reality benders is the following
Materialize, a power that spawns a random gun that allows stable damage output with an equal chance to get a god gun or a pistol
Escape Card, a tool that causes confusion and distrust, allowing for either a reprieve to recharge or a chance to escape
Inversion, a temporary invincibility that allows for extra health to be generated from incoming damage, while sacrificing movement
Dissolve, an instant kill attack that works on up to 2 people by method of disintegration
Detain. a power that prevents up to 3 people from doing anything but walk slowly for a short time
Bullet Freeze, an invincibility tool that allows full movement and immunity to ranged weaponry but still allows melee and chemical damage
Explode Head, a second identical instant kill tool that costs the same, has the same cooldown, cannot be used before the energy cost and cooldown of the other ability is up, but has a different animation, so basically is just a reskin
Ignite, a DoT tool that has less cost than the instant kill, but less kill guarantee
Destabilize, a tool that sacrifices all energy, but prevents the enemy from suppressing you for 10 seconds
These are the tools available to: Both type greens, the Type blue which is a reality bending D-Class, Thaumatologist, CI Type Blue and the UNGOC Thaumatologist
Currently, it makes sense for the type greens and type blue D class to have these abilities, as their goals are the same, that being Escape and destruction, except one is kill on sight for some reason, rather than contain despite being the exact same other than name and location. These ability's also make sense for the CI Type Blue, due to them needing versatility in a combat scenario.
The UNGOC is sorta in the same scenario but this post isnt about that
However, this makes no sense for a non-combative to have, since in all scenarios, a scientist of any kind should not be attempting combat of any kind and should simply be running, even if he does have powers.

My suggestion, after all this exposition, is very simple.
1 Rework the current power system for the Thaumatologist to be more research based and less murder based, allowing the scientists to use their powers freely, without being restricted to less than half their toolkit, replacing abilities like the 2 instant death powers with maybe an ability to spawn documents of a certain kind as they please, buffing outgoing GENSEC or MTF with defence/attack boost or a teleport ability to rescue D-Class to use them for further testing
2 Rework the Thuamatologist role and restrictions to better reflect that of a reality bender that is allowed full free roam of the facility without an armed escort, that does not get 10 different guns pulled on them and an argument every time they use their powers and has the full trust of the entire foundation

With the current toolset and rules, a Thuamatologist cannot be fearRP'd under any circumstances unless they are already cuffed by non ordinary methods. At the same time, they must run for their lives and is currently unable to defend themselves unless hunted down. However, this role is A REALITY BENDER NOT SCARED OF GUNS, SO WHY DO THEY HAVE TO RUN, This suggestion isn't try to make this role combative, it is simply trying to set CLEAR guidelines that make sense RP wise and gameplay wise. If you cannot be made afraid with guns why must they run from people with guns. It makes sense to run from SCPs, there's no way to defend against them but there are numerus ways to defend from guns.
I Suggest allowing thaumatologists to do 4 simple things
1 Allow in the assistance in taking down type Blue/Green as reality benders cannot target each other by design
2 Allow in scenarios against armed assailants with defensive abilities such as Restrain, Inversion and Bullet Freeze
3 Restrain D class under any circumstance, whether armed with blade or gun or simply trying to run
4 Allow defence with firearms whilst retreating, should all energy to defend themselves be expended
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I do believe so, I have looked for quite a while and the only ruling I have found for reality benders is that they are immune to all forms of fearRP while not handcuffed, despite scouring the forums for any documents, clearly outlining the restrictions of the job/powers
I have found a suggestion for less deadly abilities but that was nearly a year ago and despite them stating that there were considering making different abilities on their own, there has been no changes made nor any clear rulings i can find of the forum
Possible Positives of the suggestion:
Clarifies the rulings of the role since they cannot be found anywhere no matter where I look
Gives real gameplay purpose to this role with defensive permissions, without actually endangering themselves
Encourages proper roleplay as an experienced and trusted member of the foundation that can use his powers to help others
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Some might misunderstand the rules, which means the rules MUST be worded in such a way that doesn't allow this to happen
might be hard to change the powers for reality bending: code wise, might break it and take a while to release a non combative version
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Currently, thaumatologist has no real role in the facility other than a way for XK VIPS to skip research levels and be CL3 and was most likely just slapped in due to the addition of the type greens without much consideration to the powers given since people can simply be warned if they use the powers

ALSO: many previous rework proposals have been denied under the grounds of, "we know, we are working on it, shut up with these good ideas we are busy with other things". GIVE US SOMETHING. YOU DONT NEED TO DO LITERALLY NOTHING TO IMPROVE IT JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE "ALREADY DOING SOMETHING" with this ruling change, even if in a few months, the entire power set for thaumatologists finally gets reworked with less deadly powers, all you have to do is properly add in the rule ,making it so we have a proper role in the facility and until that massive rework gets done, we don't have to sit around and be useless
1. Sure, give the thaumatologists unique powers, not combative-leaning ones but ones that can assist testing like being able to target and grant D-Class items from a pre-designated list, such as syringes, empty flasks, clipboards, helmet cams etc.

  1. Feels like an extension of 2
  2. Would be heavily abused, at that point the "research" thaumatologist would be more akin to a combative support role, restrain and bullet freeze especially would be insane for stopping CI
  3. Is already allowed if it is in defense of the thaumatologist or other personnel, given there are no combatants around to help
  4. Is a thing, non-combatives can justify having a weapon to defend themselves if it comes down to life or death
2 would just generally be very difficult to enforce and cause a lot of frustration. 1 is probably best for intended use of the role.


Jan 11, 2024
i know, but if i only suggest the first point, they would deny it on the grounds of "we are working on it, nice idea but we have something in mind" there have been mnultiple suggestions denied cause of that BUT THAT WAS A YEAR AGO...
i just want a stop-gap, something to justify proper self defence and not cowardice
Would be nice for the thaumatologist to have advantages while conducting research as they would typically use their powers for their own quality of life as well as the Foundation.

-- Spawning Briefcases
-- Spawning Field Kits instead of weapons
-- SCP 22415-3's push back ability on a smaller scale (right click 3 targets) to use on attacking D-Class

There is many more the content team would think of but just these 3 would make it much more worth while on the job because if I was a researcher with powers, my lazy asses first thought would be "Why the fuck am I walking 100m to a dispenser, lemme use my powers and get a field kit."
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