Denied The GENSEC Rework

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion aims to rework GENSEC into a more functional department with an incentive on giving people who perform well the opportunity to actually progress within the department while still keeping it grounded and easy for new players to get into. This rework will use the new mechanics introduced win the DEA update as well as its rank structure.

This rework will suggest the removal of RRT and a replacement system to encourage more progression and promotion to people within the Department who put time into it. Below is the Whitelisted CL3 positions which will remove RRT in favor of a new job and a job rework.

The following jobs would remain the same in department hierarchic, Cadet, Officer and Chief.

Leveled Whitelists CL1 and CL2

The Cadet job will remain the same with no changes

Officer: The slots of Officer would be increased to 10

Non Applied Whitelists CL3

GENSEC Operative:
GENSEC Operatives are to replace the current RRT format. They are the highest junior enlisted within the department and assist GENSEC Sergeants in performing site wide duties. As an Operative the duties you entail are extended past D Block ensuring Checkpoints are manned and patrols are done. This dose not mean D Block is no longer a priority, but Operatives are engorged to expand there presence around the site along with GENSEC Sergeants. This position would be tryout based similar to RRT except without the license, they would be trained by a GENSEC Lieutenant. There would be 12 slots.

Rifle: F90 and USP
CQC: Nova and USP

GENSEC Sergeant: Acting as the departments senior enlisted, GENSEC sergeants are tasked with running the day to day operations of GENSEC and overseeing Cadets to Operatives. They assign personnel to duties within a sector weather its D Block positioning or patrols. This position would be a Whitelisted position with 5 slots only being promoted by GENSEC Captains.

Rifle: F90, USP, and Tranquilizer Pistol
CQC: KSG, Flashbang, and Tranquilizer Pistol

Applied Whitelists CL4

The upper echelon of GENSEC has a major lack of progression except for internal ranking which isn't applicable in the game and holds no real merit. Similar to DEA GENSECs upper leadership could be split into two jobs. GENSEC Lieutenant and GENSEC Captain.

GENSEC Lieutenant: Acting as the Departments Junior CL4 these personnel are tasked with training new operatives and assigning GENSEC patrol teams around the site. They also assist in overseeing a sector of a site and can take control if there is no GENSEC Captain available. 4 Slots

GENSEC Captain: Acting as the Senior CL4 personnel they are tasked with finding and training new GENSEC Sergeants, assigning GENSEC patrol teams and overseeing a sector of the site and its security. They are also tasked with assisting Chiefs in establishing new policies and giving input on new potential lieutenants. 4 Slots

Rifle: F90, USP, and Tranquilizer Pistol
CQC: KSG, Flashbang, and Tranquilizer Pistol

Old Rank Structure: Cadet > Officer > RRT Officer > Sergeant > RRT Sergeant > Captain > Chief
Total Department Slots not including cadets, 24.
6 CL4, 5 CL3, 13 CL2

New Rank Structure: Cadet > Officer > Operative > Sergeant > Lieutenant > Captain > Chief
Total Department Slots not including cadets, 37.
10 CL4, 17 CL3, 10 CL2

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • More streamlined progression within GENSEC.
  • More CL3 Jobs for GENSEC
  • Additional Trust allocated towards GENSEC.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • It could upset balance within D Block (Although the Type Blue Exists)
  • Major development time needed.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
As of right now the current systems in place for GENSEC is outdated and unrealistic when it comes to the expectations of running D Block, escorting, and watching over the site (RRT). With this rework more time can be put into creating quality units within the department who can be relied upon by all MTFs and Departments to assist in filling in for positions around the site.
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Goondra "Sleepy"

Active member
Dec 9, 2022
Suggestion Denied
Hi Gman,
Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.
We already have a GSD rework/update in the works
Please hold until that comes out

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.
Thanks Again
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