Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:504240761
Discord name: kvack9107
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Eh idk soon 3 years (what is CG?!?!)
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Sweden!!!
Time zone: CET
Character name(s): Alex Bones
Civilian name: Alek Bones
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yep
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF E-11 LT, MTF A-1 COM, CI-D
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I can't really recall since it is quite a while ago.

Discord name: kvack9107
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Eh idk soon 3 years (what is CG?!?!)
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Sweden!!!
Time zone: CET
Character name(s): Alex Bones
Civilian name: Alek Bones
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yep
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF E-11 LT, MTF A-1 COM, CI-D
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I can't really recall since it is quite a while ago.

Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?
Hello, right the main reason for me applying for DoISD is due to a couple reasons mainly due to the amount of experience I have within leadership roles mainly being A-1 COM. Within my experience of A-1, I would without a doubt say that I have more than enough leadership experience for the role. At the current state ISD is growing with more and more people joining which in turn needs a role model as of which I could be, mainly due to my knowledge and experience within serious RP.
What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:
There are several reasons why I believe I am well-suited for the role of DoISD. As mentioned above, I have significant experience in serious roleplay as well as the leadership skills I’ve developed during my time in A-1. A strong leader must meet several key criteria, including professionalism, the ability to remain calm under pressure, effective delegation of responsibilities, and the capacity to serve as a role model.
In my opinion, I meet these criteria to a degree that makes me highly qualified for the role. My previous experience in high-clearance positions demonstrates that I am well-acquainted with the necessary traits and responsibilities required for such roles.
Additionally, having been a long-standing member of this community, I am deeply familiar with the server rules, as evidenced by my nearly clean warn-record, very outdated infractions. This highlights my understanding of what is and isn’t acceptable behavior.
Due to my extensive leadership experience and roleplay abilities, I believe I would serve as an excellent role model, a crucial aspect for any department. Without strong role models, a department risks losing direction. I am confident that I can provide the leadership and stability needed to ensure the continued success of ISD.
(Added after post) Note: I am going to add a couple things I have done for the department. First and foremost I believe my leadership within the department itself has helped the department grow quite a bit, giving the ISD subordinates something to actively do. I haven't really been focusing on implementations within ISD due to my beliefs that ISD needs to grow in before we add other stuff. An implementation alongside an investigator (mainly the investigator) is an informant program (can’t really disclose exactly what it really is) but I’ve helped in the creation and improvements within the program, I am not taking all of the pride for myself as the investigator has done most of the work with it. Additionally I would like to add that I have helped with investigations/operations delegating a couple roles within these operations making it easier to see what has actually been done.
As mentioned I have not really been focused on adding new stuff to the department. I enjoy acting as a role model for the in game activities. For RP wise I will give an example of what I’ve created/done. The tribunal of ECA Dennid was created and documented by me, gathering the evidence, witnesses and submitting the tribunal request. As stated, I enjoy helping the other agents learn from an in-character perspective.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:
The responsibilities of the Director are quite similar to the commissioner/inspectors duties with some new ones being added such as appointing new Inspectors and/or promoting inspectors. The directors sole responsibility within ISD is to make sure the supervisors get the training/education needed to fulfill their roles. As ISD director you must have an oversight on the entire department making sure that the different ranks are acting appropriately. Another responsibility as a director is to delegate duties mainly the duties of the management of ISD making sure that there isn’t just one person doing all the work as balancing the duties is vital. As a director you have to make sure the leadership of ISD are on their best behavior seeing as they are supposed to be role models themselves.
Being a director you need to have oversight of the entire department. The director also needs to make sure everyone within the department is informed, even the leadership, managing communications within discord is also a vital part of being a leader.
The director is also in charge of managing/overseeing the current investigations/operations making sure that they are properly conducted and concluded. Of course as the leader of the “police” within the foundation you also have the duty of making sure that the Foundation legal codex is up to date and/or the codex needs additional violations added with the approval of site command.
As the “police” of the foundation you will be getting a lot of backlash from the offenders of the FLC. One of your duties is making sure that ISD is capable of working alongside the rest of the foundation, making sure that the different departments don't have a negative relationship with the ISD.
- Appointing new inspectors.
- Promotions of inspectors
- Delegation/balancing of duties
- Oversight on the entire department
- Handling complaints regarding Inspectors and commissioners
- Major changes within ISD
- Major investigations within ISD
- Overseeing/managing investigations
- Managing communications externally (discord)
- Possible renewal of the FLC
- Interdepartmental liaison
Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Alex Bones was just a normal CL1 janitor cleaning the different parts of site 19 minding his own business, occasionally waving and chatting with the passing researchers, it was just an ordinary day in the facility, nothing special. The quiet music felt just a little more comforting while mopping up the shoe stains after the recent storm, he stopped and took a deep breath just after straightening his back making it crack a bit, the stale lights made him blink an extra time. The abrupt ding of the loudspeakers brought him out of the daydream he was currently in. *Be advised SCP-173 cleaning commencing in 10 Minutes*. Bones could hear himself whispering good luck after the announcement and continued to mop the floor.
Around 30 min after the announcement was heard Mr. Bones heard a slight crack behind the door he was in front of, he thought nothing of it opening the door while reaching into his pocket. The sudden terror filled his body after he looked up, there standing at around 2 meters in height stood it, the sculpture… Mr. Bones was frozen in place and were unable to do more than stare. He’d only heard rumors about the thing and was completely caught off guard standing in front of it with corpses lying beside it. He had heard that it couldn’t move if you just stared at it, his eyes were starting to water with his mouth becoming dryer and dryer. He had already stood there for around two minutes when the unusual but very well-known noise started blaring throughout the facility and the loudspeaker screaming *SCP-173 HAS BREACHED CONTAINMENT BE ADVISED SCP-173 HAS BREACH CONTAINMENT*. The loud noise caught Mr. Bones off guard making him jump and almost blink. In the corner of his eye he could make out the red button where it said “In case of a containment breach”, the button was around a meter from Mr. Bones. He started slowly, slowly moving towards it blinking one eye at a time and making sure to always have constant eye contact with the entity. The heavy and slow breathing with the constant buzz from the light was the only thing that was heard when his sweaty hand finally hit the red button and then you finally after 10 minutes of staring heard the heavy boots of the on-site containment team.
Mr. Bones got the attention of Epsilon-11 for his bravery in holding off SCP-173 long enough for the containment team to find them and contain the SCP, saving many lives. He quickly rose in the ranks within Epsilon-11, containing SCP's like it was nothing and having outstanding leadership skills. He rose to the rank of sergeant where in a containment breach of SCP-457 he was severely burnt with third-degree burns on 43% of his body. Mr. Bones was put in a medically induced coma where he quickly recovered with scars still covering his body. Mr. Bones was awarded “The Medal Of Bravery” for his action within the SCP breach. After the coma, Mr. Bones was on a 2 week recovery leave.
After the recovery Mr. Bones was finally done with E-11, the stress he endured was more than he could handle. Mr. Bones was honorably discharged from E11 after putting in his final resignation notice (04/08/2022).
Around a week later Mr. Bones felt like he needed to do something so he became a desk jockey for the Internal Security Department (ISD) and slowly but surely climbed the ranks within ISD. Mr. Bones' long record of dedication proved to be excellent for the department as they had lost their previous director unexpectedly.
After finally completing his extensive investigation into MTF Alpha-1 Commander ‘The Undead’ and locking the commander in for good Mr. Bones got his well deserved promotion to Commissioner. Mr. Bones knew his potential and knew that when the day came he was ready for the Directors position
Or was this just a cover up?
Around 30 min after the announcement was heard Mr. Bones heard a slight crack behind the door he was in front of, he thought nothing of it opening the door while reaching into his pocket. The sudden terror filled his body after he looked up, there standing at around 2 meters in height stood it, the sculpture… Mr. Bones was frozen in place and were unable to do more than stare. He’d only heard rumors about the thing and was completely caught off guard standing in front of it with corpses lying beside it. He had heard that it couldn’t move if you just stared at it, his eyes were starting to water with his mouth becoming dryer and dryer. He had already stood there for around two minutes when the unusual but very well-known noise started blaring throughout the facility and the loudspeaker screaming *SCP-173 HAS BREACHED CONTAINMENT BE ADVISED SCP-173 HAS BREACH CONTAINMENT*. The loud noise caught Mr. Bones off guard making him jump and almost blink. In the corner of his eye he could make out the red button where it said “In case of a containment breach”, the button was around a meter from Mr. Bones. He started slowly, slowly moving towards it blinking one eye at a time and making sure to always have constant eye contact with the entity. The heavy and slow breathing with the constant buzz from the light was the only thing that was heard when his sweaty hand finally hit the red button and then you finally after 10 minutes of staring heard the heavy boots of the on-site containment team.
Mr. Bones got the attention of Epsilon-11 for his bravery in holding off SCP-173 long enough for the containment team to find them and contain the SCP, saving many lives. He quickly rose in the ranks within Epsilon-11, containing SCP's like it was nothing and having outstanding leadership skills. He rose to the rank of sergeant where in a containment breach of SCP-457 he was severely burnt with third-degree burns on 43% of his body. Mr. Bones was put in a medically induced coma where he quickly recovered with scars still covering his body. Mr. Bones was awarded “The Medal Of Bravery” for his action within the SCP breach. After the coma, Mr. Bones was on a 2 week recovery leave.
After the recovery Mr. Bones was finally done with E-11, the stress he endured was more than he could handle. Mr. Bones was honorably discharged from E11 after putting in his final resignation notice (04/08/2022).
Around a week later Mr. Bones felt like he needed to do something so he became a desk jockey for the Internal Security Department (ISD) and slowly but surely climbed the ranks within ISD. Mr. Bones' long record of dedication proved to be excellent for the department as they had lost their previous director unexpectedly.
After finally completing his extensive investigation into MTF Alpha-1 Commander ‘The Undead’ and locking the commander in for good Mr. Bones got his well deserved promotion to Commissioner. Mr. Bones knew his potential and knew that when the day came he was ready for the Directors position
Or was this just a cover up?
Thank you for reading this application, any feedback regardless if negative or possitive will be greatly appreciated.
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