The Offical Boggers Security Captain Application {USA}

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Active member
Dec 2, 2022

Boggers Security Captain Application

Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
82 hours
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Central Standard Time

Character name(s):
Civilian name
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Nu7 SPC "Boggers" | Security SGT/Riot Control SGT
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
- 0 Kicks 1 Ban 0 Warnings. The single ban was on my second day on the server, I +right inside the security bunker and was given a 24-hour ban. I since have learned my lesson and I haven't done it again.
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
- I want to have a bigger hand in the Gensec Department and begin my career on this server being a leader. This is my next step because I have played primarily Gensec since I joined the server. I care a lot about my fellow Cadets, Officers, and other staff. I wish to lead by example, strengthen the department and rank up within Security

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
  • I am very active on the server
  • The majority of my playtime is Gensec
  • I am a good leader and will lead by example
  • I am professional/mature
  • My philosophy of leadership has proven successful. If a problem is presented I don't immediately begin blaming individuals. I will first identify the issue, solve the issue, identify how it occurred, then talk privately to the person or group who caused it and take the next steps to be disciplined or educate them on what to do in the future.
  • I am willing to take charge when it matters most and lead.
  • I care about cadets and officers deeply, and I value roleplay and helping others enjoy their time. This means I will make sure Cadets get their XP, and evenly distribute Gensec at positions to ensure the safety of D block among other things.
  • I have Heavy weapons Training and RRT Training, and I'm an active NU7
  • Strong COC knowledge and COE knowledge.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- The responsibilities of a Security Captain include but are not limited to, supervising Gensec to ensure the safety of D block, assigning positions at the watch tower, small airlock, big airlock, and class D are taken to ethics/medical when needed.
Another responsibility of a Security Captain is to give proper clearance for sweeps, using comms to inform Gensec to line up on the 2nd floor, informing them of the sweep and assign door duties, bathroom sweeps, and cell searches. Captains will stand on the balcony while giving orders (on the radio using the proper frequency that's given before the sweep). It's also important to have a debrief after the sweep in order to instruct Gensec what they could’ve done different/what they did correctly. After that credit is given out.
The proper formation for a sweep is RRT Infront, GenSec Behind, and Cpt.+ Giving Orders. A team of 3 to check bathrooms/vents, a team of 2 blocks the fence areas, and class D is to be restrained and placed on the eastern wall to get stripped.

It's also very important that Captains are being active in communicating with other Departments to ensure there aren't any miscommunications. Communicating to fellow Gensec to ask them to return to D block is also important to ensure positions are being covered. There are other responsibilities that pertain to the Security Captain that aren't mentioned above altho those are the biggest.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Boggers was born in Indiana He was raised on a farm where he tended to crops and farm animals and did other duties around the house. He made a living from it but wasn't completely satisfied with the line of work. By the time he turned 18 years old he had a substantial amount of muscle and strength and decided to leave his family and friends behind to gain a bigger purpose within the United State Military. After enlisting he quickly raised the ranks as he was quite book-smart and was a natural-born leader. After serving 20 years as an esteemed Drill Sergeant and a Sergeant major he received a phone call that would change his life forever. He began work at Site 65 for the SCP Foundation. Boggers was stationed in Gensec to watch over the prisoners sentenced there. He quickly grew the ranks to Security Sergeant. Now is his time to take the next natural step in his career and become Captain.

Gensec is by far my favorite department and one I wish to make my home :)
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Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2022
Really easy to read Application
I think I have seen you before
I feel like you could be someone great to lead GENSEC!
Good luck
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Robin Trinket

Active member
Oct 13, 2022

Hello there,
This is Dpt. Chief Robin Trinket and I want to thank you for applying for this position.

I regret to inform you after your application has been Denied. As we do not feel that you are not currently ready for the position, you may re-apply in two weeks. We want to see you on Sergeant more before taking Security Captain.

From the desk of Dpt. Chief Robin Trinket and Dpt. Chief "Nexus One"
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