The post everyone writes.

Dec 20, 2020
I felt obligated to write one of these stupid posts solely to give a shout out to the few I can genuinely say I've had the pleasure to meet.

Regardless of my removal from the team I'll still try and be present within the community and help as and where I can as I have always tried to do so feel free to DM me if you ever need a chat, I'll be playing MRP mostly(Like once a day if that) but I really do want to try CC out and crash some planes into cope(DM me if you've got a plane and can make this possible)

On to the small list:

@rootman - I'd write something nice about you but you're never on the forums so if you see this too then check your DM's and scroll up. I've probably said something nice to you in the past.

Kenny[Yeah can't even tag you]- (Without writing something nice I'll simply point something out to everyone: Yes Kenny is always that silent and getting a response is like poking a coma patient) But you're a good lad.

@Cloak - I mean he's just an Ed Sheeran impersonator with a strong passion to shout at people but is also decent if your not the one he's shouting at.

@Hydro - Regardless of the current events my opinion of you has never changed. You're a vayne main so your just a massive twat overall, but I'll always see you as a mate alongside the other two idiots.
Kish, Wakalabe, Coolioo, Cal, Zizo, Cope, Relman, Termanoob - Your all bellends too but your good guys. The first two seriously can't aim though.

And everyone else, It's been a pleasure.

Deleted member 12

Thanks for everything you've done for CG and the community Mystic, please don't crash any planes into me
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MRP War Veteran
Dec 26, 2020
Won't forget the day you told me to not be a retard. I take those words to heart everyday and it helps me!
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