Denied The removal of 073

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jun 24, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
The removal of SCP 073

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-No more shitty class that people minge on.
-You won't have to worry about a mingy person getting on 073 and purposely trying to kill you .
-Makes more sense even if this is not the wiki lore.
-less stress for all combatants
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-No more 073

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
073 is a minge class and is rarely tested on making it a useless class. 90% of the time 073 would from the following: body block, purposely get Infront of combatants for the sole purpose of getting them killed, attempt to fail escape, sometimes team with d class, and being annoying.

Also it make no sense for 073 to be in this site is because he would never want to be with 076 in the same site and the foundation have state to separate the two brothers as far away from each other as possible due to 076 attempting to kill 073 but kills himself in the process which does indeed mentally hurt 073.

scp 073 is like 343 if we were to have less killing then this scp would work, but due to it existing in this site that have more combat then rp and due to the fact that 076 is in this site make no sense for 073 to be in this site at all.
+ support

What does 073 even do but stand around and watch people? Never seen him tested on before, constantly see him trying to leave Foundation during raids, stands in the middle of combat, etc.
I 100% do think 073 should be a whitelisted role, similar to 096. Level doesn't mean jack, some of the biggest minges have levels in the 80s-100s.
It'd also make 073 more refreshing to see to know that it's someone who applied to the role, and you'll feel less bad actually making a ticket against 073 players because they know exactly what they signed up for.
Aug 11, 2022
To remove SCP - 073 for the fact that mingy people might choose him won't stop them they will hop on another passive scp such as
2295, 999, 912, etc or just be minging on any other role if we remove roles and scps because someone might minge it will leave nothing.
the better way to do it if the passive scps are minging or not following ic rules/orders is to add a punishment cell similar to ia where they can be cuffed and taken by E-11, NU-7, or Specialist and be forced to stay in that cell for a specific amount of time or kicked off the scp for a specific amount of time.

Also just like other passives SCP 073 is an RP-based scp but that does not make them useless as this is a SCP Roleplaying Server, not a Breach simulator. Not every Playable SCP has to have the ability to commit Mass Death to be counted as Useful.
Last edited:
Jun 24, 2022
To remove SCP - 073 for the fact that mingy people might choose him won't stop them they will hop on another passive scp such as
2295, 999, 912, etc or just be minging on any other role if we remove roles and scps because someone might minge it will leave nothing.
the better way to do it if the passive scps are minging or not following ic rules/orders is to add a punishment cell similar to ia where they can be cuffed and taken by E-11, NU-7, or Specialist and be forced to stay in that cell for a specific amount of time or kicked off the scp for a specific amount of time.

Also just like other passives SCP 073 is an RP-based scp but that does not make them useless as this is a SCP Roleplaying Server, not a Breach simulator.
You see 2295, 999, 912 and all other safe class are containable because they can easily be pacify or shot down and most of the time people tend not to minge on those class due to that they can easily be sent back to their cells.

The problem about 073 is that he is unable to be harm and he cannot be beam without 10 other people beaming him, which makes him a perfect class for trolling, even if we change it to 1 beam, I see that this scp fits no purpose to be in the server you literally can't do anything to it at all with him.

Instead why not move him to site 9 since that server will be more rp focus

Also I must argue that this server is considerably close of being equivalent to what scp GL roleplay is.
Maybe We could make 073 only playable with SCP Level 15 and total level 40 We dont wanna remove the SCP also nobody plays him so idk whats the point
I only really see two ways to deal with 073 1. we whitelist him (which from what I remember was denied) and 2. We just remove the class

increasing an scp lev on a scp that can only walk around and do nothing is just a waste of content at that point.

instead we can always make a suggestion on adding 131 as it would serve a purpose in this site.


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Content Team
Group Moderator
May 23, 2022
Suggestion Denied
Hi @Evil,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion because we believe that just simply removing an SCP-073 because some players may mess around on it is not the way to go. As always, if someone is messing around and breaking the rules SCP-073, we encourage you to call a Staff Member to deal with it.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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