This will be a surprise to may (timi `SHANA´)


Well-known Member
Dec 17, 2023
i know some people will not believe this but yea i will be going for a bit of time like 1-2 months or even more idn know what to say but yeah i love u all had some fun moments but don t worry i will not be gone for ever i will not list every one that i know or have played with bc i m to lazy but good bye goobers (3 people who i had the most fun with) (btw i m leaving bc i haven t had much fun often and i wana work on my self to get better at some other things i will be leaving on the 1st)
Greg Williams (best exec i know)
fluff (best consultant)
grog/Ace (best captain ever)
phill (best Assistant for me)
senkai and Alexandru (best nu7)
good bye love u all
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but yea i will be going for a bit of time like 1-2 months or even more idn know what to say but yeah i love u all had some fun moments but don t worry i will not be gone for ever i will not list every one that i know or have played with
Me when I think the world revolves around me (it doesn't)
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May 9, 2023
Northern Ireland
i know some people will not believe this but yea i will be going for a bit of time like 1-2 months or even more idn know what to say but yeah i love u all had some fun moments but don t worry i will not be gone for ever i will not list every one that i know or have played with bc i m to lazy but good bye goobers (3 people who i had the most fun with) (btw i m leaving bc i haven t had much fun often and i wana work on my self to get better at some other things i will be leaving on the 1st)
Greg Williams (best exec i know)
fluff (best consultant)
grog (best captain ever)
good bye love u all
wheres me =(((
Greg Williams (best exec i know)
fluff (best consultant)
grog (best captain ever)
phill (best Assistant for me)
good bye love u all
should've been:
zack baker (best chief ever)
Greg Williams (best exec i know)
fluff (best consultant)
grog (best captain ever)
phill (best Assistant for me)
good bye love u all
but anyways.
bye =(((