Tony Stewart GM appeal.

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Game Master
Trial Game Master
Game Master
Jan 9, 2024
Name:Tony Stewart

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:53083048

Previous Rank (convert if required):GM

Who demoted you?:SSL

Date of demotion?:08/25/2024

What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):USA

What is the case against you?: The two Severe infractions that were given was 1. Power abuse. 2. Mixing, Saying that I would power abuse.

Is this true?: yes it is.

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?:no

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:
Hitbox abuse

What is your side of the story?:
I will start with the first severe infraction, for which I do not have evidence, as I was never given a clip. However, I know what I did wrong and was willing to admit fault. I felt, though, that the severity of the infraction was a bit much.

To explain the situation: I was on ERT, and I teleported down the elevator on Primary. A staff member, who was an SCP, reported me to World/Grizzly at the time. I was pulled and had a conversation where I admitted my fault and apologized. Despite this, I received the severe infraction.

The second severe infraction confused me quite a bit. I was told by Raxin/Grizzly at the time that I received this infraction from SSL for mixing and/or saying I would abuse my powers. I have a clip for this, which you can view here:
What confused me was the fact that I didn’t do anything wrong except make a joke about saying I would teleport back up if I was killed by NU-7 during back-spawning. Additionally, I explained to another D-Class why NU-7 couldn't spawn back in the garage, as CI had already passed the garage and were in D-Block, which would be considered back-spawning.

For next time, I guess I won’t explain the rules and will leave that to staff? I’m not really sure how I could improve on this, as I thought I was helping a newer player understand the rules. I would have asked staff before considering teleporting back up, as I would have been asking for a refund. The comment was more of a spur-of-the-moment thing, which I didn’t consider to be a bad action. However, I couldn’t really talk to Grizzly/Raxin directly since it was an SSL decision

When I asked about the infraction, they said I had a history of power abuse, which confused me as I only had the one situation that was brought up which was the ert situation.

I can show the screenshots I had with Pyro before he was removed. However, I had issues with how he handled it. I told him multiple times that I didn’t want him to speak to World about the matter, yet he went straight to them and made the decision to deny my appeal. He then pulled Artemis into the comms with World still there and discussed it, only to deny the appeal again.

There are a few issues I had with this whole situation. The first infraction—I fully admit that I was at fault, and I am willing to accept responsibility for it. But I still felt the severe infraction was a bit too steep. Additionally, I felt there was some bias involved. I was told I had a history of power abuse, but no evidence was provided to me. Even the ERT teleportation incident was never shown to me. How can I be expected to know what I’m doing wrong if no one is willing to discuss it with me?

The second major issue I had was that I was never properly mentored. My first mentor was never active, so I had to learn everything mostly through trial and error. Later, I was assigned a second mentor who didn’t provide any real guidance or explanations. I felt completely thrown into the role, expected to know everything without proper instruction. I tried my best to run enjoyable and interactive events, and I asked questions where I could, but most of the time I felt left in the dark. No one talked to me about what I was doing, and when I made mistakes, no one explained how I could fix them. I can’t improve if I’m not told what I’m doing wrong. I would have gladly taken any feedback and worked with my superiors to improve, but I wasn’t given that opportunity.

As for the mixing and the accusation of threatening to abuse power: I find this a bit odd, especially since I’ve seen other staff members say and do foolish things without being punished. For example, I’ve seen people slay others, grab bombs and bomb people in the bunks for fun, and say inappropriate things. I have no problem with that, but why was I the only one punished when I clearly intended it as a joke? I wouldn’t have acted on it alone; I would have asked staff if I was allowed to. After my initial severe infraction and the week-long removal, I was making a conscious effort to behave properly.

I was also accused of hosting an event involving D-Class escaping, which confused me since it was actually a CI raid. I had hosted an event that day about a Coke bottle, which seemed to be well-received, until I was told that I was being removed from GM.

I also wish I had been able to have a more open conversation with the Event Team leads, especially since I was dealing with some personal issues, including trying new medication and the stress of planning my wedding this year. The medication was new, and I wasn’t sure how it would affect me. However, once again, I felt like I was left in the dark and expected to figure everything out on my own. I tried reaching out to Grizzly, but he was rarely available. My mentor, who I believe was Astra at the time, was also almost never free. I was juggling multiple issues at once, and no one really reached out to me or offered support when I needed it.

Why should you return / what will you change?:
I have worked on myself since the first infraction I received. I took what feedback I was given, even though it was minimal in my opinion, and tried to improve. The main thing I will change is that I will seek out a new mentor to teach me everything I wasn’t taught. I’ve mostly learned through my own experimentation or from others who aren’t part of the Event Team. I will also focus on improving communication between myself and the Event Team, as I believe that was a major factor in things falling apart. There were times when I reached out to the Event Team and felt ignored or left on read, and I don’t think my concerns were always communicated clearly to my superiors.

The only real feedback I received was that I was doing too many repetitive events, which I understood and tried to improve upon after my first infraction. Outside of that, I was told I was doing creative events, which I still aim to continue doing if I am welcomed back into the team. Before my removal, I was working on two events, SCP-081 and a custom SCP I created, both of which I am still developing and refining.
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