Tony Stewart's Executive Researcher Application [USA]

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Jan 9, 2024
Steam ID: 76561198066431824

Discord name: Deathspike123

For how long have you played on CG SCP: throughout a few months starting playing in September 2023, and have been playing on and off since then. I have recently started playing more in-depth within the past month and putting many more hours into the server as of January and December.

Age: 23

In what country are you located?: Canada

Time zone: PST

Character name(s): Foundation Tony Stewart

Civilian name: Devin Stewart

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:

- I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

I have none.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

I have spent a lot of time working as a senior researcher and have always tried to think outside the box when it comes to research. I have helped researchers who have asked for help or need guidance. I have tried teaching junior researchers and helping them out whenever possible. I have seen a lot of research not being done, All I have seen being done is sampling. I want to help change this and bring back research back to its core.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

I have spent many hours and days constantly trying to think of creative research tasks that I and other researchers can do. I have helped a lot of junior researchers and other researchers with ideas and concepts as well as checking over their docs to make sure they made sense and to give feedback on how to improve themselves. I also work for the board of education and documentation for the research department. I am always working on improving myself and improving the research department with whatever needs to be done.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

I believe I have written around 4 excellent graded documents. With each Doc, I have always tried my best to be as creative as possible and work with as much detail as possible.
What makes a document excellent is following the procedure of creating docs, that were posted in the research department wall, which is where researchers spawn. The eight main categories are. I find if you put thought and effort into each category you will succeed at creating research documents. However, going into more detail of each category.
  • Index
  • This is where you put all the information that you will find on the document. Usually followed by the page numbers of each category. This also includes the clearance level of the document as well as the title page.
  • SCP Information
    This page includes information that your clearance level will know about the SCP. This includes a description of the SCP that you are studying whether that be what it looks like or how it acts based on certain behaviors. As well as any known anomalous factors that the instance does.
  • Goal of study
  • This is where you put the main goal of the study or sampling. This will include on why you are conducting the test/gathering the samples of the SCP. As well as what you hope to achieve during the test.
  • Hypothesis
  • This is where you state what you think will happen during the test, basically what you think the outcome of the test will be. This helps give more reason on why you are conducting the test, instead of just doing a test just to do it.
  • Methodology
  • This is the step-by-step process that you will take to conduct the test. This part will also mention any escorts that you require whether that be e-11 or gensec. This will show that you know what exactly you are doing and will show that no SCP policies are broken.
  • Findings
  • This page follows the test and will be where you write any findings that you find during a test. Such as the results of the test wither they be successful or a failure. This is often quite detailed in the results of the test.
  • Conclusions
  • This is where you take everything into account. After conducting the test was your hypothesis correct or were you wrong? This is where the results of the tests should be mentioned as well as if you have any theories on why the results happened. If you will need to do more tests to find out more details on the results. This being the most important part this is often the most detailed part of the document.
  • Authorization
    This is where you put the authorization of the test. If you require higher clearance, you will put a part for them to sign and follow through the chain of command. Even if you have the clearance, you still require your signature on the paper.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

To guide the research department and make sure it is following all COE and COC, as well as any procedures in place. Such as the current sampling documentation requirements. Their main responsibility is to guide the researchers and teach new researchers how exactly tests work and how to make proper documentation. The main goal and responsibility of the executive team is to make sure that the researchers have the guidance that they need to succeed. You also have the responsibility to make sure that you are on to authorize tests and approve the tests to be brought up to the correct members of the chain of command. This is quite important so you have to read over the documentation and see if it is worth the test as well as give feedback if it is not worth it. Once you approve it you may have the researcher contact the correct person to get it approved.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Tony Stewart: after observing many tests he became quite interested in the research and containment of these SCPs. He decided to help the research department with research and education as he is often thinking about how exactly these anomalous creatures function and work. So he vowed to think outside of the box and create a way to explain and better understand each of these creatures.

Tony often spends his free time thinking up creative solutions or tests that may help either explain the SCPs better or help contain them better. He is constantly working on improving containment and working on improving the overall research department and how it functions.

Dr. Ternith Plague

Active member
Dec 13, 2023
A phone rings on your desk - a voice coming through.

"Mister Stewart. It's good to know you've expressed interest. Check your inbox."

Mister Stewart.

Thank you for considering your interest in applying for the position of Executive Researcher. We have many promising applicants, and I assure you that not all choices are easy. But this one is, at the least, reasonable.

As such, Director Picket and I have decided to move you to the next stage of applications.

You're now eligible to interview with me or Director Pickett at any time. Please message us via our e-mails (lunaria4211 for Ivy, dr_ternith_plague for myself) to set up a time for the interview.

If all goes well, you can expect further briefing on your position soon.

Deputy Director Akura Ovaiss
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