Tony Stewarts Second Ethics Committee Member Application [USA]

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Jan 9, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53083048

Discord name: Deathspike123

For how long have you played on CG SCP: throughout a few months starting playing in September 2023, and have been playing on and off since then. I have recently started playing more in-depth since January 2024, I have been playing for about almost 9 months in a row these days

Age: 24

In what country are you located?: Canada

Time zone: PST

Character name(s): Foundation Tony Stewart

Civilian name: Devin Stewart

CI: Devin Stewart Jr

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:

- I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Held: ECA(coordinator) , executive researcher,

Holding: ECA, MTF E-11 MAJ

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

I have none.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

- Ethics Committee Member, ever since I started playing on the server I have always been interested in the ethics committee. I have worked my way up from the ground up, starting from d-class and working through the work program for d-class. To the point where I was usually allowed to roam free and build more relationships between each department as I interacted with them. Eventually I Got the job as a ethics committee assistant. I have been a assistant since January this year, I have been working with the committee to improve the stie and whatever tasks they require us ECA’s to do. I wish to one day to become a member of the committee, and I think today might be that day.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?

I have worked with the ethics committee for almost 8 months now, I have tried my best to complete each order they have posted and even suggested some of my own orders that I felt would be a great addition. I have been promoted to the position of ethics assistant coordinator. Which gave me the opportunity to teach the new ethics assistants on how to do their job and flourish. I have been working with committee with many projects throughout the many months of me being a assistant. I have had the opportunity to learn from them and work closely with them​
The other things I have worked closely with ethics and my Regcom, is fixing a lot of the issues e-11 had, I have had multiple complaints between my time with e-11. I have worked with Regcom, to fix these issues. With me working with these issues, I have also built new things for e-11 to do, wither that be training or working with other regiments.

I have had the opportunity to build relationships with each different department, as the public relations officer. This has allowed me to build my communication skills and the ability to understand complaints that other departments had with us, as well as any Ideas, I had come up with that I would like to work with them on. Such as surface operations with nu-7 and e-11, I worked quite hard to get this done and built up.​
I felt like I joined e-11 in a rough patch where there was a lot of chaos that was happening with both COM and our other ltcom removal. I have worked very closely with slipstream to help fix and turn around e-11 constantly pushing ideas, and possible solutions to any problems that we have.​

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

-The ethics committee has the greatest responsibility when it comes to the foundation. We are the ones who have the responsibility to make sure that the foundation does not become evil. We decide what is acceptable for the foundation to do. We advise the 05 council on what exactly is acceptable when it comes to what the foundation does.

We Have the responsibility to investigate all people in the foundation to make sure what they are doing are ethical and not a waste of resources. We have the authority to investigate the O5 council. If it found that the O5 council is going against what the foundation stands for, the ethics committee will call upon Omega-1 Laws left hand to remove the current members and replace them. They have done this I believe 12 times before. When someone has a complaint, we must investigate it and see what exactly is happening. There was a case where a site director has gone rouge and was abusing his power. The committee investigated and found him to have been against the foundation goals, they sent omega-1 to remove the site director, which was successful with stopping the coup, However they were not able to stop the director from doing something drastic(

We have the responsibility to know all details from the foundation, we know everything that is redacted, we decide what to redact and what procedures need to be done to have the least amount of cruelty and human sacrifice. We need to balance the moral costs of everything the foundation does.

We allow everyone to makes complaints to the ethics committee, if a d-class wants to make a complaint he must be allowed to and not be punished for bringing up any ethical concerns that he has seen, We must make sure that any complaints are followed through and investigated.

We have the responsibility to make sure that the Code of ethics is up to date and allows the least amount of cruelty possible, as well as the least amount of wasted resources.

I think this quote fits the what the ethics committee does fits perfectly
The 'P' stands for 'Protect'. The Foundation protects humanity from SCPs, and we protect the Foundation from itself. We judge what is and is not acceptable for the Foundation to do. We balance evils so that on the whole, and in the long run, evil is minimized.”

No One is above ethics. Anyone found guilty, will be punished. We make sure that the foundation is not evil.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

  • For applications wise they take care of Director of Internal Affairs, as well as any ethics assistant’s applications that are posted. We go through them and give our feedback on them. We also go through the current ethics member applications; we read through them and give our feedback. we maybe asked to give feedback relating to other applications however this isn’t always the case.

  • We do have meetings with SL to conduct changes for the site and foundation to allow for better roleplay and interactions within the site. These meetings usually happen weekly, We do over secondary communications(team speak), sometimes discord.

    We also help with and assist with Omega-1, laws left hand. We help create orders for them and assist with whatever is required by the Omega-1 command.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

A video is playing of Tony Stewarts interview.

“oh you would like to know about me? Oh, I am not that important or interesting. But if you must know. I was born in Vancouver Canada, it was around 2029 when I was born, being raised in a place like that was quite an interesting task. We had much more stuff and kept advancing our technology and other aspects of life. They decided to instead of engineering biotechnology, that we should be able to edit our own DNA. That way we should be able to regrow limbs become stronger and do all these amazing things. But with that amazing accomplishment there came a great cost.”

Tony appears to be distort and shuddering. “When the procedure when done, people would get the abilities that they wanted, but at the cost of their mind. They would become crazed and attacked anything and everything that moved. It was crazy, they did a lot of experimenting to find a solution. Eventually someone came up with a idea that maybe the mind couldn’t handle it and maybe if there was another mind in the body it would be able to split the pressure between the minds. They were right.”

Tony takes a swig from the glass in front of him. “but how does one accomplish this? They had to make a true AI that would be able to handle the thought process and put it in the subconscious mind of a person. So they created a world for these AI’s to sleep in and live in. the first person they did it on, it worked perfectly. But then the AI woke up.”

Tony eye coloured changed he voice slightly different from before “the ai woke up and blew up the facility, that was doing all the experiments. He thought that humanity was torturing them, so he figured that he should end all humanity. He started kidnapping people and doing the procedures to them. The things he did to those innocents.”

This time tony just froze for a few seconds staring off into space. “The things he did was inexcusable, we were kidnapped and had the procedure done to use. We survived and escaped his mad cult. However we had a war to fight, we didn’t really belong to either side. So we were kinda stuck in the middle. We fought and saved as many people as we could, until the day a strange man appeared. Popped out of no where. This man known as scp-507 I saved him from the gun fight that he just appeared in.”

Tony smiles a bit “the lads a bit of a hard man not to like, he explained what was happening to him and I had to lead him to safety. He stayed in our universe for around 3-4 weeks, before hopping back to this one. While he stayed I taught him as much as I could and helped out where I could. The day he went back to this universe. He fell and I Tried catching him, and next thing I know. I am pulled with him. The foundation finds us and I am put through the d-class program. He is recontained and me being a GOI in a sense. Are put through the d-class program. I think the rest is history. I worked my way up through the program to become a ethics assistant, as well as helping out where I can. While the other half worked through the MTF E-11 ranks to get to this point here.”
Jan 9, 2024

Hate to not support but you were demoted from ECAC because you were inactive showing you weren't really intrested in the position and it's associated duties, why go for a higher position in this line?
I said before it got deleted, I was quite inactive due to me having my wedding comming up in august and my wifes parents coming from a different country,. So I was planning and trying to get that all sorted out in a good time, after the wedding my wife decided to tell me last minuite we are moving out last minuite so I had to figure that shit out like asap. I had no internet and had to find a place to live so it was quite hard, we found something but it was very last minuite and it didnt help my stress. besides that I will admit I wasnt as active as I should of been. I had always been active in the discord if anyone needed to contact me they could reach out to me and I would instantly reply. but it was very hard to be in game for the past two months with everything happening. now that my wedding is down and I have moved places. I am finally settled to get back into the server. I also do work nights on a biweekly thing so Its hard for me to be active during the day on those weeks as I get home at like 3am, and I go to work at 3pm. so Usually I get on friday the days I dont work and play through the weekend. for the two weeks, if you want to know more info as I do have to go to work soon, as I work nights this week. send me a dm on discord
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