Tony Stewarts Second Site Administration Application [USA]

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Game Master
Trial Game Master
Game Master
Jan 9, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53083048

Discord name: Deathspike123

For how long have you played on CG SCP: throughout a few months starting playing in September 2023, and have been playing on and off since then. I have recently started playing more in-depth within the past month and putting many more hours into the server as of January and December. I have been playing nonstop since February I spend quite a few hours playing throughout the months

Age: 23

In what country are you located?: Canada

Time zone: PST

Character name(s): Foundation Tony Stewart [BOE-DD]

Civilian name: Devin Stewart

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

- I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

ECA, executive researcher, MTF E-11 SPC

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

I have none.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

I want to be able to help the foundation in a more senior role of the foundation as compared to my ECA role. While I am an ECA coordinator which means I take on much more responsibility, It doesn’t necessarily allow me to do the proper things to help the site, unless I seek approval through SC. I wish to help create roleplay and help with things that the foundations require help with. I have always tried my hardest to help the foundation with whatever needs to be done whether that has to do with ethics or other roles. I am always trying to improve myself and improve the foundation. I have been working on a project within SC mainly ethics on improving the site. I have been working with the ethics committee and ethics assistants, on this project. This senior role will allow me to be able to more easily be able to implement and improve the site with this project.​
To go into more detail on the project That I have been working on to try and improve the site. I am going through each department, as well as the playable classes that are not considered to be part of any department such as d-class or technical experts/chefs. I have been trying to interview each department to figure out what they think is wrong with their department and how they think they can improve. Such as Interviewing the more clearance 4s of each department and the command of the MTF agents. After the interviews are done, I am going to compile all the information that is collected and make a list of what they think is wrong with the department/MTF.​
When the interviews are finally all completed, I am going to go through each department individually my self, see how they function and how they teach their subordinates how to function and act. I have seen some groups act very unprofessional as I have watched from the side ’sideliness. With this in mind, I want to understand how they function and how they train each person that is in their department/MTF regiment when this is finished, I will compile what I find and put this in a rating system I will have set up. Take notes of anything that pops out to me.​
Now the harder part is dealing with the groups who aren’t part of any departments. I understand that there are some minges and such in each group, however, I think the main issue is what are we not providing to these groups that allows these people to be so bored that they become minges. I think we need to set up some more senior roles for the groups, now there are tech experts who could be considered a senior role compared to the engineer and technician. I think we need to implement something that will allow them to work up the ladder of the site of the role that they do, whether that be a head engineer position or senior engineer can be up for debate. If they had something to work their way up, I think this would allow people to be more serious about the role-play situation and allow people to manage the tech experts group instead of it just falling on Site administration or Site command.​
Besides this, the other harder group is the chefs there is no secondary role for chefs to move themselves up to, or much incentive for chefs to cook and do their job. From what I have personally seen most people would rather just buy MREs instead of asking chefs to cook. I think there should be a way to make it easier for chefs to be able to get orders and allow people to order the food. Now I have been a dedicated chef for the longest time, I believe I am level 18 currently in cooking. I remember I would spend hours upon hours just cooking. I would cook and just give it to the gensec in the area as there wasn’t a way to sell the food I cooked unless I comms it in, however, I was usually on d-class cooking. Now some solutions to this, we could introduce a more senior chef who can buy more improved items from the chefs NPC’s, such as good/excellent food items. As well maybe allow them to buy items you can only get on the surface such as coffee grains, or digestive biscuits. Also, a way we can introduce a way to start selling food to the foundation members, we can introduce a quest system where people put orders into the system and the chefs will get a huge amount of exp/money for cooking these items that are ordered by the quest system. This would allow the chefs to do their jobs and give them an incentive to cook and help the foundation to stop starving when MRES is sold out.​
Now the final group, the most chaotic group of them all, d-class. The main problem I find with D-class is that there is nothing for them to do. If no one is conducting tests or doing stuff with the d-class they will riot and try and escape which often leads to the most chaotic things to happen. As a D-class main for the longest time, I have seen the changes and tried to roleplay in these situations. However, when Site command/assistants are are not available to reach out too. It is nearly impossible to roleplay as a D-class, besides testing. The work program was an amazing thing, it gives D-class to roleplay without just straight-up murdering people. I think if we have some more programs for d-class to do things it may help with the riots and just all the minges for d-class.​
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

I have worked with almost every single foundation department; I have always tried my hardest to be professional and help where help is needed. I have helped to report things and talked with others to understand how their departments work. I will ask questions and talk with other departments if I do not understand, and I am willing to take criticism when it is brought up.​
I am always trying to improve myself and am always seeking help from anyone who needs help. I usually go out of my way to check up on how each of the departments going and if there is anything I can do to help them. I also have quite a creative mind which allows me to come up with interesting roleplay situations. As well I tend to think outside of the box, which allows me to look at different perspectives and situations differently than the rest of the people.​
I always like to hear both sides before jumping to conclusions. I do tend to be calmer in stressful situations, so if something happens, I will tend to act out in a calm and collective thought process not acting out in anger or emotion. As well I have had plenty of experience with coming and helping host roleplay situations as a game master.​
I have also been introducing orders for both ECA’s and Projects for the research department to do. As a coordinator, I have spent a bunch of time trying to help the ethics committee with whatever they require, and when they are not available, I try my best to step up and lead the ECAs under me and any that want jobs to do, I have created a few orders which has given ECA’s something to do in their spare times. This sometimes allows the committee more time to come up with bigger projects while the small projects we as coordinators come up with are completed.​
Now with the research projects and The BOE, currently I have come up with research projects that are related to some SCPs on-site (some of them have been custom and have storyliness, as these are event SCPs) for example I have ordered a project to come up with a way to counteract memetic effects some SCP’s have. This project's goal is to create a portable device that allows us to cancel out memetic effects as well as cognitohazards in an area of the field. While this order is up, I have been working with the other Board of Education director, to help guide the new researchers to be successful and have a good time with research. We have started introducing, mentorships and such which have senior researchers teach people new to research how to do their jobs, and how to conduct tests.​
The other part of the BOE, is we have the SCP specialist. These people are the most knowledgeable when it comes to specific SCPs. We have researchers who will be the go-to person who knows all the details on scp-682, we also have one who wishes to be the specialist relating to scp-035. When people have questions about these SCP’s or want to learn more about these SCP’s they will go to these people.​
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

One of the things that SA does is create and do active roleplay. This sometimes involves talking with GOIs and other departments and creating roleplay situations. SA can also contact oGOIGOI’s groups if it is required, whether it be allowing them on site or helping negotiate with the GOI’s. With the work with Site command, we may be able to repair some of the relationships of these GOI’s​
We as SA have the responsibility of approving tests that require our approval. We have to make sure that these tests are good and have approval from executives and researchers before they are brought to us. We do not want people to do tests that will violate either the COE(code of ethics) or the COC(Code of Conduct), and well as to make sure that the testing reasons are reasonable. We have to make sure that these tests are not a waste of resources and make some logical sense before either approving them or sending them to the site command.​
SA has the responsibility to authorize AA(advanced armory) during code 5. We need to have updates when it comes to the breaches, and what SCPs are breached to be able to help point the foundation members in the right direction. As well as to make sure we can approve the correct AA for the right members of the foundation.​
SA needs to talk with the different department heads and conduct interviews with these departments to make sure that they have been following the COE and COC. As well as making sure that if these departments need help with anything. It is your responsibility to help them and assist them. As SA you must understand and be able to apply the COE and COC. We as SA also have the responsibility of dealing with tribunals and such court cases, when they are brought up.​

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Tony Stewart, after working with the foundation for a few months worked his up from D-class ambassador to ECA, as well as working very closely with researchers. Learning their craft on how they conduct experiments, and even sometimes conduct his experiments. He has always kept the COE and COC in mind when doing this.
Always asking for second opinions and double-checking the guidelines on how to conduct proper and creative experiments. Tony usually spent his time doing half research experiments and half Ethics assistant stuff that required his attention. He worked very hard with both of his jobs, contacting the right departments, and making sure the site was running smoothly.

While he worked at ECA for long hours, the research department allowed him to have a breath of fresh air. He was constantly on-site doing things, always active working his way up within ECA’s to be a coordinator and having a chance to talk with SA. He came up with many projects and sought to help the site with anything that needed to be done. He decided to go through each department and see what needed to be improved upon. He worked very closely with Site administration as he did this. While tony has worked with site administration he grew very close to them as required in his job.

While he grew closer to site administration he learned how their jobs and what exactly their responsibility are. This was explained to him that he could be approving permits or double-checking research docs.

he was active within his duties. Even when remembering his past of the other world he hopes one day, he might be able to help the foundation to save the world from destroying itself and bringing the world into a place where everyone is flourishing.

While working on this major project Tony Stewart had in mind, Site administration has set their eyes on him for his dedication to the foundation and its flourishment They allowed him to take an interview where he talked about his previous activities and previous leadership interactions he had in his universe. Where he leads the rebels to help sort out the world war that is going on between the AI/human hybrids and the humans. He was very close to ending it when he was taken to the foundation’s universe by SCP-507. They saw what he was capable of and were willing to give him a chance to be a Site Administrator
Is there any particular reason for the minus support? I do want to understand what exactly your thoughts are and how to improve myself. is it due to my lack of experience? or something else?
I personally haven't seen much work done from you with your current and previous positions, if you would like to reach out to me in DMs on discord to give insight I would be fine change my support.

Alexander Kovalski

Well-known Member
Dec 24, 2023
First - You applied for several positions, which is a bit daunting for me personally.
Second - I agree with Pyro and say that I haven't seen much of your work either.
Third - according to the comments above it seems as if the ethics department is trying to "push forward" the application which to me personally seems a little strange.
First - You applied for several positions, which is a bit daunting for me personally.
Second - I agree with Pyro and say that I haven't seen much of your work either.
Third - according to the comments above it seems as if the ethics department is trying to "push forward" the application which to me personally seems a little strange.
I wouldn't say ethics is pushing this app forward, if you look closely u will also see I put a +Support on almost every other SA app

Dr Random K.

Blacklisted Player
Oct 8, 2023
Site 54
Sorry Tony, you’re a funny man, but I don’t think that you act ‘professional enough’ in game sometimes for someone going for SA
(*cough* cuffing me and thordan and flying around *cough*)
May 30, 2023
From: @Skyfire1355
To: @deathspike123

Subject: Site Advisor Application Verdict

Hello Tony,

Thank you for showing your interest and taking your time to submit an application for the position of Site Advisor. After deliberation, Site Administration has deemed you not suitable for the position of Site Advisor at this time. Unfortunately, your application is to be denied.

Should you have any inquires please reach out to me at my email (@Skyfire1355).

You may reapply in two weeks.

Best Regards,

Site Director "Skyfire"

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