Tony's DoM Application [USA]

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SCP-RP Staff
Jul 24, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:200979585
Discord name: KSPEEPEE
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 800+ hrs
Age: 27
In what country are you located?: U.S.
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Tony "Bogos'' Binted
Civilian name: Tony Tinted
What server are you applying for? SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
NU-7 Private (Held) / E-11 SPC (Held) / CI-A (Held) / Medical Consultant (Holding) / SCP-096 (Holding) / SCP-22415 (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- No I am a good boy.

Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine?
- I want to continue my medical career. I have a fascination with helping and saving those around the facility and to be the helping hand to those that need it. During my time as Consultant I have watched the medical department grow and I want the chance to accelerate that growth into something more beautiful. I am in love with the medical field and it's the only department I enjoy seeing blossom.

What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?:
- I have the drive and compassion to serve as a medical consultant. I have spent countless hours studying in my field and i believe I will excel as a medical consultant. Determination and drive drive me forward in my quest to ensure a proper and healthy staff. From my time as a Sr. Doctor to my training as a combat medic I have done it all. From the infection that plagued the medical department to normal day to day duties I have exceled in treating those under my care. I believe that my hard work has fostered great RP scenarios within the medical department and I'd love to be in a position to foster that even more. I truly love this department and just want to take it further then it has been before.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?:
- To lead medbay; Directors or Medicine are in a position to change medbay not only for the better, but also the worst. It is extremely important to have those that care within this position. To select and train new Consultants to take charge of the department. To oversee all things medicine related within the Foundation. To assist and create memorable RP scenarios not only within the medical department but also within the Foundation and with other GOIs (primarily with GOC). To rank documents from junior positions and to give guidance and knowledge on how to create and better such documents. Finally, to be that face that not only the Consultants and below can look to for guidance, but the whole Foundation to know that the DoMs have the site's best interests in mind when it comes to the medical field.

Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Tony was always a strange kid. He always had a fascination with how the human body worked and would often ask neighborhood kids if he could do tests on them. His thirst for medical knowledge grew and soon he grew tired of patching up scrapes and bruises. At the age [REDACTED] he began to study the effects of the human body. From his time assisting in mending broken bones to saving those in serious crashes he began to fall in love. He attended and graduated from the University of [REDACTED] on 13 May, [REDACTED]. From there he began his work at St. Logan's Hospital serving as a surgical trainee he was able to blossom in his field. However not all were rainbows; on 19 January, [REDACTED] he lost his first patient. Doubt began to spew through his mind. How did countless years of study and practice allow this to happen. Maybe he wasn't meant for this field. Then like an angel a mysterious man contacted him with an offer. Due to his meticulous work and unparalleled drive he was offered a second chance. The mysterious figure, now known as Agent [REDACTED] told him his knowledge would be useful. Tony was given a cover story and had died due to a plane crash. He was given his credintials and subsequently sent to Site-65 to continue his work. During his time at Site-65, Tony excelled in completing his work. He flew past the entrance exams to become a certified doctor within the Foundation. From there he sored to new heights and helped remold the medical department. Tony wanted to excel his career even higher. He sought out to be the newest addition for the Medical Consultant team. Once his application was accepted Tony immediately got to work perfecting his craft at a new level. The Directors seen his aptitude with anomalous entities and assigned him to the Anomaly Specialist field. From there he would begin studying entities on both a physical and psychological field. He had his run in with many beings but one caught the eye of the most powerful and respected personnel in the facility.

Log_In_User: [Redacted]
Clearance_Required: Clearance_Level_4[Override]
Play Audio_Log Captured on 5/02/24
File Found...
Tony: Where am I?

[Shuffling can be heard in the background]

Ukn: Don’t worry about where you are. We need to have a chat.

Tony: I promise I haven’t told anyone.

Ukn: Don’t worry we know everything. Please tell us about the events that have transpired within the last few months.

Tony: [Sounds panicked] I don’t know what you want to know.

Ukn: Oh, but you do. [Something metallic can be heard being placed on the table] You have gained a lot of knowledge outside your clearance. You have been invaluable in your work; we would hate for something… unfortunate to happen.

Tony: Do you mean the Lurker and all that?

Ukn: Yes precisely, what all have you found so far?

Tony: Well the Lurker {Audio Censored...........................................................................................................................................} and there was word about a library that {Audio Censored................................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................................} and this fountain that they kept talking about. They said it was {Audio Censored....................................................................................................................................................................................
That’s all I know. If you need more information I have written all my reports about this.

Ukn: Well then that is a lot of knowledge you have gained. It is quiet a lot that if fell in the wrong hands could be detrimental. The way we see it you have two options. One, you be amnesticized and sent back to return your duties within the Foundation. Option 2; with all this knowledge you have, we believe you could be of further help in matters of this instance in the future. We will elevate your position to a higher clearance and allow you to continue your work. What do you say?
Last edited:
Nov 15, 2023
I wasn’t planning on commenting on other applications but Tony is so incredibly worthy of this position. Being open to new players and medical staff, knowledgeable, and a fantastic RP’r Tony would make a fantastic DoM and after working with him it would be an honor to work under him!
Good luck!
May 30, 2023
From: @Skyfire1355
To: @BogosBinted

Subject: Director of Medicine Application Verdict

Greetings Tony,

We thank you for showing interest into the Director of Medicine position by taking your time to submit an application for the position. Unfortunately, I must relay to you that you have not been accepted as Director of Medicine.

Should you have any inquires please reach out to me at (Skyfire1355).

Best Regards,

Site Director "Skyfire"

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