Content Suggestion Trophy system on tanks/ifvs

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I Havent put this suggestion in format as this isnt to add content but to give SL and the dev team an ideas to help solve how fair heli vs ground is.

this suggestion is the trophy system that was on the cn deveopment backlog that was intended to counter incomeing heli missiles to balance ground the trophy system will have a max amound amunition and will restock at base and fobs

Improving the trophy system to address lag issues is a valid concern. Here are a couple of ideas that might help:

1. Key Bind Activation :
- Implementing a key bind to activate the trophy system could be beneficial. This way, the code wouldn't need to refresh every time the vehicle moves. When the keybind is activated, the system could remain active for a set duration (e.g., 30 seconds) before going on cooldown.
- Coordinating the cooldown with the smoke bind on tanks would ensure consistency and balance.

2. Flare Mechanism:
- Borrowing from helicopter flares, consider having a similar mechanism for the trophy system. When activated by the driver or a passenger (e.g., the third seat), it could attract incoming missiles.
- This approach might enhance the system's effectiveness while maintaining gameplay balance.

Remember that these are just suggestions, and their implementation would depend on the game's mechanics and development team and is just an idea from my end.